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George Galloway: 'I don't debate with Israelis'

I don't know enough about Galloway to protect him or not. What he did was silly but not criminal.
You write about him in topic about him.

I did not read the whole thread, just skimmed some posts, and didn't know about these attacks on Talmud until you mentioned it. In any case, there are enough Israelis on this forum to handle it.
It was written in huge red fonts.

The anti-semitism shield is the first defence of Zionists. Just look at this thread.
Its what you want to be. But Unfortunately for you arguments of Israel haters are very very easy to handle so there is no need in any diversion.
an enemy of israel is a friend of Pakistanis
an enemies of jews is a friends of Pakistanis
your point of view is not respected .

Find me one post of an Indian who is critical of Israel even for something meaningless and unimportant, heck even Israelis are critical of their govt, you can find Jews all over the world who are critical of Israel...but an Indian na na, and thats the reason Indian point of views are so respected here
Find me one post of an Indian who is critical of Israel even for something meaningless and unimportant, heck even Israelis are critical of their govt, you can find Jews all over the world who are critical of Israel...but an Indian na na, and thats the reason Indian point of views are so respected here

you are too stupid and blind not to see that . Google that . You will find Indians against Israel and no one gives shyt about your POV .
If we look at this empirically, there is no reason why Pakistanis should be anti Semitic. They don't have any relation with Israel, nor did Israel ever harm them and I doubt there are any jews living in Pakistan.
"A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection . "

"Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. People asked, "O Allah's Apostle! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?" The Prophet said, "By preventing him from oppressing others."

I think Pakistani anti-semitism is based on a desire to imitate the Arabs. I read articles in Pakistani newspapers (written by Pakistanis themselves) which argues that most Pakistanis feel the need to trace their ancestry to Arabs/Aryans rather than ancient India. This, I think is a desperate denial of reality and is based on a hatred for Indians/Hindus rather than fact. They also glorify the Arab invaders who spread Islam in South Asia.

It's not imitation, then why would Westerners Russian Christians "imitate" Semitic people like prophets Essa, and Mosa? Do they like imitating Semitics? Non-Arab-Muslims follow Islam not Arabs, and the most important Islamic rule is that all Muslims are equal, that's why you see mainly black people convert to Islam, because it prohibits racism.

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action."

This innate desire to trace ancestry to Arabs means they try to imitate the Arabs (which some would say: "suck up to the Arabs"). This is why they feel they have to support the Arabs on every issue. No wonder they supported the Arab armies in 67' and 73' war being thousands of miles away. It is also no wonder when their Arab King Hussein of Jordan called for Pakistan, Pakistan helped Jordan to massacre 25000 "palestinians" in 1970 (black september). Pakistanis don't hate Kuwait even though Kuwait ethnically cleansed 500,000 "palestinians" after 1991. In reality, for Pakistan, orders from an Arab king is far more important than the "palestinians" would ever be. Herein lies the inner root of Pakistan's anti-semitism.

In black September, about 1000 were killed from the Jordanian army, and 3000 from the Fedaeen. Arafat over exaggerated the causalities to get sympathy of Arabs. The more important fact that Black September was between Jordanian army and Fedaeen, half of Jordanian army were Palestinians and many of Fedaeen were Jordanians, and many leaders of Fedaeen who plotted against King Hussien were of Jordanian origins. It was an inevitable operation to restore peace and order to the country after it turned into a mosaic of warring militias and every militia had a different ideology. Maybe @500 knows that there is no Jordanian tribe that doesn't have relatives in Palestine and vice versa, they are one people and the closest ones. So, picturing it as a genocide is a base Zionist try to show that Arabs are worse in dealing with Palestinians, while it wasn't against them, lawless people are lawless and must be dealt with based on that not based on nationality or religion.

Furthermore, Kuwait expelled all Arab country citizens which didn't oppose Saddam, including Yemenis, Jordanians, Palestinians, and Sudanese. It was an act of protest, but as for now, there are hundreds of thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians working in GCC and Kuwait.
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@BLACKEAGLE Thing is which sect consider other sect as Muslim brothers. Aren't Muslims fighting against each other ?
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@BLACKEAGLE Thing is which sect consider other sect as Muslim brothers. Aren't Muslims fighting against each other ?

I will answer you with the same logic, aren't Pakistanis and Indians from the same ethnicity or at least had lived together in one country for thousands of years? why are they directing Nucks to annihilate eachothers? Furthermore, Aren't Korians from the very same ethnicity and religion? then why are they dreaming of finishing eachothers?

You get to understand that Muslims and Arabs are not angles, they are human beings and commit mistakes. However, those who massacre Shia or innocents are not Muslims, they are simply criminals no matter how much they try to hijack Islam.
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@BLACKEAGLE It isn't a war between Muslim nation against Muslim like Iran-Iraq and Iran-KSA animosity.

Well I think you find it in bad taste. Sorry buddy. Carry on.
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@BLACKEAGLE It isn't a war between Muslim nation against Muslim like Iran-Iraq and Iran-KSA animosity.

Well I think you find it in bad taste. Sorry buddy. Carry on.

I understand what you are saying, the conflict is mainly political not religious, but the rival parties are trying to use sect to get more influence, and each side is demonizing the other one.
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George Galloway is an honest man who speaks the truth. Western media doesn't like that so they try and portray him as a racist and crazy. They are masters at this game.
Another man I highly respect is Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein. He rips apart all supporters of Zionist aggression.

Here is a debate he had with Zionist and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, worth a watch:

Owning a Zionist Lebanese news woman about Hezbollah:

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Another man I highly respect is Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein. He rips apart all supporters of Zionist aggression.

Here is a debate he had with Zionist and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, worth a watch:

Owning a Zionist Lebanese news woman about Hezbollah:

Chomsky says that there is no evidence that Arab leaders urged Arabs to leave their homes.
Here what his beloved Hezbollah said:

Nasrallah urges Arabs to leave Haifa
Updated 8/9/2006 5:47 PM ET

BEIRUT (AP) — Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday warned all Israeli Arabs to leave the port city of Haifa so the militant group could step up attacks without fear of shedding the blood of fellow Muslims.

Haifa, Israel's third-largest city, has been the frequent target of Hezbollah's rocket attacks.

"I have a special message to the Arabs of Haifa, to your martyrs and to your wounded. I call on you to leave this city. I hope you do this. ... Please leave so we don't shed your blood, which is our blood," Nasrallah said.

USATODAY.com - Nasrallah urges Arabs to leave Haifa

George Galloway is an honest man who speaks the truth. Western media doesn't like that so they try and portray him as a racist and crazy. They are masters at this game.
I dont know if he is racist or crazy, but one thing for sure, he is a pathological liar.

And everyone who calls him "honest" is ether idiot or pathological liar himself.
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Chomsky says that there is no evidence that Arab leaders urged Arabs to leave their homes.

I dont know if he is racist or crazy, but one thing for sure, he is a pathological liar.

And everyone who calls him "honest" is ether idiot or pathological liar himself.

You quoting Chomsky now? I think we both know about how Chomsky feels about Israel and their unwarranted aggression. :D

Also I may be an idiot but you failed to respond to my post yesterday so I guess that means you got outsmarted by an idiot.
"A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection . "

"Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. People asked, "O Allah's Apostle! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?" The Prophet said, "By preventing him from oppressing others."

Yes, I know that Muslims are supposed to be brothers of other Muslims. They should support each other, this is what Islam says. So, it seems, it is natural Pakistanis support Palestinians as opposed to Israelis or being neutral.

The problem is, this Ummah sympathy is not uniform. Muslims/Pakistanis, to the best of my knowledge, don't quote the following Muslim deaths with as much vigour as they do about the relatively minuscule Palestinian deaths. I doubt most of them even knows about these muslim deaths.

1. About 1900000 dead Muslims in Sudan

2. 200000 dead in Algeria,

3. Libya-Chad war, where 10000 died

4. Sunni shia deaths in Iraq about 100000+

5. Kurdish Muslim deaths by Turkey, about 35000 (official turkish stats) or 400000 (human rights estimate)

6. Tajikistan war, 50000 dead, 700k displaced

7. East Timor occupation and war - 200000 dead.

8. Finally, east pakistan genocide.

The above figures are many times higher than deaths in the entire Arab israeli conflict. Most Pakistanis would also support China even though China is Taoist/Atheist and carries out human right abuses against Muslims (last Ramadan, there was a ban on fasting).

It's not imitation, then why would Westerners Russian Christians "imitate" Semitic people like prophets Essa, and Mosa? Do they like imitating Semitics? Non-Arab-Muslims follow Islam not Arabs, and the most important Islamic rule is that all Muslims are equal, that's why you see mainly black people convert to Islam, because it prohibits racism.

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action."

The quote from Prophet Muhammad's last speech is a nice one. In theory, it should be like as you said. But unfortunately in practice, many pakistanis complain of being ill treated in Arab countries. I am not saying that they are, but this illustrates the friction between two group of Muslims. Ideally there should be no racism , but in reality it appears it is present among Muslims.

In black September, about 1000 were killed from the Jordanian army, and 3000 from the Fedaeen. Arafat over exaggerated the causalities to get sympathy of Arabs. The more important fact that Black September was between Jordanian army and Fedaeen, half of Jordanian army were Palestinians and many of Fedaeen were Jordanians, and many leaders of Fedaeen who plotted against King Hussien were of Jordanian origins. It was an inevitable operation to restore peace and order to the country after it turned into a mosaic of warring militias and every militia had a different ideology.Maybe @500 knows that there is no Jordanian tribe that doesn't have relatives in Palestine and vice versa, they are one people and the closest ones. So, picturing it as a genocide is a base Zionist try to show that Arabs are worse in dealing with Palestinians, while it wasn't against them, lawless people are lawless and must be dealt with based on that not based on nationality or religion.

In many ways I agree with you. The figures by Abbas are probably overstated. When Fedayeens plotted against King Hussein, Jordan, being a monarchy, had a right to retaliate. Maybe it over-retaliated, but that's another debate. However, there is one big issue: Muslims do not have any problem with Jordan retaliating to anti state elements. However, when Israel, for example, retaliates to terrorist attacks, Muslims don't recognise the same right to Israel, although Israel's response is far tamer. In other words, Muslims don't recognise the right to "lawless people are lawless and must be dealt with based on that not based on nationality or religion" for Israel.

Furthermore, Kuwait expelled all Arab country citizens which didn't oppose Saddam, including Yemenis, Jordanians, Palestinians, and Sudanese. It was an act of protest, but as for now, there are hundreds of thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians working in GCC and Kuwait.

The Palestinian authority supported Saddam, which is why about 450000 Palestinians were expelled. The opinion of PA were extended to the Palestinians in Kuwait, although many would've opposed Saddam: Palestinian expulsion from Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . By international definition, this is considered ethnic cleansing. Many Arab citizens were expelled, but Palestinians were the most affected. However, Muslims don't condemn Kuwait as much as they do Israel.

How would it be if America expelled all Iraqis in the wake of Iraq war?
Yes, I know that Muslims are supposed to be brothers of other Muslims. They should support each other, this is what Islam says. So, it seems, it is natural Pakistanis support Palestinians as opposed to Israelis or being neutral.

The problem is, this Ummah sympathy is not uniform. Muslims/Pakistanis, to the best of my knowledge, don't quote the following Muslim deaths with as much vigour as they do about the relatively minuscule Palestinian deaths. I doubt most of them even knows about these muslim deaths.

1. About 1900000 dead Muslims in Sudan

2. 200000 dead in Algeria,

3. Libya-Chad war, where 10000 died

4. Sunni shia deaths in Iraq about 100000+

5. Kurdish Muslim deaths by Turkey, about 35000 (official turkish stats) or 400000 (human rights estimate)

6. Tajikistan war, 50000 dead, 700k displaced

7. East Timor occupation and war - 200000 dead.

8. Finally, east pakistan genocide.

The above figures are many times higher than deaths in the entire Arab israeli conflict. Most Pakistanis would also support China even though China is Taoist/Atheist and carries out human right abuses against Muslims (last Ramadan, there was a ban on fasting).

I agree, you can find hypocrisy and double standards.but that doesn't change the right and wrong, killing Sudan's is wrong as well as killing Palestinians is wrong. Muslims killing Muslims is not an excuse for Israel to kill Muslims. However, I don't think you would like me to show how many the west killed from each others not to mention the massacres they committed in many other countries.

The quote from Prophet Muhammad's last speech is a nice one. In theory, it should be like as you said. But unfortunately in practice, many pakistanis complain of being ill treated in Arab countries. I am not saying that they are, but this illustrates the friction between two group of Muslims. Ideally there should be no racism , but in reality it appears it is present among Muslims.
Why are you generalizing? Not all Pakistanis are like that, I could have been harsh in some cases with few, but everyone has a different view and he is entitled to it. Yes, there is racism is Arab countries but there is racism everywhere as well, people have a tendency to generalize bad things happen to them, for instance, a Pakistani was robbed by a Saudi, he would forget all the good hings happened to him and latch this one.
In many ways I agree with you. The figures by Abbas are probably overstated. When Fedayeens plotted against King Hussein, Jordan, being a monarchy, had a right to retaliate. Maybe it over-retaliated, but that's another debate. However, there is one big issue: Muslims do not have any problem with Jordan retaliating to anti state elements. However, when Israel, for example, retaliates to terrorist attacks, Muslims don't recognise the same right to Israel, although Israel's response is far tamer. In other words, Muslims don't recognise the right to "lawless people are lawless and must be dealt with based on that not based on nationality or religion" for Israel.
Jordanians didn't over-retaliate at all and they didn't target civilians, the king tried all ways to avoid confrontation but he was forced to it. The situation between Israel and Jordan are different, Jordan didn't steal others land, it didn't displaced, killed and tortured their inhabitants, it confronted lawless militias and imposed law and order in it's own country, while Palestinians are fighting to get their lands and rights back which were stolen by invaders who don't belong to this land.

The Palestinian authority supported Saddam, which is why about 450000 Palestinians were expelled. The opinion of PA were extended to the Palestinians in Kuwait, although many would've opposed Saddam: Palestinian expulsion from Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . By international definition, this is considered ethnic cleansing. Many Arab citizens were expelled, but Palestinians were the most affected. However, Muslims don't condemn Kuwait as much as they do Israel.

How would it be if America expelled all Iraqis in the wake of Iraq war?

Actually, this is a very traumatizing memory in Arabs minds. Over a night you find yourself between two very dear brothers fighting eachother and you must choose only one of them to take his side. Kuwaitis favored Palestinians and Jordanians to work in Kuwait for the highest salaries as gesture to support their cause, and Kuwait never said no whenever Jordan needed financial aids, while Saddam supported Jordan and Palestine in many ways. Palestinians and Jordanians took Saddam's side. I would like you to put yourself in Kuwaitis shoes, what would you have done? they were greatly hurt and considered it treason. Anyway, it's so over now.
You quoting Chomsky now? I think we both know about how Chomsky feels about Israel and their unwarranted aggression. :D
I know that Chomsky is a dumb propagandist.

Also I may be an idiot but you failed to respond to my post yesterday so I guess that means you got outsmarted by an idiot.
I did not notice ur question. If u give a link i'll answer.
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