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Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants

I think evrything has be said. No need to get rude and insulting. Germany stated its opinion that it disagrees with death penalty. Something our constitution forbids. Germany and Pakistan are friends. Normally friends can talk to each other openly and issue opinions. What you do is up to you.
I agree with this. Opposition to capital punishment is simply a deeply held belief which many people hold. By all means disagree with it but don't claim they're bad people for holding it.
Germany has not experienced what countries like U.S., Pakistan, and India have experienced. When the terrorists are numbered in tens of thousands, it becomes a drain on the economy to support them in prisons. The U.S. has that kind of money and facilities too, and still it's facing the flak of its own people and even international community for going lenient on terrorists - all that when they have barely a thousand or so terrorists to deal with.

When it comes to Pakistan, in terms of such resources, it is not only the poorest country, it also has the largest number of terrorists continually attacking the state.

What else is Pakistan supposed to do, protect these terrorists and take care of their food and lodging till they die of old age while the kids outside don;t even get a decent education for the lack of money?

There's no two way about it, Pakistan ought to do what it thinks is in the best interest of the nation.
I would use those terrorists as labor to build more prisons for the on coming terrorists... or use them to clean public toilets but it would be more effective, if politicians, judges, lawyers and journalists are also treated in same way.

There are states in the world, who have used similar sort of techniques successfully.
Europe also needs the death penalty instead of Play Stations in prisons.
Most European countries have very low murder rates by global standards. Of course just because Europe doesn't need it doesn't mean other countries don't. I'm not against it in principle or even in this particular instance. I'm just saying those posters who saw it as some kind of attack on Pakistan are wrong. It was merely an expression of opinion from a friendly country with no history of hostiliity towards Pakistan.
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I am against the death penalty. This is against the human rights specially in Our country where our politician and religious parties using this for vengeance and personal enmity. Pakistan is going in dark ages.
They forget the civilians + terrorists die in US drone attacks without any trial, evidence or rule of law and here we are hanging terrorists proven guilty in the court of law and cases been dismissed at superior courts. Still its inhuman

Never fight with any country as human dies... so why the whole of First World is so obsessed with wars
I am against the death penalty. This is against the human rights specially in Our country where our politician and religious parties using this for vengeance and personal enmity. Pakistan is going in dark ages.

If i were a Pakistani,i would nibble on popcorn while they show the executions live on tv.
I'm very pro death penalty and forced labour for convicts.They should earn their bread.
The problem with that is the risk of ending up like the US where prison labour is big business and where the authorities keep inventing new crimes simply in order to increase incarceration and then make more money as a result.
Europe also needs the death penalty instead of Play Stations in prisons.
True. It's getting absurd
Anders Breivik: Mass murderer demands better video games and threatens hunger strike over jail 'hell' - Europe - World - The Independent
And if Europe wants to love its mass murderers so much, they should at least let others do whatever they want with their own.
If i were a Pakistani,i would nibble on popcorn while they show the executions live on tv.
I nibbled on some nimko instead
If i were a Pakistani,i would nibble on popcorn while they show the executions live on tv.
This is not feasible in country like Pakistan. It encourages militancy and civil war. In this case, time is not far when they all will slaughter each other. Unfortunately, Our all Islamic parties have violent history in some forms.
She's Palestinian.
grab my pop-corn, if she's palestinian then, I'm israeli. :pop::pop:.. no compromise on hanging terrorists.. or she better tell it to terrorists first if they understand her words? :butcher:
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