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Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants

Whats your problem with freedom of speech?

We have no problem with freedom of speech but Germany or any other countries should be quite in such a delicate situation. On the other hand, as Turks we are quite experienced about the Germany's attitude against the terrorist organizations in different countries. They helped terrorist organizations in Turkiye for long years, even today they provide the opportunity to shelter for many senior terrorist leaders in Germany. Does not end here, many other things ...
We have no problem with freedom of speech but Germany or any other countries should be quite in such a delicate situation. On the other hand, as Turks we are quite experienced about the Germany's attitude against the terrorist organizations in different countries. They helped terrorist organizations in Turkiye for long years, even today they provide the opportunity to shelter for many senior terrorist leaders in Germany. Does not end here, many other things ...

We shelter nothing. We simply have no beef with PKK. Don´t export your conflicts into our lands.
Really Germany should have kept quiet, you don't see other European countries condemning Pakistan for resuming death penalty for terrorists. The best diplomacy would have been to just keep quiet on the issue and focus on your own matters such as protecting your Chancellor's phone calls from being tapped.
Germany should not stick its nose where it doesnt belong. This is our matter, these are our people and these are our children that are being threatened so how about you either let us deal with them or we send these 1000 terrorists to your home so that you can also feel the pain. Maybe then you will feel how justified we are.

Killing a person is not such an easy thing. In Turkiye, we research about them rigorously and looking for a reason of mitigation. Why they join the group, what is their age, financial situation, environmental pressures, taking an active role.... etc...

Last time i checked you guys went baam straight up their *** them Kurdish militants. Not a single F was given that day.
Unless OFC you know what youre talking about, which seems youre clueless

I doubt you could afford the charter ;)

Youd could do the honours then
Germany is OK with Death with a Poisonous TEEKA (Death with Needle), but loses its sh*t on Death by hanging? Being hypocrite, thats what this is ... exactly like all the other so called "Super Powers".

EU is total BS. Human rights are TOTAL BS. Their human rights go kaput completely, when talking about Kashmir, Palestine etc.
I support Pakistan. Kill all the terrorists. Not 500, kill 5000 if you have to. Germany has no right to poke in Pakistan affairs.

If you do not kill terrorists, they have problems, if you kill terrorists then also they have problems.

These foreigners have spoiled whole south asia by their interference in our affairs.

First the invaders came and destroyed our people. Then the british came and ruled and divided our people. Then the US came and created extremists in our region, the saudis/qataris are now funding religious extremism in Pakistan for decades, the Christian missionaries are hell bent on promoting anti national activities in India, now these Germans come and lecture not to kill terrorists.

The biggest reason we South Asians are backward is because we have allowed outside people to interfere in our affairs too much. We have always acted week and allowed outsiders to interfere in our lifes. These outsiders never have good wishes for our people. their activities have always been against the welfare of South Asians.

Pakistan needs to stop Saudi/Qatar from funding its Madrassas and Extremist ideology in Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to stop the drone attacks from USA.
India needs to stop these Christian Missionaries from working in India. These Missionaries are funded by foreign countries to destabilize India.
and Pakistan needs to kill all the terrorists.

We need to be strong and not allow outsiders to interfere, only then we can develop at a faster speed. Kill all terrorists, and I hope whole India stands by you. All the best.
Germany said this because GSP status accorded to Pakistan has a clause which forbids Pakistan from carrying out capital punishment. Hence an absurd diplomatic warning issued to Pakistan. First EU wanted Pakistan to condemn russia and now this, There going to be friction b/w EU and Pakistan in near future

Oh, German should have slammed America as well for spying on them. It's an inhumane treatment as well
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Whats with media and the word slam?
they seem to be so obsessed with it.

Like, seriously, This isnt a wrestling yo.
People need to calm down Germany doesn't really believe this or care. It’s just something they have to say for face value and nothing more.

thats what i said but most here dont get the message.

Germany and EU is absolutly against death penalty. What they did now was to issue a lame statement to save face and thats it.
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