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Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants

Well Pakistan must face reality. They created this kind of islamism. They created it as weapon against russia, india and the west. They lost control over it and now it bites back. And i think you can´t fight it with executions anymore.

You create heroes for those freaks. It is a proven fact that executions scare nobody. How many islamists does Pakistan have?

lol your history is very weak ... it was USA your fathers that fund the Taliban in 80's and along with the UK , and west ... it wasn't Pakistan , that create good taliban bad taliban phenomenon but USA , those who are in Talk with US they call them good Taliban , and those who still hostile are bad taliban ... these so called Islamist are still way better than nazi Germany who are responsible for the death of millions , a human massacre that the world never seen before . and we are facing the reality , which is terrorism is Pakistan ,that is why we are hanging them , if you govt are feeling so sad about them , issue then asylum visa and we will send them all to Germany :)
you can have all the parties with them
I have a honest question. Will this executions solve the problem or make it worse? Pakistans problem is no terrorism. Its a cultural problem, bad education and bad economy as well as gigantic corruption
When they were fighting Russians then nobody had any problem with them. They were honored by you people but when you turned your backs on them, they starts targeting you along with us. Don't blame the Pakistan for the B.S you guys created. We are trying to clean your mess and you are blaming us for that?
But one question remains, which is...... How does it affect the current scenario?....... These idiots are ready to die during the terrorist acts...... There is no psychological advantage gained by executing them.....

yes there is .... the leader never go for a suicide attack, he sit in his cave and send the " chutiya's " to go for attack and get heaven ... our forces capture them and from jails they keep in touch with their fellow, they plan attacks and escape plans ... so those come face to face with our forces are already in hell, and remaining " their Baap" will soon join them ..this hanging wave will re-established the fear , which was vanished over the time in those who , sit in jail and make in comfort as home ..
Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70th. Then chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that germany would never bow towards terrorism. When palestinian terrorists hijacked the Lufthansa Jet Landshut our GSG9 stormed the airplane and killed all but one terrorists. But other terrorists were captured and served prison time. Our constitution does not allow death penalty. Our 1st article in constitution says "The dignity of humanity is untouchable". That makes the death penalty impossible.

Who decides who is an "animal" and who not? Evryone in germany and EU as a whole is shocked about the school massacre but one wrong does not make another wrong good.

What do you think they achieve with this mass executions?
What you guys have done to control IRA? They are bombing the streets of London back and forth and yet nobody consider them as a terrorists group. Russian rebels shot down the Malaysian airliner and yet nobody wants to take any action against them? So what is the meaning of terrorism in your book?

Well Pakistan must face reality. They created this kind of islamism. They created it as weapon against russia, india and the west. They lost control over it and now it bites back. And i think you can´t fight it with executions anymore.

You create heroes for those freaks. It is a proven fact that executions scare nobody. How many islamists does Pakistan have?

So that's the narrative Germans and Europeans in general are told eh?
put them all on 3 different flights to Frankfurt, Munich and Hamburg
Pakistan created them or you westerns did? The real problem is your Germans who loves to butt in others businesses. We are trying to eliminate them and you are backing them up. Here is a simple question from you. Why you want to control the world? The problem with you people is that you want others to behave in the same ways like you do but why? Who are you to impose your logics on others? With the nature of dominating others, you expect them to act like robots. Why is that?

I can tell you.

We see our living standards and then see yours and it shocks us. With power comes responsibility. We would like the world to be a better place and i serious believe that Pakistan would be better if it is more like us. In the end the question breaks down to: Do we want the world to be like Europe? Or do we want a world like your place of the world? You can guess my answer.
Pakistan is more than happy to ship these civilized people to Germany and they can help them settle down in their cities... :)
They won't be hanged. They are going to be butchered.
I can tell you.

We see our living standards and then see yours and it shocks us. With power comes responsibility. We would like the world to be a better place and i serious believe that Pakistan would be better if it is more like us. In the end the question breaks down to: Do we want the world to be like Europe? Or do we want a world like your place of the world? You can guess my answer.
Your living standards? Look at the flags on your avatar. Italians the one who gave mafia to this world and the whole world knows about the Germans so there is no need for me to tell you about your history. I guess Hitler word should be enough for you. You want world to be better place then stop telling others how they should live their lives. Thanks but Pakistanis don't want to be like you because we don't leave our parent in old houses or kick out our children at the age of 18. Why mercy for the people who are killing innocent children?
Your living standards? Look at the flags on your avatar. Italians the one who gave mafia to this world and the whole world knows about the Germans so there is no need for me to tell you about your history. I guess Hitler word should be enough for you. You want world to be better place then stop telling others how they should live their lives. Thanks but Pakistanis don't want to be like you because we don't leave our parent in old houses or kick out our children at the age of 18. Why mercy for the people who are killing innocent children?

We have the highest living standards in the world. European cities are considered the world best.

The italian city Milano for example is voted as worlds most exclusive cities. ...

Friend face reality. A single german corporation like Siemens holds more financial power than entire Pakistan. And thats shocking in my opinion. You could be so much better.
pretty much, yes. So far nobody can tell me here what you plan to achieve with those executions?
When we kill them then you have the problem and when we keep them then you the problem. Why you people are so confused? Give me a one reason to keep them alive so they can go out and kill the children of the tax payers who are feeding them?
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