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George Galloway: 'I don't debate with Israelis'

Well it applies to all type of Extremism.


The difference being that, while Islamist, Christian and Hindu extremists are chastised, Zionists are often lionized because people are too scared of being called 'anti-Semitic'.

I also find it entertaining that so many people are accusing Galloway of 'vote bank politics' and pandering. Yet no one would dare point out that support for Israel also amounts to 'vote bank politics' and pandering to other groups. Once again, the double standard of political correctness strikes again!
Bingo! The difference being that, while Islamist, Christian and Hindu extremists are chastised, Zionists are often lionized because people are too scared of being called 'anti-Semitic'. I also find it entertaining that so many people are accusing Galloway of 'vote bank politics' and pandering. Yet no one would dare point out that support for Israel also amounts to 'vote bank politics' and pandering to other groups. Once again, the double standard of political correctness strikes again!
Wow...WoW...easy tiger. I know where you are going. I know what you want to bash here.

There is no forced conversion or not allowing people to follow their religion.

In India, at least minorities can become President, Prime Minister, Army Chief, Chief Justice of Supreme Courts etc. in 81% of certain religion being in majority. Will Islamic extremism will allow this ? Ever ?

So, keep India out of it. I have yet to see so called "Indian Extremism" similar to Nazi Ideology.

What about other religions like Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity in India ?
Wow...WoW...easy tiger. I know where you are going. I know what you want to bash here.

There is no forced conversion or not allowing people to follow their religion.

In India, at least minorities can become President, Prime Minister, Army Chief, Chief Justice of Supreme Courts etc. in 81% of certain religion being in majority. Will Islamic extremism will allow this ? Ever ?

So, keep India out of it. I have yet to see so called "Indian Extremism" similar to Nazi Ideology.

What about other religions like Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity in India ?

I am not going anywhere about conversions or India.

Keep a lid on your paranoia.

I was talking about the fact that other religious extremists are chastised, but Zionists are the lone exemption because the 'anti-Semitism' shield is so successful.

In answer to a question asked elsewhere, the reason anti-Semitism has found a foothold in the Middle East is because the Zionists themselves wanted it that way. They are the ones who made the Israel/Palestine issue into a religious one so they could

- use the time-proven anti-Semitism shield
- cash in on the Holocaust guilt
- exploit the Jewish victimhood saga
I am not going anywhere about conversions or India.
Keep a lid on your paranoia.
I was talking about the fact that other religious extremists are chastised, but Zionists are the lone exemption because the 'anti-Semitism' shield is so successful.
Okies. My bad. But you can see why I got wrong vibe.
Okies. My bad. But you can see why I got wrong vibe.

I forgot to add one more to the list, so let me complete the list.

The Zionists framed the Israel/Palestine issue as a religious one so they could

- use the time-proven anti-Semitism shield
- cash in on the Holocaust guilt
- exploit the Jewish victimhood saga

and, last but not least,

- promote Zionism as a religious duty of every Jew.

Not all Jews have bought into the charade
Jews Not Zionists
What is Zionism? | True Torah Jews
Both said they are superior and others are damned.
Both got huge support from people.
Both wanted themselves to rule the world.

Zionists never claimed they are superior and others are damned. The Talmudic references were debunked by Solomon2.

Zionism is the founding ideology of Israel, so naturally, Patriotic Israelis would support Zionism.

Zionism is about the establishment of a Jewish state in it's historic homeland - the land of Israel. It never envisions any such goal of ruling the world and Zionists today are far from such a goal. Israel even gave back land that it gained in defensive wars to Arab countries for peace.
Zionists never claimed they are superior and others are damned. The Talmudic references were debunked by Solomon2.

Zionism is the founding ideology of Israel, so naturally, Patriotic Israelis would support Zionism.

Zionism is about the establishment of a Jewish state in it's historic homeland - the land of Israel. It never envisions any such goal of ruling the world and Zionists today are far from such a goal. Israel even gave back land that it gained in defensive wars to Arab countries for peace.

The core belief of Zionism is that God made a Covenant with his Chosen People through Abraham and gave them the land of Israel in perpetuity. All other humans who are not part of this Covenant can and must be purged from this holy land. Any and all means are valid to achieve these goals.
I forgot to add one more to the list, so let me complete the list.

The Zionists framed the Israel/Palestine issue as a religious one so they could

- use the time-proven anti-Semitism shield
- cash in on the Holocaust guilt
- exploit the Jewish victimhood saga
Spare me of your demagogy.

I just proved that your beloved Galloway is a pathological liar. So there is no any need in "Holocaust guilt" or "anti semitism shield" to deal with Israel haters. Dont flatter yourself.

Not all Jews have bought into the charade
Jews Not Zionists
What is Zionism? | True Torah Jews
Thats actually funny. First you guys say that Jews are evil because they read racist Talmud.

But then you bring Jews who read Talmud day and night as example of good Jews. :lol:
Spare me of your demagogy.

I just proved that your beloved Galloway is a pathological liar. So there is no any need in "Holocaust guilt" or "anti semitism shield" to deal with Israel haters. Dont flatter yourself.

Thats actually funny. First you guys say that Jews are evil because they read racist Talmud.

But then you bring Jews who read Talmud day and night as example of good Jews. :lol:

Desperation tactic on display.

Using someone else's quotes to supposedly refute my comments.

Show me where I said any of the things you claimed of me.

P.S. In case you are having trouble following the plot, all religious extremist deliberately misinterpret religious texts to justify their agenda. It is up to the 'good' people to point out their errant ways and show that the religious text do NOT condone the racist interpretations. I suggest you read my second link and see how Jewish scholars refute Zionist propaganda based, specifically, on Jewish religious texts.

It's OK. You can be a good Jew and not be a Zionist. Plenty of good Jews do it all the time.
Obviously all this moneky claptrap is to please a certain section of people who are NOW a part of British Society . Vote Banks politics .

Is George Galloway the Dumbest Politician in the UK?


George Galloway is getting a lot of attention for stomping out during a debate with a student. Galloway claimed that he did it because he has a boycott on all “normal contacts with individuals or organisations in Israel”. The debate wasn’t taking place in Israel, but for all anyone knows George was too drunk to know that.

In response to criticism from boycotters who oppose Israel and expect Galloway to debate Israelis, George declared that he will define what a boycott is. “Secondly, an organisation calling itself “BDS” does not own the words or the concept of boycott, divestment or sanctions. They are entitled to their own interpretation of these words but they don’t own or control me. I will make my own interpretation.”

Let no one tell George Galloway how to boycott Israel. He will interpret his own boycott in an interpretive dance routine, especially when he’s losing a debate.

So now George has declared that he will boycott debates about Israel with people who support “the existence of the racist Apartheid creed of Zionism.” That’s a handy way of never finding himself in a debate again. Perhaps from now on George will limit himself to debating people who agree with him. That should significantly improve his chances of winning one of these things.

That line, like most of George Galloway’s addled Facebook posting, doesn’t make any actual sense. The respectable RESPECT man meant to say that he will not debate people who support the existence of Israel. It isn’t really possible to support the existence of a creed, but the entire statement is a confused mash of out of date cliches and talking points.

That’s a fashionable leftist position from 1986.

No one talks about the PLO being the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people” since the 90s when the Palestinian Authority was set up. It might have been proper to say that the Palestinian Authority is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, but even that is debatable considering that Hamas won the last elections and the PA is being run by Abbas who is avoiding elections like Galloway is avoiding common sense.

It doesn’t appear that George Galloway is really aware of anything that went on in the region in twenty years, despite claiming to be a vocal advocate for the Palestinian cause. Then he tops that absurdity by calling for the destruction of Israel, which he describes as a cancerous tumor, and its replacement by “a bi-national democratic state from the Jordan River to the sea”.

This is no longer the position of the Palestinian Authority, but George Galloway will choose to interpret what the Palestinian position should be in his own way based on something he read in 1986.

With one front open against the Jewish menace, George Galloway has another front open against the female menace, suing the National Union of Students for calling him a “Rape Denier” and assigning him a No Platform Status for describing Julian Assange’s sexual assaults as bad etiquette.

Edinburgh University Students’ Association president James McAsh said: “George Galloway should apologise immediately for his comments. It’s outrageous that a supposed left-wing politician is threatening to sue the NUS, and trying to take money from the student movement in the run up to a massive anti-austerity demonstration.”

In addition to suing for defamation, Mr Galloway stated on Twitter that “any damages I recover from the NUS will be donated to the Defence Fund for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning”.

He also later tweeted “A note to the NUS and NUS officers. Every defamatory tweet you sent today or caused to be sent will be included in the impending action.”

Thus continues the implosion of George Galloway who is now involved in fighting women and Jews at the same time. And then on top of everything else, Galloway’s Twitter account was hijacked by a weight loss spammer.

Galloway probably meant weight loss, but as it turns out the dumbest politician in the UK also can’t spell.

an enemy of Israel is and enemy of Indians
an enemy of muslims is a friend of Indians
your point of view is very well respected on this forum
Desperation tactic on display.

Using someone else's quotes to supposedly refute my comments.

Show me where I said any of the things you claimed of me.

P.S. In case you are having trouble following the plot, all religious extremist deliberately misinterpret religious texts to justify their agenda. It is up to the 'good' people to point out their errant ways and show that the religious text do NOT condone the racist interpretations. I suggest you read my second link and see how Jewish scholars refute Zionist propaganda based, specifically, on Jewish religious texts.

It's OK. You can be a good Jew and not be a Zionist. Plenty of good Jews do it all the time.
You protect Galloway despite he is a proven pathological liar. So you are not honest person at least.

You did not object when there was attacks on Jewish religion and Talmud in this topic, but then use Talmud following Jews as example of good Jews in your argumentation. Another example of your dishonesty.

And show me using antisemitism shield and Holocaust guilt. You cant. So you are a demagogue.

You think your arguments are smart, but you are flattering yourself. Its very easy to debunk all of them. No need in antisemitism and Holocaust.
I think Galloway got inspired by Mamta banarjee..... j/k
an enemy of Israel is and enemy of Indians
an enemy of muslims is a friend of Indians
your point of view is very well respected on this forum

an enemy of israel is a friend of Pakistanis
an enemies of jews is a friends of Pakistanis
your point of view is not respected .
You protect Galloway despite he is a proven pathological liar. So you are not honest person at least.

I don't know enough about Galloway to protect him or not. What he did was silly but not criminal.

You did not object when there was attacks on Jewish religion and Talmud in this topic, but then use Talmud following Jews as example of good Jews in your argumentation. Another example of your dishonesty.

I did not read the whole thread, just skimmed some posts, and didn't know about these attacks on Talmud until you mentioned it. In any case, there are enough Israelis on this forum to handle it.

And show me using antisemitism shield and Holocaust guilt. You cant. So you are a demagogue.

The anti-semitism shield is the first defence of Zionists. Just look at this thread.

Israel, the Holocaust, and Anti-Semitism, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Chronicles of Dissent)

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