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Guest post: is China still a Bric?


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
The “Brics” expression has captured investor’s attention over the past decade. But it can also mislead. China’s relative size to the other Brics is one example. Its $5.9tn economy is larger than the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, and India at $5.3tn.

So is China still a Bric? Or is it ‘the single brick’ that is propping up the rest of the global economy, including demand in Brazil and Russia?

Both countries have benefited from China’s voracious demand for oil, iron ore, and other commodities. Not only do Brazil and Russia gain from an increase in the volumes they sell to China, they also gain from an increase in the prices they charge both China and the rest of the world.

But has China benefited as greatly in return? Certainly the share of China’s exports to the other Bric economies has grown rapidly in the past decade, from 2 per cent to 6 per cent of total exports. Yet, that share is still less than the 8 per cent share China ships to Japan, in spite of the latter’s sluggish demand.

The second count is the extent to which the Bric economies co-operate on major trade and political issues. I spend part of my time negotiating investment deals between China and other emerging markets. It’s interesting work, but to call it challenging is an understatement.

Whether because of cultural differences, bureaucratic obstacles, or policy conflicts, the Bric countries have more reason to disagree than agree. In my experience, I find the idea they might be coordinating on anything but the least controversial issues is wildly misplaced.

This will be especially apparent in the coming years if the global economy fails to create enough jobs.

Take India for instance. The average Indian is just 25 years of age compared to the average Chinese at 34 years. If China doesn’t release some of its export manufacturing capacity to younger India, trade protectionism will inevitably rise as India tries to create more jobs at home.

There are similar trade protectionist interests in Brazil. True, the country benefits more from China’s commodity demand. However, were China’s economic growth to stall, commodity prices to fall, and export dumping to rise, then the dynamic may shift and Brazil would also focus on local jobs.

The upshot is that global recession, and growing trade protectionism, might weaken the Bric foundations.

Yet not all Brics are equal. And how China responds to the challenges will be far more important to the global economy than the response of the group’s three other smaller members.

The BRICs concept was a good starting point. It alerted us to a change in the world’s economic balance. However, the reality is more complex than a single acronym can capture. And what comes next may be harder to model.

Guest post: is China still a Bric? | beyondbrics | News and views on emerging markets from the Financial Times
Where do chinese economy stand against INDIA USA JAPAN combined?.... Brics is nothing. Most countries in Brics are against china. Infact its china vs world and china got no chance. Your general should stop calling world war III because china ain't got anyone.... China thinks chinese are another race. Well may be they damn right.... Go to canada, mexico, england, america etc etc. They really thinks chinese aint par with them.... Recent racist comment by canada proves that.... So stop making fun outta your self. China this and china that but china aint no b*lls to do anything.... Just shows economy in every thread. Glad no IQ, poverty and 1962 here.... Funny.... China got nothing to say so they dance around 50years ago victory just indian army.... Childish....
Where do chinese economy stand against INDIA USA JAPAN combined?.... Brics is nothing. Most countries in Brics are against china. Infact its china vs world and china got no chance. Your general should stop calling world war III because china ain't got anyone.... China thinks chinese are another race. Well may be they damn right.... Go to canada, mexico, england, america etc etc. They really thinks chinese aint par with them.... Recent racist comment by canada proves that.... So stop making fun outta your self. China this and china that but china aint no b*lls to do anything.... Just shows economy in every thread. Glad no IQ, poverty and 1962 here.... Funny.... China got nothing to say so they dance around 50years ago victory just indian army.... Childish....

How would you know what they say in Canada, Mexico, England and America? They don't allow low income Indians to go there.
China’s relative size to the other Brics is one example. Its $5.9tn economy is larger than the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, and India at $5.3tn.

China's economy is bigger than the economies of Russia, India and Brazil combined.

Whereas India's economy is smaller than Brazil's alone. :lol:
Where do chinese economy stand against INDIA USA JAPAN combined?.... Brics is nothing. Most countries in Brics are against china. Infact its china vs world and china got no chance. Your general should stop calling world war III because china ain't got anyone.... China thinks chinese are another race. Well may be they damn right.... Go to canada, mexico, england, america etc etc. They really thinks chinese aint par with them.... Recent racist comment by canada proves that.... So stop making fun outta your self. China this and china that but china aint no b*lls to do anything.... Just shows economy in every thread. Glad no IQ, poverty and 1962 here.... Funny.... China got nothing to say so they dance around 50years ago victory just indian army.... Childish....

Still we kicked your asss in 1962, in 2011 our economy is 4 x yours, our fx 10x yours our millitary is 15-20 years ahead of yours need i say more? pathetic looser.
Still we kicked your asss in 1962, in 2011 our economy is 4 x yours, our fx 10x yours our millitary is 15-20 years ahead of yours need i say more? pathetic looser.

And according to the Economist, China is 40 years ahead of India in terms of social indicators. :lol:

Comparing India and China: Chasing the dragon | The Economist

The lag in social progress is much longer. A child’s odds of surviving past their fifth birthday are as bad in India today as they were in China in the 1970s.
Where do chinese economy stand against INDIA USA JAPAN combined?.... Brics is nothing. Most countries in Brics are against china. Infact its china vs world and china got no chance. Your general should stop calling world war III because china ain't got anyone.... China thinks chinese are another race. Well may be they damn right.... Go to canada, mexico, england, america etc etc. They really thinks chinese aint par with them.... Recent racist comment by canada proves that.... So stop making fun outta your self. China this and china that but china aint no b*lls to do anything.... Just shows economy in every thread. Glad no IQ, poverty and 1962 here.... Funny.... China got nothing to say so they dance around 50years ago victory just indian army.... Childish....

Yes, everyone in the world accepts india as good student of the west.
would the bric be even a relevant bloc if u exclude china from it?
no one will care about a bloc made up of brazil, russia and india.

now, china by itself holds more power than the other 3 combined.

point is, china can still be a powerful nation without bric, but the other 3 would be nobodies without bric.

its like nato without US is nothing.
but US by itself has more power than all other countries in nato combined.

the true rivals in this world are america and china.
america is great at using its lapdog slaves like india, japan and south korea to contain china who is america's only true strategic rival economically, militarily, politically, technologically, culturally and informationally.
russia te only other independent country(other is china) can compete in certain areas of these power but not others.
china is an independent country that dont grovel to nobody unlike india, japan and south korea that are used as pawns in pax ameicana and china is the only country that can rival america in all pillars of global power and thats why america views china as a strategic rival as america cannot control china like they do to their subservient lapdogs such as india, japan, south korea, vietnam, australia, phillippines who are subservient to america in all areas.

they are under the american sphere of influnece and thus are not considered rivals to america because they will never be allowed to surpass america as long as they are trapped under the american influence. the americans holds these countries in the palm of their hands and use them as pawns in their grand strategic chess game to retain the american empire and contain and stop rivals emerging to it.
Where do chinese economy stand against INDIA USA JAPAN combined?.... Brics is nothing. Most countries in Brics are against china. Infact its china vs world and china got no chance. Your general should stop calling world war III because china ain't got anyone.... China thinks chinese are another race. Well may be they damn right.... Go to canada, mexico, england, america etc etc. They really thinks chinese aint par with them.... Recent racist comment by canada proves that.... So stop making fun outta your self. China this and china that but china aint no b*lls to do anything.... Just shows economy in every thread. Glad no IQ, poverty and 1962 here.... Funny.... China got nothing to say so they dance around 50years ago victory just indian army.... Childish....
Didn't some Australian recently made an example out of you Indians?

Oh btw I do live in Canada, and let's just say you're not very well liked here. Search the term "Surrey Jack" to know what the public thinks of your kind.
Just because China is doing good, does not mean it can abandon its trading partners and poke fun at them.

Forming groups like Bric does not mean china's exports will magically increase to their favour, esp during these times
China can't stand alone. It need partners.

No nation can survive only by itself. Even USA has partners.
China can't stand alone. It need partners.

No nation can survive only by itself. Even USA has partners.

partners for what?
u need partners if u want to run an empire.

china has no interest in running an empire, too much resources are wasted on empire building.

china has trading partners.
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