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Group nominates Vladimir Putin for Nobel Peace Prize


Apr 28, 2011
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Moscow: He is credited with commanding a war to crush separatism in Chechnya, approving a full-scale attack on Georgia over a minor border dispute and complaining when NATO led an air war in Libya to stop Moammar Gadhafi from killing thousands of his own people. And he is still selling weapons to the murderous government of President Bashar Assad of Syria.

Nevertheless, seizing on his proposal to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons stockpile and forestalling a missile strike that had been threatened by President Barack Obama, a Russian advocacy group said Tuesday that it had nominated President Vladimir V. Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Members of the group, called the International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of Peoples of the World, said at a news conference here Tuesday that Putin was far more deserving of the peace prize than Obama, who received it in 2009 but has continued to lead U.S. military operations - including drone strikes that have killed civilians and U.S. citizens abroad.

By contrast, they portrayed Putin, who has opposed military intervention throughout the two-and-a-half-year-old civil war in Syria, as a man who favours diplomatic solutions.

"Barak Obama has the title of Nobel Prize winner - the man who initiated and approved such aggressive actions on the part of the United States of America as in Iraq, Afghanistan, some others, and now is preparing for invasion of Syria," Iosif Kobzon, a popular Russian singer and a member of Parliament, said at the news conference. "I think our president, who is trying to stop the bloodshed, who is trying to help to resolve this conflict situation through a political dialogue, through diplomatic language, deserves this title more."

Critics of Putin say that Russia, at his direction, has extended a lifeline to the Assad government, an old ally, and repeatedly used its veto in the U.N. Security Council to block international action that could have stemmed the violence in Syria and prevented the deaths of more than 100,000 civilians. Putin has insisted that the Syrian rebels bear equal responsibility for the violence and that, under international law, Syria's sovereignty must be respected.

Although the group announced its plans Tuesday, it sent a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee formally proposing Putin as a candidate for the Peace Prize on Sept. 16, two days after Russia and the United States reached an agreement in Geneva on a plan for Syria's surrender of its chemical arms.

"Being the leader of one of the leading nations of the world, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin makes efforts to maintain peace and tranquility not only on the territory of his own country but also actively promotes settlement of all conflicts arising on the planet," the group wrote.
The 2013 Peace Prize recipient will be announced in Oslo on Oct. 11; nominations for this year's prize had to be postmarked by Feb. 1.

Putin would not be the first formerly war-waging leader to win the Peace Prize. The Israeli prime minister and former general, Yitzhak Rabin, shared it in 1994 with the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, who was long accused of terrorism.

Putin is also not the only Russian resident to be nominated this year for a major international prize. Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who has received temporary asylum here, is among the nominees for the Sakharov Prize, which is awarded by the European Parliament to honor supporters of human rights and free expression.

Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, the jailed former Yukos Oil tycoon and a political opponent of Putin's, was also nominated for the Sakharov award.

© 2013, The New York Times News Service
Group nominates Vladimir Putin for Nobel Peace Prize | NDTV.com
What next ? A posthumous award for Genghis Khan to ?
MMSingh deserves it the most... what do you guys think about him?
If Obama and Henry Kissinger could get it anyone can get one....

Amen to both sentences.Truth be told,after they gave it to king Barry and the EU they've cheapened them beyond repair.They should hand them out like popsicles to every bum on the street .

Lol, add Stalin and Mao to that list.

If Obama could get one, then why not Putin???
Amen to both sentences.Truth be told,after they gave it to king Barry and the EU they've cheapened them beyond repair.They should hand them out like popsicles to every bum on the street .

If I were in the committee I would put them up for sale...million bucks a piece!
Moscow: He is credited with commanding a war to crush separatism in Chechnya, approving a full-scale attack on Georgia over a minor border dispute and complaining when NATO led an air war in Libya to stop Moammar Gadhafi from killing thousands of his own people. And he is still selling weapons to the murderous government of President Bashar Assad of Syria.
© 2013, The New York Times News Service
Group nominates Vladimir Putin for Nobel Peace Prize | NDTV.com

Like Obama, Putin has done things that deserve a peace prize, and (secretly often in his case) also things that would revoke all rights to such a prize (like selling weapons to Syria during a crackdown on civilians there without putting any/enough pressure behind reasonable local Syrian diplomacy).

But it might serve to motivate Putin to do more work towards real robust peace if he got such a prize, like it did with Obama. So I'll leave it up to the Nobel comittee in charge.
Why the thumbs down sign?

Putin single-handedly prevented mass bloodshed and devastating NATO invasion of another sovereign country, against whom it had no base for claiming a war whatsoever.

The man rightly deserves it.
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