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Germany as a super power


Feb 27, 2012
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In my personnel view America which is world super power sadly which can do any for the energy resources killing thousands of people in the name of terrorism and for their sake to be remain worlds super power.

So what if Germany would not be defeated in World War 2 and remain the super power, So how will the world will be in todays situation ( Please dont make it fun or troll ) I want to know what there polices will be ???
Well, this question absolutely makes sense from somebody from a country like Pakistan where the perception of US is so negative that people will rather through stones at US rather than that conrete piller they have erected during Mecca pilgramage.

Coming to towards the answer, first I would not agree with your perception of the US. I would not say its wrong but it rather quite inaccurate. i.e. they are not at all evil nor they are angels.

So If you think Germany would have been superpower and if you are refering to the Germany under Hitler, i.e. Nazi Germany, the world would have been definately a worse place than it is now. You will agree with this if you read a bit more about Nazi Germany and What Nazis did inside and outside Germany and what their idealogy was.

Roughly they would have been somewhat like Soviat Union.
The Germans are the most skilled war people on this earth. The US army and also the Russians, stole many innovative defense inventions from the Germans, like the first long range ballistic missile (V2), first jet powered fighter aircraft (Me 262) and their entire missile and space program. I don't know how the world been today, but I know the Middle-East would be in Iranian hands. The Germans considered the Iranians the most intelligent people of the region and to be the natural leaders of the Middle East
^^ yeah i know abt Nazis

I know the Americans are good people but the main role is playing zionists lobby and Hitler hate them. Ithink there would be no Jews and zionists if Hitler will accomplished his mission.

im sure tht world would be in peace without the state israel on the map which they actually stole from Palestine people
^^ yeah i know abt Nazis

I know the Americans are good people but the main role is playing zionists lobby and Hitler hate them. Ithink there would be no Jews and zionists if Hitler will accomplished his mission.

im sure tht world would be in peace without the state israel on the map which they actually stole from Palestine people

No, the world would never be in peace. War is in someway the nature of mankind. But the Jews would probably have no power in the world, but remember that Hitler hated the Arabs also.
Nazis consider white German race as the most superior and all other black, brown yellows are inferiors. He killed people for disagreeing with him.

Like US is an open economy and society , Nazi Germany would not have been like this.
So what if Germany would not be defeated in World War 2 and remain the super power, So how will the world will be in todays situation ( Please dont make it fun or troll ) I want to know what there polices will be ???

Difficult to tell.

Just like after WW2, there was fight among the allies. USA, GB vs Soviet Union and China

Same way had the Axis won, there would have been a fight among the Axis powers , Nazi Germany vs Imperial Japan . The defeated allies and neutral states too might be dragged into this new war.

In the context of India, Pakistan and China

The Chinese would be in a world of pain, as it would mean Japanese rule of East Asia.

The Indian and Pakistanis , wonder if they would considered us worthy to live, judging what he did to gypsies in Europe. Maybe allowed to remain colony of GB
Nazis consider white German race as the most superior and all other black, brown yellows are inferiors. He killed people for disagreeing with him.

Yes and no:

''Iranians were immune to the racial Nuremberg Laws on the grounds that they were pure blooded Aryans. In 1939, Nazi Germany provided Iran with what they called a Germany Scientific Library. The library contained over 7500 books selected "to convince Iranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the Aryan culture of Iran"(Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).''
The Germans lacked the resources they should have focused fully on the North Africa Front and capturing the Suez Canal after that the Middle East Oil fields, Invasion of the USSR was suicide from doom to fail before it even started.
Maybe after Britain's defeat, Germans would have colonized combine India. And I can tell you they would not have been like British who left the region after a few peacefull rallies and hunger strikes,, they would killed all Gandhies, Maulanas, etc etc who would have spoken against Hitlor.

And consequently We would have been force to learn German and today we would have been speak German and this forum's name would have been like

www .verteidigung.de

and we would have been talking here about White beer or white pork saucages ;)
I think there would have been little difference Hitler and his cronies were or are no better than what we have with Pax America
Maybe after Britain's defeat, Germans would have colonized combine India. And I can tell you they would not have been like British who left the region after a few peacefull rallies and hunger strikes,, they would killed all Gandhies, Maulanas, etc etc who would have spoken against Hitlor.

And consequently We would have been force to learn German and today we would have been speak German and this forum's name would have been like

www .verteidigung.de

and we would have been talking here about White beer or white pork saucages ;)

The Germans and the Japanese wanted to link up in India divide it in two.

If Germany didn't invade USSR and followed the pact he signed with them, I think he could've won the war. Fighting on two fronts is what had made them weak.
Ḥashshāshīn;3046812 said:
If Germany didn't invade USSR and followed the pact he signed with them, I think he could've won the war. Fighting on two fronts is what had made them weak.

An Invasion of Turkey and fully supporting the North African front control the resources of the Middle East and link up with the Japanese in India.
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