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Govt silently watches Pakistani rupee losing like anything

In 2007 Pakistan has investment of 8 billion rupees,while in 2013,our investment input is even less then half billion.
At this crucial point,The State Bank plans to get 4 billion atleast after IMF deal,in order to pay old ones and to fill the big gap as compared to 2007,so what do you expect now?
We don't have enough investors or investment,we are in-debt of IMF and we are in state of war @Luftwaffe,here is a proof of my statement that how WOT has damaged our economy,as due to WOT,investors are gone and we are at zilch.

We should Thank zardari & nawaz sharif for this all, in Punjab noon league spent like they were building paris but for themselves and in sindh PPP spent like hell and took it to dubai, london and swiss. Lets face is no businness man is ready to pay taxes in Pakistan so they won't ever vote for PTI or APML their vote goes for nawaz and ppp since these two collect rishwat in exchange to let businesses go and not pay taxes both business continue while these two walk happily to the banks.
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America is among the best and efficient fighting machine.What distinguish them from others is they not only fight in battle field but they will also fight you in media,economy,diplomatically.They will destroy your image and reputation.
A fancy word for this multi dimensional approach is 4th generation warfare.Till now we discussed only one aspect "Military operations".bullet vs bullet tanks and fighter planes.i want you to discuss other aspects also.

-in order to counter the psychological warfare,can we start applying the concepts like "Fasad fil ard"

Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption/ is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, 5-33

O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.49-6

Then there, is a phenomena where we have people who hold key and influential position in our institutions but they have loyalties with our enemies or work for their agendas knowingly or unknowingly.how we can counter this thing?and what about those who work for them and we have identified them?

-When our religion asked us to have separate and independent judicial system from non muslims.like jews and christians have their own judicial system when state of madina was established.why we dont have this thing now?

-we accept that our God is not idot but very wise,not ignorant but very knowledgeable, He is not oppressor but very just and kind,we also believe that Quran is his word then why we don't implement Qsas as Allahh said in his book thatits your life.why not we implement justice, Eye for eye,teeth for teeth and blood for blood.and complain that judiciary has not punished a single terrorist in last 10 years

O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment. 2-178

And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous. 2-179

-Armies are used to defend and expand borders but stability in those borders comes from good administration,efficient management of resources and establishment of justice.Again and again so called Democracy failed to deliver these things.your opinion?


people our finance ministers and advisers are not working for best interests of Pakistan but they are economic hitmans.They are not there to recover our economy but to destroy it.
Pakistanis are the biggest DUMPs in the world; falling rupees means Exporters EID. Exporter should reach out to EU and Western markets along with other markets with their locally produced products.
Govt. Original plan is to take Dollar & Petrol to 150 Rupees . Saleem Bukhari​

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whatever is happening in Pakistan is according to the plan of Nawaz Sharif & Ishaac Dar :- Saleem Bukhari​

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Time to call back Shaukat Aziz , who controlled Dollar to 61 for almost 9 Years :- Saleem Bukhari Admires Pervaiz Musharraf Tenure​

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In very simple terms dollar is gaining strength because people don’t trust in Pakistan economy and are putting their saving in dollars creating more demand than there is availability of dollars. State Bank had to intervene and sell its precious FE reserves at lower prices yesterday to stem dollar rise. However one must understand that fighting market forces is like spitting against the wind and gov’t can do very little until the dollar/rupee reach an equilibrium. Some say it is Rs 125 to one dollar.

Need I remind you that even now political parties blame Musharraf for the economic mess? If the dollar/rupee equation is any indicator of the economic health, facts state exact opposite:
For the benefit of member history of the rupee value in the last 20 years is:

1993 Benazir Bhutto. $ 1 = Rs.30.88

1996 Benazir Bhutto....$ 1 = Rs.34.21

1997 Nawaz Sharif......$ 1 = Rs.40.07

1998 Pakistan detonates 5 nuclear explosions & Nawaz freezes $9-billion worth of dollar accounts owned by Pakistanis…. $ 1 = Rs.50.10

1999. Musharraf takes over … $ 1 = Rs.50.10

2002 Gen. Musharraf........$ 1 = Rs.63.00

2003 Gen. Musharraf...........$ 1 = Rs.60.68

2007 Gen. Musharraf........$ 1 = Rs.61.00

2008 Gen. Musharraf.........$ 1 = Rs.63.00

2008 New PPP Govt.........$ 1 = Rs.83.00

2013 New Nawaz Sharif Govt’ $1 = Rs 110?

There are of course many reasons but at the end of day, it boils down to the fact that in 9 years of Musharraf rule, Rupee came down from 50 to 63 that is lost about 26% of its value. In 5 years since ouster of Musharraf Rupee lost 80 % value.

The reader can decide whose economic policies were better for Pakistan.
rupee slides back to 105 against a dollars

One of the guy on ary said it might stay around 100 this year
Increase Export and decrease Import of non productive things like cloths and luxury cars. Try to produce every day essential items in country stop importing them.

Stop flow of black money out of country and have good monetary policy which is not influence by politics.
Atleast Pakistan don't import gold like crazy like Indians do

Rupee value has declined; you will see that within a short period gold prices in rupees will increase correspondingly. Net effect being that if your money was in the bank its buying power would have gone down. On the other hand had if you had the same funds in gold, its buying power would remain intact. Besides, women can wear the gold as ornaments and walk way with most of their wealth on their person in case of riots or war.

I am not advocating that Pakistanis should also start accumulating gold. My point is that one should not discount accumulation of gold as stupid. It is based upon thousands of years of accumulated wisdom especially for those with limited savings.
Rupee value has declined; you will see that within a short period gold prices in rupees will increase correspondingly. Net effect being that if your money was in the bank its buying power would have gone down. On the other hand had if you had the same funds in gold, its buying power would remain intact. Besides, women can wear the gold as ornaments and walk way with most of their wealth on their person in case of riots or war.

I am not advocating that Pakistanis should also start accumulating gold. My point is that one should not discount accumulation of gold as stupid. It is based upon thousands of years of accumulated wisdom especially for those with limited savings.

but the gold has been sinked in international market, is there any other way?
I hate to say this.. but I told you so.

I asked every PMLN supporter in this joint about economic policy, from what I could read in their policy brochures or election manifesto... there was NOTHING, no concrete policy or strategy, no numbers, nothing, just a few anecdotes, optimistic statements.

And then the loans, the budget announcements and fiscal policy for this fiscal year. I said this long back, brace for inflation!
But plenty of people here denied it, with many excuses.
but the gold has been sinked in international market, is there any other way?

To quote a real case; these days in UK you get 1% on one year fixed deposit. Inflation is around 4%. This implies that buying power of my savings is depreciating by 3% each year. After 10 years the real value would be down about 1/3. Since I am on pension; how would I maintain my standard of living if I live on for more than 10 years?

People invest in brick & mortar or real estate for rental income. But if the tenant stops paying the rent, it takes time to evict him. In Pakistan there is ‘Qabza mafia’ which can simply take it over. Stocks & shares can also lose value. Deposit in other currencies can also have the same result.For an ordinary Joe like me who has limited funds what is to be done?

I repeat that I do not advocate gold hoarding, in addition to price fluctuation it can be stolen; but this way is not entirely stupid nor crazy. As someone who lost most of his hard earned money in 1987 stock market crash; believe me, it is very difficult to make money and even more difficult to hang to it.
In very simple terms dollar is gaining strength because people don’t trust in Pakistan economy and are putting their saving in dollars creating more demand than there is availability of dollars. State Bank had to intervene and sell its precious FE reserves at lower prices yesterday to stem dollar rise. However one must understand that fighting market forces is like spitting against the wind and gov’t can do very little until the dollar/rupee reach an equilibrium. Some say it is Rs 125 to one dollar.

Need I remind you that even now political parties blame Musharraf for the economic mess? If the dollar/rupee equation is any indicator of the economic health, facts state exact opposite:
For the benefit of member history of the rupee value in the last 20 years is:

1993 Benazir Bhutto. $ 1 = Rs.30.88

1996 Benazir Bhutto....$ 1 = Rs.34.21

1997 Nawaz Sharif......$ 1 = Rs.40.07

1998 Pakistan detonates 5 nuclear explosions & Nawaz freezes $9-billion worth of dollar accounts owned by Pakistanis…. $ 1 = Rs.50.10

1999. Musharraf takes over … $ 1 = Rs.50.10

2002 Gen. Musharraf........$ 1 = Rs.63.00

2003 Gen. Musharraf...........$ 1 = Rs.60.68

2007 Gen. Musharraf........$ 1 = Rs.61.00

2008 Gen. Musharraf.........$ 1 = Rs.63.00

2008 New PPP Govt.........$ 1 = Rs.83.00

2013 New Nawaz Sharif Govt’ $1 = Rs 110?

There are of course many reasons but at the end of day, it boils down to the fact that in 9 years of Musharraf rule, Rupee came down from 50 to 63 that is lost about 26% of its value. In 5 years since ouster of Musharraf Rupee lost 80 % value.

The reader can decide whose economic policies were better for Pakistan.

Good old day US$ was PKR 18 to a dollar in August 1988. So a rise of 71.5% in PPP & NS League's government. An interesting correlation to IMF program is evident in the rise of green back value or devaluation of PKR. When Gen Musharaff took over it was 52, USD went to 63 but returned to 60 in a very short time, as he got rid of IMF program dollar remained steady, until he was in controlling situation. Down fall of rupee re-initiated its journey the moment new government of PPP took over and since then it is on a continuous decline. PKR will further deteriorate until and unless radical, extreme and out of the box measures are taken, on the pattern of fire fighting. Few of the measures have been discussed on the forum.

If loaning from IMF does not come to halt immediately, Pakistan is going to default sooner or later. If that is the destiny then let 's do it now rather then borrowing more.
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