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Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants

It is a proven fact that executions scare nobody.

Maybe it doesn't but it is also a signal to the population at large that the state won't go down without a fight. All insurgencies are as much about perception as they are about the actual fighting. If the perception of the state losing control gains ground, both an increase in support to the extremists as well as reduced resistance happens. It's a slippery slope from there.
Germany and EU is against death penalty. No matter what reason. It is the european imperative. So we must issue those concerns. Europe is also aware that Pakistan will do what it wants. So both sides are happy. We issued our disagreement but do nothing to stop it and Pakistan hears our disagreement and thats it. Its called diplomacy.

What do you expect? That chancellor Merkel runs out her office and shouting: "hang those bastards"?

it would have been better Diplomacy if you were stay quite. i wish to hear Germany's voice over Us execution and Saudia way of execution.. It was not your kids thats why you have to do your Diplomacy.
it would have been better Diplomacy if you were stay quite. i wish to hear Germany's voice over Us execution and Saudia way of execution.. It was not your kids thats why you have to do your Diplomacy.

germany also slams US executions and banned any germn corporation to send medics there that would be needed at execution. Thats why their executions go wrong now and they experiment with new ways.

Germany also slams saudi executions.

How about your past dude? When someone talks about Italy, first word comes in to every person's mind is mafia. Sicily is also know for one of the most dangerous cities, When you think about the Germans, first name comes in the mind is Hitler so my friend you can't remove this stigma.

considering the fact that germany is the most popular nation worldwide, i see no stigma:

BBC News - BBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

First what comes to mind about italy is pizza, pasta, tuscany, art and renaissance.

And please tell me what city in sicily is "the most dangerous"? :) and compared to what?
We have the highest living standards in the world. European cities are considered the world best.

The italian city Milano for example is voted as worlds most exclusive cities. ...

Friend face reality. A single german corporation like Siemens holds more financial power than entire Pakistan. And thats shocking in my opinion. You could be so much better.

So what's the relevance of this post to the topic at hand?

Let's not turn this thread into "Germany's d1ck is bigger than Pakistan".

Any further off topics will result in infractions.
if we were nazi, then you would not are to say this.

Also whats your problem with Nazis? Last time i checked Hitler is loved in Pakistan. After all his Book "Mein Kampf" is 2nd most sold book right after Quran...My guess is you find more nazis in pakistan than in germany.
My problem is your double strander, you guys have killed so many innocents but when we wanted to hang terrorists, you guys come up with your nonsense.
you created those terrorists with your secret service and lost control over them. Dont blame others for your failure.

germany and apologied for it and paid compensations. Also germany stands open and admits it and does not push it under the carpet. That happened 70 years ago. How many people murdered pakistan in its genocidal war in bangladesh?
I am sure germany has apologized for those actions of the systematic targeting of minorities
that mob mentality is spreading again in germany with these massive protests in dresden in the name of european patriotism then it was jews now its muslims.
pakistan didn't systematically target bengalis. pakistan targeted mukti bahini which quiet clearly were indian proxies
i do admit there were war crime committed but it was on both side mukti bahini clearly killed hundreds if not thousands of non bengalis in east pakistan also you cant possibly compare holocaust with 1971 indo pakistan war

the point is germany has no right to tell pakistan how it treats its criminals not to mention criminals who essentially have the same mentality as the nazis
I am sure germany has apologized for those actions of the systematic targeting of minorities
that mob mentality is spreading again in germany with these massive protests in dresden in the name of european patriotism then it was jews now its muslims.
pakistan didn't systematically target bengalis. pakistan targeted mukti bahini which quiet clearly were indian proxies
i do admit there were war crime committed but it was on both side mukti bahini clearly killed hundreds if not thousands of non bengalis in east pakistan also you cant possibly compare holocaust with 1971 indo pakistan war

the point is germany has no right to tell pakistan how it treats its criminals not to mention criminals who essentially have the same mentality as the nazis

we have freedom of speech. We voice our opinion over this matter and i guess we can agree that pakistan can also not force us to not say our opinion. I think death penalty is wrong and can never be right.
What is important is that none of them must be innocent (by mistake). All of them must have been captured in battle or while fighting and proven guilty.
we have freedom of speech. We voice our opinion over this matter and i guess we can agree that pakistan can also not force us to not say our opinion. I think death penalty is wrong and can never be right.
thats fine you have yours opinions about this matter but you cannot dictate pakistan what to do just like pakistan does not dictate germany or any other country for that matter how to deal with its criminals
freedom isn't cheap it comes with great responsibility
What do you expect? That chancellor Merkel runs out her office and shouting: "hang those bastards"?

Ok now that you ask,what do we want.

Last time European Union offered a free trade in exchange of no death panelty, still waiting for that. So here's is the deal.

One Type 214 diesel-electric submarines with Air-Independent Propulsion for every 100 Terrorist we don't hang today.
Germany should wait for another century before talking about human rights-
thats fine you have yours opinions about this matter but you cannot dictate pakistan what to do just like pakistan does not dictate germany or any other country for that matter how to deal with its criminals
freedom isn't cheap it comes with great responsibility

1. We dictate nothing, we voice our opinion.

2. If Pakistan is so angry and germany failed its "responsibility" i would assume its best for Pakistan to pay back all aid which was given from germany to Pakistan. Its several hundred million €. Look, germany and equador argued about oil drilling in yasuni national park. Equador pays back all 37 million € money which germany gave equador...with interst rate. If pakistan feels so insulted it should do the same.

Ok now that you ask,what do we want.

Last time European Union offered a free trade in exchange of no death panelty, still waiting for that. So here's is the deal.

One Type 214 diesel-electric submarines with Air-Independent Propulsion for every 100 Terrorist we don't hang today.

what do you want trade? So far your export is minimal.
Germany had the RAF terror group that operated in the late 70th. Then chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that germany would never bow towards terrorism. When palestinian terrorists hijacked the Lufthansa Jet Landshut our GSG9 stormed the airplane and killed all but one terrorists. But other terrorists were captured and served prison time. Our constitution does not allow death penalty. Our 1st article in constitution says "The dignity of humanity is untouchable". That makes the death penalty impossible.

Who decides who is an "animal" and who not? Evryone in germany and EU as a whole is shocked about the school massacre but one wrong does not make another wrong good.

What do you think they achieve with this mass executions?
Reserach more of these Jihadis ... TTPs.. taliban... if you found human spiirt whihc is good for mankind i will take back my words..
is for whole world.. which shows human still have somthing to call to be human and earth is still place to live
i agree with you.. that execution per se is NOT ONLY solution ..
but ..it part of solution .. though i dont agree with method which may be destrucitve for pak in future but looking jail break and secuirt concern its right for pak to hang them..they cant afford antoehr jail break and dead man walking ...
Eye for eye makes world blind... Gandhi ..
is true but somtimes you dont have any Practical option but to be blind... (for shortest time )
EU can literally come and kiss our middle eastern A$$ .
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