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Giving away Pak territory to Taliban

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Giving away Pak territory to Taliban

A day ago, Islamabad was so confident of the good intentions of Taliban towards peace talks that it announced to withdraw troops from the tribal areas and Malakand; Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar was so sure of the militants\' desire for peace that his only worry was about some forces trying to sabotage the peace process.

Today, the TTP, to show its resolve for peace and reciprocate the peaceful intentions of Islamabad, blasted to martyrdom a Major General Sanaullah Niazi, Lieutenant Colonel Touseef and a sepoy in Lower Dir. TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid confirmed that the gruesome act was carried out by his organisation.

Who will Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan blame for this recent act of terrorism because it was not the US, Indian or Isreali agents who planted the bomb which killed two very senior officers of our Army; it was the Taliban. It is the Taliban who don\'t want the talks to succeed. Their consent to talk is a PR stunt and a ploy to buy time to regroup.

This paper in its editorial Futility of talks with militants of 15th August 2013 said, \"The Taliban refuse to accept our Constitution, political, education systems and our life style as Islamic. ...annihilation of Pakistani nation, God forbid, will be good riddance for them. They, also, are not even ready to stop suicide attacks on innocent civilians, and our important and sensitive installations as they offer talks for peace.\"

Events are proving that the Frontier Post (FP) was right, unfortunately. FP was started to give a true picture to the people of the situation in the country and the intentions of the enemy from within and out. It will continue to do so.

The Frontier Post warns the government that it will be an irreversible mistake if it withdraws the armed forces and cause irreparable damage to the country. The troops\' presence in Fata and Malakand has stalled the advances of the terrorists and given some respite to the tribes and the people of the rest of the country. Besides, the positions our army now hold, cost thousands of troops their lives. It has also saved lives of countless tribesmen and the people of Malakand. We should remember the bloody situation in Swat before the army, after a major operation, retook the valley.

Will even after the recent terrorist act in Dir, the government still commit the folly of withdrawing forces from Malakand or any part of the tribal areas? Fazalullah is still alive and commanding terrorists from Afghanistan. It is certain that the bomb was planted by his men. The TTP owns the terrorist act, which tells us the terrorists are all the same and united against us. They have no remorse over the innocent lives they took or the grave harm they did to the state of Pakistan. They, rather, hope and plan to continue with their hateful activities.

The attitude of Taliban towards the talk is so negative that even if the government agrees to continue its peaceful efforts after such violent acts, the militants\' have made their violent intentions clear. Sources, say that Taliban are of the view that they will be putting up demands and Islamabad will have to accept these and also that Pakistan government will not be allowed to put counter demands. The Taliban also are openly propagating the lie that it was Pakistan which started the war against them. They also claim that it was Pakistan which offered peace talks and it was for Islamabad to announce a one-sided ceasefire.

The Taliban will never agree to peace unless they are beaten in war. Right now they feel upbeat about their chances of victory. Our peace offer has only raised their spirit.

Our offer to withdraw troops has given the Taliban victory even before the talks have begun. If the US is talking with Afghan Taliban, it is because it wants its interests and the troops, it is leaving in Afghanistan after 2014, to be safe. It is not handing over American territory to the Taliban. If, however, our Army leaves the tribal areas, it will be giving Pak territory to the Taliban. That is what the terrorists want: to control a territory from where they can launch bigger attacks on Pakistan. This is what the US wants: a hostile territory from where hostile forces can constantly operate to keep Pakistan forever unstable. Nawaz Sharif will be playing in the hands of both the Taliban and the US if he withdraws troops from Fata and Malakand.

Instead of raising false hopes of peace through dialogue, the government should do the sensible and brave thing; it should make the nation ready for decisive but long-drawn war.
Apart from the above way to make peace with Taliban, the only other way is to annihilate Taliban totally. If there is Taliban, there is this constant war for political control that will keep Pakistan forever unstable
It's a bad idea, we have already seen in the region what happens when a country allows insurgents to control and influence districts and provinces within it's borders.


Pakistan won't be ceding territory to a bunch of foreign backed gun totting cavemen, they and their families will continued to be killed.
^^^ The think tank makes a retarded argument again, but some ailments are not intellectual but natural :) best to ignore his not so silent suffering :)

coming back to topic, lets flip this over, when Pakistan is showing signs of retreating, why would Taliban kill a general and make it next to impossible for army to withdraw?

I'm not creating a conspiracy, i'm trying to understand how the Taliban mind works.

If army stays they kill the army

if army leaves they kill civilians again govt sends army

^^^ The think tank makes a retarded argument again, but some ailments are not intellectual but natural :) best to ignore his not so silent suffering :)

coming back to topic, lets flip this over, when Pakistan is showing signs of retreating, why would Taliban kill a general and make it next to impossible for army to withdraw?

I'm not creating a conspiracy, i'm trying to understand how the Taliban mind works.

Is it to be in a position of strength while negotiating peace?

I really don't see a solution in sight for them. I believe there is sympathy for TTP inside Pak army since both seem to have common friends and enemies. The longer this war goes on, there will be more insider attacks like what's happening in Afghanistan.
^^^ The think tank makes a retarded argument again, but some ailments are not intellectual but natural :) best to ignore his not so silent suffering :)

coming back to topic, lets flip this over, when Pakistan is showing signs of retreating, why would Taliban kill a general and make it next to impossible for army to withdraw?

I'm not creating a conspiracy, i'm trying to understand how the Taliban mind works.

They are not interested in talks or peace - I guess it's all hogwash. TTP want's a country like how the Taliban wants Afghanistan or Al Qaeda wants Syria.
They are not interested in talks or peace - I guess it's all hogwash. TTP want's a country like how the Taliban wants Afghanistan or Al Qaeda wants Syria.

They do not want a country, what they want is a license to continue their criminal activities and get paid by their sponsors.
They do not want a country, what they want is a license to continue their criminal activities and get paid by their sponsors.

There's the dilemma or the confusion that most members probably face - these groups are influenced and motivated by ideologies that is much more than just making money.
^^^ The think tank makes a retarded argument again, but some ailments are not intellectual but natural :) best to ignore his not so silent suffering :)

coming back to topic, lets flip this over, when Pakistan is showing signs of retreating, why would Taliban kill a general and make it next to impossible for army to withdraw?

I'm not creating a conspiracy, i'm trying to understand how the Taliban mind works.

Taliban are bunch of stone age raiders, who wants nothing less than control of Pakistan with its own interpretation of Islam implemented. Apart from that all the peace talks are BS. Taliban cannot coexist and peace require co-existence.
There's the dilemma or the confusion that most members probably face - these groups are influenced and motivated by ideologies that is much more than just making money.

This is what the outside world is made to understand. Fact is something else. We being in Pakistan know that for sure. TTP is a bunch of criminals and remember there is difference between TTP and Taliban. taliban are those individuals who are fighting ISF in afghanistan and are fighting to drive foreign forces out of their homeland. They have nothing to do with TTP. TTP is the one involved in kidnapping for ransom, illegal weapon supply, sectarian killings in pakistan. They are criminals and have nothing to do with ideology of islam.
This is what the outside world is made to understand. Fact is something else. We being in Pakistan know that for sure. TTP is a bunch of criminals and remember there is difference between TTP and Taliban. taliban are those individuals who are fighting ISF in afghanistan and are fighting to drive foreign forces out of their homeland. They have nothing to do with TTP. TTP is the one involved in kidnapping for ransom, illegal weapon supply, sectarian killings in pakistan. They are criminals and have nothing to do with ideology of islam.

OK, if you think it's as you say...I am not out to change your thinking.
^^^ The think tank makes a retarded argument again, but some ailments are not intellectual but natural :) best to ignore his not so silent suffering :)

coming back to topic, lets flip this over, when Pakistan is showing signs of retreating, why would Taliban kill a general and make it next to impossible for army to withdraw?

I'm not creating a conspiracy, i'm trying to understand how the Taliban mind works.

So what have you understood so far?

Ok, let's come this way - if Pakistan is showing sign of retreat then why would Pakistan give room to reasons that by all mean encourage continuous stay in the troubled region?

Don't flip, let the on field umpire take care of this business.
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