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Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants

Germany has condemned Pakistan's decision to execute 500 extremists in the coming weeks.

The comments by Germany’s deputy foreign minister spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli on Monday come after Pakistan's decision to execute imprisoned militants after a Taliban attack that killed 142 people, mostly children, in the city of Peshawar last week.

"I want to point out the moratorium implemented by Pakistan in 2008 is the best way," Chebli said.

Chebli added: "At this point, as underlined many times before, the death penalty is an inhuman and cruel way of punishment."

German policy remains opposed to the death penalty.

Pakistan imposed the moratorium on capital punishment following reported pressure from the European Union; however, the country has lifted the de facto ban after the deadly army-run school attack in Peshawar.

Two Taliban commanders were executed in the city of Faisalabad on Friday; four more were executed in the same city on Sunday afternoon.

Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants, 22 December 2014
Guyz send those 500 talibanis to Germany.
Civilian governments? They will do it?

One gone through this much sacrifice in war and economy should have the humility to put self first and react strongly upon interference in internal matters, but lets not forget this is Pakistan where you have had a majority history of spineless leaders and at the moment we have a PM that can laugh at the same press conference where the topic of discussion was deaths of 130+ children.
Pakistan should handover these 500 people to Germany and Germany should give them nationality if they love them so much ..

f that.
dig a giant hole and throw these vermin in and fill it back up.
Wonder what Germany would have done if they were in a state what Pakistan is today...... It is easy to sit and preach that too living 1000's of kilometers away.......

Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70th. Then chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that germany would never bow towards terrorism. When palestinian terrorists hijacked the Lufthansa Jet Landshut our GSG9 stormed the airplane and killed all but one terrorists. But other terrorists were captured and served prison time. Our constitution does not allow death penalty. Our 1st article in constitution says "The dignity of humanity is untouchable". That makes the death penalty impossible.

you are right .. as Germany as good Samaritan said what they think is ideal case ... fine .. good.. but then did it say same on drone stike ....for mynmar mascare ..
friends can talk good.. but need to share empathy too understand each other situation you can selective ..
though this is not right case ..
Indian woman dies after being refused abortion - The Hindu
doctors at University Hospital Galway refused on the grounds that abortion was illegal in Ireland.
They said unfortunately she can’t because it’s a Catholic country. Savita said to her [consultant] she is not Catholic, she is Hindu, and why impose the law on her. But she said, ‘I’m sorry, unfortunately it’s a Catholic country,’ and it’s the law that they can’t abort when the foetus is [alive],” he said
Did any EU country raised voice ? frindly.. humanly ? to put life first than religion ?
EU have very different social political set up ...EU nation had pain of loss of life .. so they undersand the pain better than world .. as 2 WW showed them.... its nice and humble and commendable gesture ..
but life is not fair so the world...
so though taking life of human is never accepted.. but human animal becomes ANIMAL and leave human touch then as per legal term taking life become duty of state for greater good of society

Who decides who is an "animal" and who not? Evryone in germany and EU as a whole is shocked about the school massacre but one wrong does not make another wrong good.

What do you think they achieve with this mass executions?
Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70th. Then chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that germany would never bow towards terrorism. When palestinian terrorists hijacked the Lufthansa Jet Landshut our GSG9 stormed the airplane and killed all but one terrorists. But other terrorists were captured and served prison time. Our constitution does not allow death penalty. Our 1st article in constitution says "The dignity of humanity is untouchable". That makes the death penalty impossible.

I respect the constitution of Germany...Probably that suits them..... But my point was with respect to Pakistan and (south asia as a whole), I am sure you understand the number of terrorist acts happening in this part of world (especially in Pakistan).....
Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70th. Then chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that germany would never bow towards terrorism. When palestinian terrorists hijacked the Lufthansa Jet Landshut our GSG9 stormed the airplane and killed all but one terrorists. But other terrorists were captured and served prison time. Our constitution does not allow death penalty. Our 1st article in constitution says "The dignity of humanity is untouchable". That makes the death penalty impossible.

That's actually intellectually garbled. German police & the armed forces have no problems killing people in the line of duty (which is pretty much the same as an execution except with even lower thresholds- decided by individuals, sometimes on the spur of the moment) but have an issue with executing people convicted of the most sordid of crimes. Untenable logically.

what exactly EU wants ? are they kind crazy peoples ?? or just to high on Vodka ??
when we excute them , they have pain in the A$$ , when we don't , still they have pain in the A$$ .. does Pakistan ever ask any EU country why they have this rule or that rule ?? what is their problem ??
or they are just angry because we eliminating their Assets ?

Ignore them.As you should any other voices suggesting the same.Europeans are incapable of comprehending that life behind bars is not a real punishment for societies like ours. Many will gladly do that & in any case, it is also an open invitation for prison breaks, hostage taking for exchange etc. Europe is a post-tribal society where the loss of one's liberty is a serious punishment. Here it won't even amount to a slap on the wrist in many cases.
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Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70

Are you really comparing Germany's problem with RAF to Pakistan's with TTP? Do you know what RAF is compared to TTP? They are not even a minor league. TTP does more bombings in a month than RAF did terrorist meetings in their entire career. So don't give us BS that Germany has experience on how to deal with terrorists.
Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70th. Then chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that germany would never bow towards terrorism. When palestinian terrorists hijacked the Lufthansa Jet Landshut our GSG9 stormed the airplane and killed all but one terrorists. But other terrorists were captured and served prison time. Our constitution does not allow death penalty. Our 1st article in constitution says "The dignity of humanity is untouchable". That makes the death penalty impossible.

Who decides who is an "animal" and who not? Evryone in germany and EU as a whole is shocked about the school massacre but one wrong does not make another wrong good.

What do you think they achieve with this mass executions?

if you can't kill a person who deserves death you could still exile them right???

like for instance placing these people on a uninhabitied island in the Pacific give them the bare minimum to survive
That's actually intellectually garbled. German police & the armed forces have no problems killing people in the line of duty (which is pretty much the same as an execution except with even lower thresholds- decided by individuals, sometimes on the spur of the moment) but have an issue with executing people convicted of the most sordid of crimes. Untenable logically.

Ignore them.As you should any other voices suggesting the same.Europeans are incapable of comprehending that life behind bars is not a real punishment for societies like ours. Many will gladly do that & in any case, it is also an open invitation for prison breaks, hostage taking for exchange etc. Europe is a post-tribal society where the loss of one's libery is a serious punishment. Here it won't even amount to a slap on the wrist in many cases.

I have a honest question. Will this executions solve the problem or make it worse? Pakistans problem is no terrorism. Its a cultural problem, bad education and bad economy as well as gigantic corruption
I have a honest question. Will this executions solve the problem or make it worse? Pakistans problem is no terrorism. Its a cultural problem, bad education and bad economy as well as gigantic corruption

I'm afraid no one knows the answer to that. You might get the answer in 10,20, 30 years.... However the Pakistani state has limited choices. Fight or pretty much surrender. They have opted to fight (even if very selectively) in this case.
I'm afraid no one knows the answer to that. You might get the answer in 10,20, 30 years.... However the Pakistani state has limited choices. Fight or pretty much surrender. They have opted to fight (even if very selectively) in this case.

But one question remains, which is...... How does it affect the current scenario?....... These idiots are ready to die during the terrorist acts...... There is no psychological advantage gained by executing them.....
I'm afraid no one knows the answer to that. You might get the answer in 10,20, 30 years.... However the Pakistani state has limited choices. Fight or pretty much surrender. They have opted to fight (even if very selectively) in this case.

Well Pakistan must face reality. They created this kind of islamism. They created it as weapon against russia, india and the west. They lost control over it and now it bites back. And i think you can´t fight it with executions anymore.

You create heroes for those freaks. It is a proven fact that executions scare nobody. How many islamists does Pakistan have?
But one question remains, which is...... How does it affect the current scenario?....... These idiots are ready to die during the terrorist acts...... There is no psychological advantage gained by executing them.....

It's not only about sending a message to the terrorists, it's also a show of determination to its own people. Kasab too came prepared to die during the terrorist rampage in Mumbai but when it came time to face the noose he was begging for his life. However there is simply no choice, either you execute people judicially or some capt. of the army will do that job.
Opinion: Executions are no way to defeat extremists | World | DW.DE | 22.12.2014

Opinion: Executions are no way to defeat extremists


When asked how he registers cases, the police officer - a friendly man with a full white beard - says it's easy. "First, I wait for a few hours." What for? He shakes his head at so much ignorance: "For someone to offer me enough money so I can let the prisoner go."

He only enters the delinquent's name and crime if there's no bribe, the police officer patiently explains and taps the thick, somewhat faded tome on the desk in front of him.

This exchange took place in a police station in Islamabad, but it could just as well have been in Karachi, Lahore or one of the tribal areas. Pakistan's legal system is thoroughly corrupt, a former High Court judge concedes.

Seated in his small office where one can hear his colleagues' voices from the offices next door, he shrugs. "Everyone knows that false testimony is completely normal here." Witnesses are bought, judges bribed, lawyers threatened: it's the norm in Pakistan.

The gallows won't solve the problem, says Naomi Conrad

Not even close to a fair trial

That makes it even more alarming that the Pakistani government has lifted the moratorium on the death penalty, in place since 2008. The decision follows last week's massacre in a school in Peshawar that left almost 150 people dead, most of them children, the deadliest terror attack in Pakistani history.

While TV stations showed non-stop footage of pools of blood, child-sized coffins and crying parents, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strode up to rolling cameras to declare war on the Taliban, a war that would last until "the last terrorist has been eliminated."

So, aiming to show strength, the government has begun executing convicted terrorists. The plan is to execute another 500 in the coming weeks. About 8,000 people are incarcerated on death row in Pakistan, around a third of them on terrorism charges, according to Pakistani figures. How many had a fair trial, an incorruptible defense and prosecution? How many were tortured, blackmailed and threatened?

They all must be 'eliminated'

Can that really be the response to the Taliban? No, of course not!

Brutal state violence is by no means a sign of strength, but of helplessness. For too long, Pakistan's government has created the breeding ground for extremism: corruption, poverty, an abysmal state school system, a judiciary that can be bought and a lack of prospects in many parts of the country are proof of the state's complete failure. In the past, these factors have helped drive young people into the arms of the Taliban.

For too long, the government looked the other way when well-known hatemongers preached extremism at their Koran schools. For too long, the government supported, or at least indulged, the "good" Taliban - those who fought against India and Afghanistan.

Such state failure, however, can't be cured by turning to the gallows. That would only create more martyrs for the extremists, and perpetuate the spiral of violence.

No, true strength lies in developing the country: building schools, creating jobs and effectively fighting corruption. In short, declaring war on poverty instead of "eliminating" the extremists. That's the only way to defeat - though not completely eliminate - the Taliban.
Well Pakistan must face reality. They created this kind of islamism. They created it as weapon against russia, india and the west. They lost control over it and now it bites back. And i think you can´t fight it with executions anymore.

You create heroes for those freaks. It is a proven fact that executions scare nobody. How many islamists does Pakistan have?
Pakistan created them or you westerns did? The real problem is your Germans who loves to butt in others businesses. We are trying to eliminate them and you are backing them up. Here is a simple question from you. Why you want to control the world? The problem with you people is that you want others to behave in the same ways like you do but why? Who are you to impose your logics on others? With the nature of dominating others, you expect them to act like robots. Why is that?
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