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Google's Last Hope In China Is 2012


Dec 15, 2009
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Google had 36% share of China's internet search market. Google's prospects for its Android operating system for Chinese phones also looked very bright. Google's annual net profit is $6.52 billion dollars. Also, "Google reported that it finished 2009 with 24.5 billion dollars in cash, cash equivalents, and short-term marketable securities." See http://www.bangkokpost.com/tech/technews/1...it-up-five-fold

Google throws away chance #1:

With Google's market share and virtually unlimited resources, Google looked unstoppable in China's internet search and phone markets. With all due respect to Baidu, Google had a good chance of eventually dominating in China.

Out of the blue, Google's Brin publicly slapped China's government and threatened to leave the China market unless Google was given a free hand to provide completely uncensored results, including pornographic material and access to gambling sites.

We all know that China prizes "law and order" and social harmony. Just on Google's stance regarding uncensored porno and gambling websites, China's government was not about to yield an inch. Hence, Google threw away its important position and significant share in the China market.

Google throws away chance #2:

Despite being publicly embarrassed by Google, the government was reasonable and stated that Google is welcome in China as long as it complies with the law like every other company. After publicly proclaiming its threat to leave China, Google refused to swallow its pride. Foolishly, Google followed through on its ultimatum to China's government and withdrew from the China internet search market.

Google had hoped to preserve its phone business in China. However, many observers had already noted that this is a naive position. A company cannot follow through in rebuking the Chinese government without expecting consequences.

Motorola has replaced Google with Bing in China. China Unicom, the second largest phone carrier, has also dropped "Google’s search service from the Android smartphones it’s adding to its smartphone lineup." See http://digitaldaily.allthingsd.com/2010032...android-phones/ Tom Online has also dropped Google as a partner.

"Mar 24, 2010 ... Billionaire Li Ka-shing's Tom Online Inc. said it has stopped using Google Inc.'s search engine as the US company sidestepped local ..."

"Motorola, China Unicom, and Tom Online are among the companies that plan to stop using Google tools on products and services in the Chinese market, ..."

Google's third and last chance in China:

The final act in the Google-China drama will occur in 2012. When the next President of China is elected, Google has one final opportunity to beg the President of the United States to ask for a personal favor from the new and inexperienced President of China, most likely Xi Jinping.

The window will be open only in 2012 or 2013 before Xi Jinping becomes comfortable and assured in exercising power. If Google can persuade the U.S. president to lobby on its behalf, Google will have one final opportunity to operate in the world's largest internet market. If Google does not seize this opportunity then the Chinese market will forever exceed their grasp by 2022, the next election.

There you have it folks. Watch 2012 (or 2013) for the exciting conclusion to the Google-China suspense. As always, Google's future in China has been within Google's full control. What will Google choose to do? Will Google choose pride and continue to spurn the government of China? Or will Google realize that it is not above the law?

I can't wait to see how this story ends.
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i hope google decides to never come back to avoid any problems in the future. good riddance.
Damn it, not even one mention of cyber attacks and political censorship... These propagandas work in China, but not elsewhere, my dear neighbour. It's so biased that it's disturbing. There's more emotions in it than facts. I wish Xi Jinping will have enough skills to scapegoat Jiang Zemin for June 4th. Though, it's impossible since Xi is a princeling...
Damn it, not even one mention of cyber attacks and political censorship... These propagandas work in China, but not elsewhere, my dear neighbour. It's so biased that it's disturbing. There's more emotions in it than facts. I wish Xi Jinping will have enough skills to scapegoat Jiang Zemin for June 4th. Though, it's impossible since Xi is a princeling...

Google made the serious charge that China's government was behind the cyber attacks. Google has never provided proof to support its accusation. Also, "security experts say Google cyber-attack was routine."

Political censorship is conducted by many countries in the world, including the United States, Brazil, Germany, U.K., Australia, and India. Political censorship in China is normal behavior among countries.

China denies cyber attack on Google - Telegraph
"Jan 25, 2010 ... China has denied it had any involvement in a cyber-attack on Google's computers that led to the US internet giant threatening to pull the ..."

BBC News - Security experts say Google cyber-attack was routine
"Page last updated at 08:59 GMT, Thursday, 14 January 2010

Security experts say Google cyber-attack was routine
By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley

The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts."

U.S., Brazil Lead World in Data, Content Removal Requests from Google - Search Engines from eWeek
"U.S., Brazil Lead World in Data, Content Removal Requests from Google

By: Clint Boulton

Governments for the United States and Brazil combined to issue more than 7,000 data requests and 400 requests for content removal from Google from July 2009 to December 2009, according to Google's new Government Requests tool. The tool, geared to provide transparency around the requests for data and content removal from governments in countries all over the world, presents data overlaid on Google Maps technology. This isn't the first data transparency tool Google has launched as the company seeks to quell privacy and transparency fears from mounting government and advocate opposition.
Brazil led the way with 3.663 data requests and 291 requests for content removal. The United States issued 3,580 data requests and 123 for content removal.

The U.K. and India each sported more than 1,000 requests for data during the July to December timeframe, while Germany and India made 188 and 142 demands for content removal, respectively."

Australia makes Google's top 10 censorship list - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Australia makes Google's top 10 censorship list

By Thea Dikeos

Updated Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:42pm AEST
Google says the release of the information is the first step towards increased transparency.

Australia comes in at number 10 on a list of countries that have asked the search engine Google to hand over user data or to censor information.

Google has for the first time released information about the number of such requests that it gets from countries around the world.

Top of the list is Brazil, followed by Germany, the United States and India."

"Google Is Blocked In 25 Of The 100 Countries They Offer Products In

MG Siegler
Monday, April 19, 2010; 9:31 AM

This morning, on their main blog, Google posted a little reminder to everyone about its view on censorship on the web. Specifically, they don't like it. And while we all know their take on China's demand for censorship by now, the search giant also offered up a new interesting little factoid: of the 100 countries around the world in which Google offers their services, some 25 at least partially block them."
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good find. google, however, did not completely lose out. it is likely they recieved millions of dollars in subsidies, given out as cash, directly to their highest CEOs and paid for by the CIA and US Army military intelligence.
Damn it, not even one mention of cyber attacks and political censorship... These propagandas work in China, but not elsewhere, my dear neighbour. It's so biased that it's disturbing. There's more emotions in it than facts. I wish Xi Jinping will have enough skills to scapegoat Jiang Zemin for June 4th. Though, it's impossible since Xi is a princeling...

In fact, I liked Google very much in the past. I use Google mail, google earth, google libuary. Google is a great company which is keeping developing new technologies They do help me a lot in our daily life.

But for Google's quit this year, I have to say the government didn't do wrong thing. Google came in China in 2006, when they reached an agreement with China. The year 2010 is not the worst time for Internet environment. Actually The netizens crticise the government more effectively and get many corrupt officials lost their jobs through Internet supervision. Anyway, Google, as a foreign company, should also obey China's law, the only organization which has the right to make the law is the Congress.

What's more, The US secretary of state Clinton's remarks shows that Google is a politics tool of America(they collect private information for US government and affect the media in other countries) rather than a common commercial company. When you Search,"Chinese people eat babies" or some news like this, the google will show many results, many of them are repeated, that is to say the number of results is quite bigger than it is, besides the truth is most of these news are created without evidence. I have been in many places in China, most of chinese people are concerning their living standard like housing, and they are not interested in politics.

Do you think whether the netizens should believe in a company who are telling lies. Free media my ***.
I never understood Google's problem. It is thoroughly censored in Dubai too, and they have never said a word about it.

I guess the government sponsored (allegedly) hacking attempts were the final straw.
In fact, I liked Google very much in the past. I use Google mail, google earth, google libuary. Google is a great company which is keeping developing new technologies They do help me a lot in our daily life.

But for Google's quit this year, I have to say the government didn't do wrong thing. Google came in China in 2006, when they reached an agreement with China. The year 2010 is not the worst time for Internet environment. Actually The netizens crticise the government more effectively and get many corrupt officials lost their jobs through Internet supervision. Anyway, Google, as a foreign company, should also obey China's law, the only organization which has the right to make the law is the Congress.

What's more, The US secretary of state Clinton's remarks shows that Google is a politics tool of America(they collect private information for US government and affect the media in other countries) rather than a common commercial company. When you Search,"Chinese people eat babies" or some news like this, the google will show many results, many of them are repeated, that is to say the number of results is quite bigger than it is, besides the truth is most of these news are created without evidence. I have been in many places in China, most of chinese people are concerning their living standard like housing, and they are not interested in politics.

Do you think whether the netizens should believe in a company who are telling lies. Free media my ***.

I really hope you can think more before you make such a conclusion.

A very simple question for you first: What can Google get from quitting mainland China??? To give pressure to the impudent Chinese government???

The Chinese government are lying on this. Who said Google's quitting is only for cyber attack??? Who said Google's quitting is for censorship??? Censorship is very legal in the United States. But the Chinese Government's way of censorship is not legal! No people will give the right to any government to legally block some part of the history of her own from her citizen. (For when you want to search on the internet for what had happened on June 4th, 1989. You cannot even get a link. Do you want to ask why?)

Besides my dear fellow, do you know that not just Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and many other famous website are also blocked in mainland China???

I really hope you can think more before you make such a conclusion.

A very simple question for you first: What can Google get from quitting mainland China??? To give pressure to the impudent Chinese government???

The Chinese government are lying on this. Who said Google's quitting is only for cyber attack??? Who said Google's quitting is for censorship??? Censorship is very legal in the United States. But the Chinese Government's way of censorship is not legal! No people will give the right to any government to legally block some part of the history of her own from her citizen. (For when you want to search on the internet for what had happened on June 4th, 1989. You cannot even get a link. Do you want to ask why?)

Besides my dear fellow, do you know that not just Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and many other famous website are also blocked in mainland China???

You made a big mis-understanding.

I am busy, so I can't make a lengthy detailed explanation. So a short explanation will have to do:

I really hope you gain more world experience and deeper understanding. Do you have the historical understanding of these things:

(1) Rothschilds' banking fiat scam

(2) Ashkenazi Khazars

(3) Zionism and it's evil tentacles

All the organizations you mentioned (zionist google, twitter, fb, yt) are ALL FROM THE SAME JEWISH MAFIA ORGANIZATION. Do you know how many MILLIONS of people perished under the zionist kabals???

I recommend you research into Joseph Goebbles (the top Jewish propaganda minister for Nazi Germany). Do you wonder why there are so many top level Jewish politicians, bankers, officers, generals, high-ranking officials in Nazi-Germany.... the same Nazi Germany that was supposedly exterminating the self-proclaimed God's exclusive children???

This world is more "complex" than you think. If you understand life more deeply you would not have such foolish thoughts.
I fear the day when the Chinese start sending their team to the Cricket world cup!

Just imagine if they send the CCP members as bowlers ... they are going to spin the ball like crazy! :-)

Propoganda at times is funny ... but this one's too silly to be chuckled at! Amazing that some people believe in these stories!!
You made a big mis-understanding.

I am busy, so I can't make a lengthy detailed explanation. So a short explanation will have to do:

I really hope you gain more world experience and deeper understanding. Do you have the historical understanding of these things:

(1) Rothschilds' banking fiat scam

(2) Ashkenazi Khazars

(3) Zionism and it's evil tentacles

All the organizations you mentioned (zionist google, twitter, fb, yt) are ALL FROM THE SAME JEWISH MAFIA ORGANIZATION. Do you know how many MILLIONS of people perished under the zionist kabals???

I recommend you research into Joseph Goebbles (the top Jewish propaganda minister for Nazi Germany). Do you wonder why there are so many top level Jewish politicians, bankers, officers, generals, high-ranking officials in Nazi-Germany.... the same Nazi Germany that was supposedly exterminating the self-proclaimed God's exclusive children???

This world is more "complex" than you think. If you understand life more deeply you would not have such foolish thoughts.

My intelligence is way more higher than foolish. If you want to label people who don't share the same view with you foolishness, then you can save your energy for replying. I have no interest to read your "too complex" comment.

SinoIndusFriendship, do you really live in China? If you do you should get a chance to talk to those mature Chinese people (I mean average elders, not those young students who have no life experience) and you may find that CCP is not really so popular here (the country's broad internal conflicts which now being under control and put under the surface once released may surprise every one) and some other precious knowledge you could not get in the university. And one more point, if you really want to learn things, I hope you can research into something more practical and material than those floating in the air stuff.

One thing you are right, the world is more complex than *everyone* can imagine. So it's much too early for you to assert what is smart and what is foolish.
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as it is for you.

shanghai has always been a city obsessed with foreigners, from the days of the first qing dynasty 租界 to the shameless 洋奴 today. at first i thought that was a silly idea but after seeing certain members behave as such, stereotypes may have basis in fact.
i am unable to understand the entire story

google left china
but they r present in hong kong
hong kong is a territory of china

then how come google left china?

and also does the rules of chinese mainland is not applicable in hk

any chinese member please explain
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