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Goodbye GPS! India Desi Navigation System IRNSS Is Revolutionary

You are a kid with google who thinks he knows something because he read some brochures.

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SHOW me any IRNSS receiver in existence TODAY. Show me any article that talks of its existent.

My point is proven. I don't have to say anything...you do it by yourself :partay:

Anybody an build a receiver based on the specifications you fool. The Reality is NOBODY is doing that.

That is the difference between a Theoretical solution and a PRACTICAL solution .

Even ISRO has done a signal analysis. That is not the same as an commercial receiver being built. There is no "algorithm analysis" :lol: There is signal strength, and receiver sensitivity there is signal polarization and noise interference and then there is accuracy.

A Lab equipment and signal processor is not even close to a real life practical receiver that is ready to be integrated into any system.

An interface document is the bare minimum release. What does that prove ? Absolutely Nothing :lol: Only that an interface exist.

You just have to wait till March. Then your impatient arrogance will be exposed quite decisively.

Apparently Indian electronics capability is stuck in the 50s according to you.
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My point is proven. I don't have to say anything...you do it by yourself :partay:

You just have to wait till March. Then your impatient arrogance will be exposed quite decisively.

Apparently Indian electronics capability is stuck in the 50s according to you.

Ya, that is your solution for everything. Wait for it.

You should have been in Govt. service. That is their most preferred solution too. "Wait for it" is their motto too.

I remember the same statement for Arihant too. Only the latest news says IN is no more considering leasing a second Akula. This news comes immediately after the news that Tests on Arihant has been successful and its going to be handed over to the Indian Nay indicating that its going to become operational with a specific role in mind which eliminates the need for an second Akula.

What does all that mean ? there is only one possible conclusion.

Its elementary my dear Nilgiri. :azn:
Ya, that is your solution for everything. Wait for it.

You should have been in Govt. service. That is their most preferred solution too. "Wait for it" is their motto too.

Its 3 - 4 months away.

Considering this has already been developed:

Desi G3OM Makes BrahMos Smarter -The New Indian Express

you are telling me there is going to be a large time period where Indian military does not have receivers for IRNSS after the full constellation is deployed?

In fact @1ndy is the one that brought this up. Kudos to him.
Its 3 - 4 months away.

Considering this has already been developed:

Desi G3OM Makes BrahMos Smarter -The New Indian Express

you are telling me there is going to be a large time period where Indian military does not have receivers for IRNSS after the full constellation is deployed?

In fact @1ndy is the one that brought this up. Kudos to him.

IRNSS uses BPSK and RHCP which is similar to GPS. But GLONAS uses FDMA so separate receivers are required for both.

I am going to say that practical use of IRNSS is at least 3 years away if everything goes well. If not its 5 years away.
Isro is asking device manufacturers to include additional hardware in devices to receive the signals from the IRNSS satellites
goodluck with that. :enjoy:
@Nilgiri I believe the resolution still has room for improvement, if compared to GLONASS and GPS.
Also, IRNSS is regional, but I would not be worried about that for time being.

Your take on the matter ?

goodluck with that. :enjoy:
Its the same cycle with GLONASS.
To begin with there were some resistance, as it requires changes. But, when a piece of technology is available, people will put it to use. That is eventuality.
@Nilgiri I believe the resolution still has room for improvement, if compared to GLONASS and GPS.
Also, IRNSS is regional, but I would not be worried about that for time being.

Your take on the matter ?

Its the same cycle with GLONASS.
To begin with there were some resistance, as it requires changes. But, when a piece of technology is available, people will put it to use. That is eventuality.
Best of Luck.
Firstly,IRNSS is not supposed to replace GPS or GLONASS,but complement them. So that on the future, incase the sh!t hits the fan,we won't be left out in the dark.

The receivers that can use the both are on their way. Currently some GPS receivers (L5 capable ones) can already receive IRNSS signals.

The entire system will take atleast 3-5 years to be fully mature and by that time we will have dedicated IRNSS receivers as well as GPS-IRNSS inter operable receivers (in all bands)

IRNSS uses BPSK and RHCP which is similar to GPS. But GLONAS uses FDMA so separate receivers are required for both.

Yet DRDO developed a receiver that can receive all 3 (GPS, GAGAN, GLONASS) in a 17 gram package...and a Desi firm manufactures it.

You are confusing modulation and channel access.

GLONASS is the only system that uses FDMA compared to CDMA (GPS, galileo, beidou), but they are quickly modernizing to CDMA now with the new satellite launches that transmit in both standards....promoting better interopability with CDMA based receivers (among other advantages that CDMA posseses). As a result FDMA GLONASS receivers are a niche thing found mostly in Russia.

FDMA vs. CDMA - Navipedia

Time completion of this project by ISRO is commendable effort
The project was delayed by 4 years, India was supposed to launch satellites by the end of 2011.

LOL.... are you kidding me ?

What is a big deal is a Rs. 1,420 Crores floating in space with No practical use in sight.

I did not say its impossible to make it IRNSS Receivers.

I said that till date NO ONE has made IRNSS receivers. Which means it will never be used till someone first builds it and mass produce it and sell it.

Why would any commercial entity do that when its far more cheaper to buy a GPS device ? :lol:


Even DRDO has not build a receivers which can be used by missiles. Indian Navy has not built receivers which can be used by the Naval ships and Submarines. Nada for IA or IAF.

So for the moment, this is what it looks like.


This is not good Portfolio Planning. A good project planning ? YES.

But a VERY POOR Portfolio Management.
As far as receivers are concerned then civllian version of IRNSS and GPS would be compatible so that if you buy a civilian GPS receiver it would work with IRNSS. Infact there is a UN committee to have this compatibility between GPS, IRNSS(India), Galileo (Europe), compass(china), and a Japanese one.
Time for Pakistan get hold of some anti-satellite missiles from China :)
Firstly,IRNSS is not supposed to replace GPS or GLONASS,but complement them. So that on the future, incase the sh!t hits the fan,we won't be left out in the dark.

The receivers that can use the both are on their way. Currently some GPS receivers (L5 capable ones) can already receive IRNSS signals.

The entire system will take atleast 3-5 years to be fully mature and by that time we will have dedicated IRNSS receivers as well as GPS-IRNSS inter operable receivers (in all bands)


Well put. I would imagine Indian military will already have significant usage of IRNSS within 2016 itself for testing purposes and ironing out any issues and problems.

Whereas that sankranti guy is claiming that they (military) will not even have a receiver for up to 3 - 5 years....and was originally claiming the entire life cycle of the current constellation will be expired before the first "receiver" is brought into operation. Laughable.

I see the 3 - 5 year maturation more for the civilian side of it (as manufacturers adapt to the new standards and incorporate them in their model if the demand exists for this added capability).

But lets wait and see how 2016 turns out w.r.t military RS usage and deployment.

@Nilgiri I believe the resolution still has room for improvement, if compared to GLONASS and GPS.
Also, IRNSS is regional, but I would not be worried about that for time being.

Your take on the matter ?

It's fine. With added onboard military systems for extra precision (Inertial etc.) the accuracy of Brahmos using the G3 receiver mentioned earlier is already 5 metres or better. Also this is just what is being stated officially (the RS standard is probably going to classified). I wouldn't be surprised if even the civilian receiver performance ends up being a lot better than 20 metres esp with augmentation from GAGAN etc.

One can only speculate how accurate the stand alone RS IRNSS signals will be (by themselves).

As for it not being global....that can be another system far in the future when India has more of a requirement for massive military outreach. For now this is more bang for the buck.

Time for Pakistan get hold of some anti-satellite missiles from China :)

High time for Pakistan to grow more than 5% a year economically. Don't become another North Korea....but an "Islamic" version :D.
High time for Pakistan to grow more than 5% a year economically. Don't become another North Korea....but an "Islamic" version
High growth rate is essential and it will happen but the high growth rate is not a solution for a military threat. Kuwait was the richest country before Saddam invaded it because Kuwait had virtually no defence. If india is going to use for military purpose, which it will, then it is military support system and China and Pakistan look at this the same way and perhaps we even don't need to get anti-satellite missiles, China may very well be planning to use it before it becomes dangerous.
If india is going to use for military purpose, which it will, then it is military support system and China and Pakistan look at this the same way and perhaps we even don't need to get anti-satellite missiles, China may very well be planning to use it before it becomes dangerous.

Good keep over-relying on China for everything. They had a week to intervene before we got to Dhaka....and we know the rest.:lol:
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