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GTRE :: FDM Cuts Time to Prototype Jet Engine from 1 Year to 6 Week


Jul 6, 2009
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Time to Prototype Jet Engine Cut From 1 Year to 6 Weeks | Stratasys

Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE)
FDM Cuts Time to Prototype Jet Engine from 1 Year to 6 Weeks.
“With FDM we created an engineering prototype that perfectly reflected our design intent and facilitated the complex engine development.”
— Dr. U. Chandrasekhar, GTRE

- See more at: Time to Prototype Jet Engine Cut From 1 Year to 6 Weeks | Stratasys

Preparing for Flight
The Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) of Bangalore, India is a government laboratory whose primary function is research and development of marine and aeronautic versions of gas turbines. Development of GTRE’s flagship product, the Kaveri jet engine, was commissioned for the HAL Tejas aircraft, which has an all-terrain capability that spans from hot deserts to the world’s highest mountain range.

Real Challenge
One of the greatest challenges in designing the Kaveri was positioning its many piping runs and line replaceable units (LRUs) on the outside of the aircraft. Many of the LRUs are connected to the interior of the engine with pipes that carry hydraulic fluid, fuel, and lubricants. It was a major challenge to design each piping run to minimize length to reduce weight and cost while avoiding interference.


The initial piping layout was created with CAD software, but CAD alone can’t portray the complex intertwined piping non-ambiguously to all the developers. “The virtual environment cannot represent the design to the level that we need to meet our requirements,” says Dr. U. Chandrasekhar, GTRE Group Director. “The computer comes close, but close isn’t good enough when you are about to make a decision to invest tens of millions of dollars to bring a new product to market.”

Building an engineering prototype is easier said than done. There are approximately 2,500 engine components that had to be included in the assembly. In the past GTRE would have considered building the prototype using CNC machining. However, using these methods, it would have taken a minimum of one year and cost an estimated $60,000 to build the physical prototype assembly.

GTRE also considered stereolithography, but the project was not well-suited for this prototyping method due to excessive supports needed for components like turbine blades, combustor swirlers, inlet guide vanes and combustors. GTRE also realized that most conventional rapid prototyping methods would have made it necessary to produce solid pipes which would have eliminated the possibility of flow testing.

“FDM technology provided the ideal solution because the supports and interior of hollow components can be easily dissolved in a water-based solution,” says Dr. Chandrasekhar. “It allowed us to create the geometry we needed. FDM was also much faster [than traditional means] because it is possible to combine several parts into assemblies, which can be produced in a single run.” GTRE also like the fact that FDM creates parts from real engineering thermoplastics, such as ABS, which allowed them to make high-strength durable components for the project.

Real Solution

With over 2,500 FDM components, the Kaveri jet engine prototype may well be the most complex rapid-prototype assembly ever created. It took GTRE only 30 days to produce all these components from ABS plastic using two FDM-based Fortus machines. It took another 10 days to assemble the engine. The total cost to produce the FDM assembly was about $20,000.

Real Benefits

“With FDM we created an engineering prototype that perfectly reflected our design intent and facilitated the complex engine development,” says Dr. Chandrasekhar. “It enabled engineers to identify and resolve problems that would have been easy to miss with only the computer model.” The FDM assembly allowed the design and manufacturing teams to better understand how the engine components would need to fit together during manufacturing. In addition, the prototype enabled a number of GTRE’s partners, including the Indian Air Force, to better understand the engine. The net result was a lighter engine that took less time to validate and build.

- See more at: Time to Prototype Jet Engine Cut From 1 Year to 6 Weeks | Stratasys

Need help here buddy. What's the latest on Kaveri or Kabini?

Work in progress.. In another thread i posted what
Update on Kaveri Engine

As of now the comparison pictures i have are these

This is the original specs of GTX-35VS Kaveri

and this is what i have for its derivative

Notice the word non after burner derivative of Kaveri and specs.. Compare that with the above picture and see the difference.. Notice specifically the SFC increase.

The work in the derivative project is going on in full swing.. We should hear some encouraging results soon by this year end..
Work in progress.. In another thread i posted what
Update on Kaveri Engine

As of now the comparison pictures i have are these

This is the original specs of GTX-35VS Kaveri

and this is what i have for its derivative
View attachment 298879

Notice the word non after burner derivative of Kaveri and specs.. Compare that with the above picture and see the difference.. Notice specifically the SFC increase.

The work in the derivative project is going on in full swing.. We should hear some encouraging results soon by this year end..

What is SFC?

Dry thrust dropped by 2kn. How come?

This is the k9 version right?
What's the latest with K 10 version.
What is SFC?

Dry thrust dropped by 2kn. How come?

This is the k9 version right?
What's the latest with K 10 version.
Its a derivative and probably will be called as Ghatak.. Thats without after burner and will have only dry thrust,

The decrease in Dry thrust is marginal versus the increase in SFC which is Specific Fuel Consumption

The decrease in dry thrust is 3.5% but increase in SFC is 6.4%. This is vital as the Ghatak will be used in MALE or HALE UAVs.. We need to increase the fuel efficiency so that it can increase the ops time and can loiter around the area of ops.. Basically its a benefit for longer endurance...
The engine is not called Ghatak. The project for development of the UCAV is Ghatak. The official name for the engine is yet to be decided.
The engine is not called Ghatak. The project for development of the UCAV is Ghatak. The official name for the engine is yet to be decided.

But media reports said about Ghatak being engine name.. See this infographic

The Narendra Modi government is set to give the green light to a Rs 3,000-crore plan to develop Ghatak, a new engine that will power India's first unmanned combat aircraft, or drones capable of delivering bombs as well as tackling aerial threats, as part of a project that envisages major participation of the private sector.

Ghatak will be a derivative of the abandoned Kaveri project that had been in the works for over two decades, officials said. The key difference in the current plan is the proposed participation of the private sector in a significant way.

Government set to clear Rs 3,000 crore plan to develop engine for India's first UCAV - The Economic Times
But media reports said about Ghatak being engine name.. See this infographic

The Narendra Modi government is set to give the green light to a Rs 3,000-crore plan to develop Ghatak, a new engine that will power India's first unmanned combat aircraft, or drones capable of delivering bombs as well as tackling aerial threats, as part of a project that envisages major participation of the private sector.

Ghatak will be a derivative of the abandoned Kaveri project that had been in the works for over two decades, officials said. The key difference in the current plan is the proposed participation of the private sector in a significant way.

Government set to clear Rs 3,000 crore plan to develop engine for India's first UCAV - The Economic Times

Yeah, but the whole project is called Ghatak, not just the engine. The cost of the program gives it away. The entire Ghatak project is worth INR2650 in the first phase.
Once we completed aura UAV,we can go for manned long range stealth bomber like b2spirit....
Work in progress.. In another thread i posted what
Update on Kaveri Engine

As of now the comparison pictures i have are these

This is the original specs of GTX-35VS Kaveri

and this is what i have for its derivative
View attachment 298879

Notice the word non after burner derivative of Kaveri and specs.. Compare that with the above picture and see the difference.. Notice specifically the SFC increase.

The work in the derivative project is going on in full swing.. We should hear some encouraging results soon by this year end..

The money we are putting here is less than the bare minimum required. Real bad situation, I will be really happy if me pump in more money in R&D of power plants of various systems, radars, ECMs and electronics. That will be the start of " Independent Indian Defence industry ".
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