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Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants


Sep 20, 2014
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Germany has condemned Pakistan's decision to execute 500 extremists in the coming weeks.

The comments by Germany’s deputy foreign minister spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli on Monday come after Pakistan's decision to execute imprisoned militants after a Taliban attack that killed 142 people, mostly children, in the city of Peshawar last week.

"I want to point out the moratorium implemented by Pakistan in 2008 is the best way," Chebli said.

Chebli added: "At this point, as underlined many times before, the death penalty is an inhuman and cruel way of punishment."

German policy remains opposed to the death penalty.

Pakistan imposed the moratorium on capital punishment following reported pressure from the European Union; however, the country has lifted the de facto ban after the deadly army-run school attack in Peshawar.

Two Taliban commanders were executed in the city of Faisalabad on Friday; four more were executed in the same city on Sunday afternoon.

Germany slams Pakistan's move to execute 500 militants, 22 December 2014
what exactly EU wants ? are they kind crazy peoples ?? or just to high on Vodka ??
when we excute them , they have pain in the A$$ , when we don't , still they have pain in the A$$ .. does Pakistan ever ask any EU country why they have this rule or that rule ?? what is their problem ??
or they are just angry because we eliminating their Assets ?
Pakistan should handover these 500 people to Germany and Germany should give them nationality if they love them so much ..

Exactly.......all these terrorists may be transferred to 'better' facilities in Germany.
All these organizations UN, Amnesty International, human rights and what not and these "civilized". "lawful" countries slamming don't realize that these are the Taliban, Global villains which many of these countries are actually fighting and losing their troops to. I understand 130+ Pakistani children don't mean much to them unless each one is Malalah but it should be a bit of concern for their own troop safety.

Ironic would be the situation where if Pakistan releases some of these dogs and they go back to their den in Afghan to launch attacks on them and kill theirs.

Imo, Pakistan foreign ministry should adopt "Shut your trap!" strategy for all the countries/ organizations slamming many of which gave their fake solidarity support.
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what germany has to do with this???
this is pakistans internal affair. let them deal with these terrorists as they wish.
Germany and EU is against death penalty. No matter what reason. It is the european imperative. So we must issue those concerns. Europe is also aware that Pakistan will do what it wants. So both sides are happy. We issued our disagreement but do nothing to stop it and Pakistan hears our disagreement and thats it. Its called diplomacy.

What do you expect? That chancellor Merkel runs out her office and shouting: "hang those bastards"?
What do you expect? That chancellor Merkel runs out her office and shouting: "hang those bastards"?
Some issues it is better to stay out of. It is hurtful when the German soldiers killed the exact same people it was anti terrorism but now when we are plagued it suddenly is different
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