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Guantanamo files show ISI listed as ‘terror organisation’

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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ISLAMABAD: The US military classified Pakistan’s top spy agency as a terrorist support entity in 2007 and used association with it as a justification to detain prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, according to leaked documents published on Sunday that are sure to further alienate Pakistan.


One document (The Government?s Guide to Assessing Prisoners - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com), given to The New York Times, say detainees who associated with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate “may have provided support to al-Qaeda or the Taliban, or engaged in hostilities against US or Coalition forces”.

The ISI, along with al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian intelligence, are among 32 groups on the list of “associated forces”, which also includes Egypt’s Islamic Jihad, headed by al Qaeda deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The document defines an “associate force” as “militant forces and organisations with which al-Qaeda, the al-Qaeda network, or the Taliban has an established working, supportive, or beneficiary relationship for the achievement of common goals.”

The ISI said it had no comment.

The “JTF-GTMO Matrix of Threat Indicators for Enemy Combatants” likely dates from 2007 according to its classification code, and is part of a trove of 759 files on detainees held in Guantanamo Bay, the US military prison in Cuba.

The secret documents were obtained by WikiLeaks and date from between 2002 and 2009, but they were made available to The New York Times from a separate source, the paper said.

They reveal that most of the 172 remaining prisoners have been rated as a “high risk” of posing a threat to the United States and its allies if released without adequate rehabilitation and supervision, the newspaper said.

The documents also show about a third of the 600 detainees already sent to other countries were also designated “high risk” before they were freed or passed to the custody of other governments, the Times said in its report late on Sunday.

well thats not a secret the way CIA has been acting all along with Pakistan in this war. by the way there is no secret how Pakistani establishment views CIA, its activities (not limited to RD) have been subversive against Pakistan.
thats some gal for an organisation which is blamed for assassinating its own president (Kennedy) along with thousands international political leaders and important personalities around the world.

With this kind of attitude towards a supposed ally in this war on terror no wonder the whole war effort is a failure and while Americans blame Karzai and Karzai blames Americans and both blame Pakistan and Pakistan blames both, in fact it’s the terrorist that are having a laugh and this war will go for a very long time with no end in sight.

note to mods/ admin: please merge or delete if already posted
Well It definitely goes to show that this relationship has been a case of putting humpty dumpty back together --- It's a relationship with everything in it (Ok, everything mostly negative)

Even if the relationship is not ended, it must be scaled back in some areas and enhanced in others -- No Aid, none, no security or weapons transfer relationship, NONE, Zip Zero and a whole lot more trade or commercial, private business.

I'm persuaded that Pakistan and US, well, I think they should keep distance from each other
More pressure on ISI, Pakistan Army and Pakistan government is expected in near future mostly through media by USA. :coffee:
It's a net loss for the US, there was a time when many Pakistanis were open to the US messaging, but I think those days are gone - It's really unfortunate that we have such an inept ministry of information, even the ISPR is just plain incompetent.

But just so we can avoid these "victim" games, we should be clear that the relationship is not founded on the correct principles and that's why we have scale back or disentangle those bits of it that are not helpful and really that means Aid, Weapons and Security and a diplomacy regime built on agreements not personal relationships.
Also, as US Presidential elections gets near, togather with media pressure by USA, one can expect pressure on Pakistan through other means.
Bro. Pakistan is their next target....without doubts...:smokin:

I personally am highly doubtful about that, though they might pursue other countries to pressurize Pakistan, it would not be beneficial (read possible) for any country, no matter super power or not, to wage a war against Pakistan (risk factor of invader casualties is too high), along with risk of escalated and elongated war which might involve other countries (India and China?)..
Nothing special, it was widely known ISI are involved in terrorism, hence no surprice, there are many terrorist attacks in Pakistan these days.
Nothing special, it was widely known ISI are involved in terrorism, hence no surprice, there are many terrorist attacks in Pakistan these days.

Mate.. according to one of your colleagues (Indian).. an agency of a country or Army cannot be classified as "terrorist".. btw, just for the heck of it, IF we consider that ISI is involved in acts of terrorism then.. can you be kind enough to give me ONE example of an agency which is not involved in these kind of acts?.. including your RAW..
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