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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

If I use the word 'moron', that would count as personal abuse, and that would never do. Let me ponder over synonyms and get back to you.
My mistake, forgot India is a sickular country :enjoy:
If your wife didn't remove the jewellery, would you consider it fine to taser her?

And should you be tasered if you disobey?

See the video. He was already acting aggressive. They are law enforcements in sensitive of locations. In US people get shot for simple disobey by Police. I am not supporting tasered. But if she was a threat and there is no women police nearby what safest option do they have?
Ppl should always cooperate with security person as your inconvenience might save human lives. Think from a perspective that i am not just alone responsible for my own safety but also for all co passengers & no unwanted person should slip through security check in order to place less stringent measure as per my convenience thus the situation like op arises & sometimes these stringent procedure create an awkward & extremely uncomfortable situation for all ... However such situations are easily avoidable by extending all due cooperation in such scenarios....
Muslims must set an good example rather than confronting or agitating over it...
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Can't believe the number of comments on a one minute video posted on Facebook that, at best, proves to be inconclusive. People should heed the comments by @Syed.Ali.Haider on this topic.
Can't believe the number of comments on a one minute video posted on Facebook that, at best, proves to be inconclusive. People should heed the comments by @Syed.Ali.Haider on this topic.

Alas most of what I post on PDF goes unheeded. Not my problem. :D

The video does make certain bigots here angry.That's why we should celebrate :yahoo:

If the intention is to troll, then what you say is correct, but I would disagree with that reasoning.
This guy can fight,kudos to him for standing up for his wife.
He should thank to security forces for not firing bullets. Imagine if it happen in U.S.A. The way guy was beating everyone, this is not only threat to peace but terrorism in airport.
This act is unacceptable in any part of the world. How can you justify this act.......
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Yes it is admirable, defending your wife against such villains is exactly what men need to do.
It takes a man to take a stand and to know when to take one.

Unfortunately for him, he will now not be in a position to defend his wife for a long time.......
The police officers were obviously not hitting him, only trying to contain him and the guy had a free hand to punch and kick them.

The video doesn't show the whole story. Police wouldn't just to a random woman and ask her to remove the veil. Its inside an airport and they must have done for security reasons, which they are absolutely right to do!
He should thank to security forces for not firing bullets. Imagine if it happen in U.S.A. The way guy was beating everyone, this is not only threat to peace but terrorism in airport.
This act is unacceptable in any part of the world. How can you justify this act.......
It's true if this was america they would have shot at him even thou he wasn't armed and not only that they would have tortured him as well. This behaviour is unacceptable but a lot of airport authorities have a tendency to piss people off and I am pretty sure everyone who travels a lot had their experience even me.
They don't differentiate. It's the same male police dealing with female German passengers as well.

How does indecent treatment of every female justify their actions?
They have invalid rules in place, regardless of the portion of the population that has to go throw with that.

Are you ok ? Since when is this a rule in airports ? EVERYBODY(muslim,christian,buddhist,atheist,etc) must present its face to an airport security check.Do you suggest European airports to adapt to islamic laws ?

No I suggest they adapt to decent laws.

Did you ever travel by plane ? Everytime I board or touch down from a plane and I present my passport the security officer looks at me seriously,sometimes I even feel like a terrorist,lol.But this is their job,to check your papers and see that they match your facial features.

Yes I did.
I am not objecting the need to check people, I am objecting at the procedure, they should learn to respect the lady.
Yes I did.
I am not objecting the need to check people, I am objecting at the procedure, they should learn to respect the lady.

No I suggest they adapt to decent laws.

What you find as disrespect doesn't constitute the same thing in Europe so there's nothing to change.I won't change my furniture if you don't like it when you visit me.
You didn't answer a single question.

If you look at my comment, you will realize that I do not need to answer the rest of the questions.

I see nothing indecent, from their point of view, in their asking a woman to remove her veil. I see nothing that a Muslim lady, visiting a non-Muslim state, could or should object to.

You dont see anything indecent in this, but 1.5 bn Muslims do not think like you do.
Using your logic, one shouldn't object to ISIS's doing or Taliban's doing to the foreign population, or well anyone.

I think, as another member has correctly put it, this is just seeking victimhood.

No, it is an objection to the mistreatment and torture of a lady for the freaking simple act of rejecting to remove her hijab in front of the public.

Stop picking on words like Typical Desi Aunty rather defend what you said !

Given my previous discussions with you, I assumed you are intelligent enough to extract the point.
Anyways I will spell it out for you:
Your logic is flawed and you can figure that out if you give your words a thought.

Typical Desi Aunty

Perhaps the entire point of our discussion is the dignity of a lady and you are only weakening your argument by stereotyping women.

Respect women.

What advantages & disadvantages of hijab has to do with thread.

Its the advantage of decency that is being discussed here, Hijab is a matter of decency.

She just need to respect their rules while going abroad & cooperate with security officers..
As i said, they treat everybody same .

How does indecent treatment of all other female justify their wrong actions?
This is a very misleading video. While there is greater scrutiny and sometimes ridiculous harassment of Muslims coming in and out of western countries; no one is exempt from security checks. The lady should have removed her veil and that is that. Except, all these supposed "pious" Muslims think they have a chip on their shoulder and end up having idiotic arguments based on their own mentality of being disrespectful to women.

He could have been polite about it and asked for a female officer, or at the least a semi-private location.
It would all have been over in a few minutes.
But no, somehow he thinks he is entitled to more because of his religion and superior; their ego is damaged.
Well Mr. Beardo, had your kind been more vocal against the terrorists and extremists while they were fomenting their plans within your houses, that are now stabbing people away in Europe and making it difficult for normal people like us to go most tourism places.. we would not be having such issues in the first place.
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