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George Galloway: 'I don't debate with Israelis'

I have a theory actually. :woot:

Firstly, the other Abrahamic religions (specifically Christianity/Islam) used to frown upon "usury", which is the lending of money for profit. Islam still frowns upon it today. So the Jewish immigrants filled the spot of being "money lenders" which we all know is a highly profitable business. Thus they became very rich.

Secondly, they are a very tightly-knit community. When they do business, they will often do it with fellow Jews or even their own family members. This leads to the money being "cycled" through their own community multiple times. They earn money from outside communities, and cycle it within their own community. (Incidentally, this is also a reason why Asian American communities do so well).

Thirdly, as immigrants to Europe, much of the farming land was already "taken" (literally or not) by the locals, who did not appreciate foreigners coming to take their land. This led to the Jews focusing more on education and academics as opposed to becoming farmers. Combined with their considerable wealth, this took them even further above the average.

So you can see why the Jews were so quickly demonized in Europe, and were subject to pogrom after pogrom. People felt cheated that such a small group could hold so much power and influence. People in general tend to hate the "elites" of society, especially when times are bad, but when it combined with racism and religious differences (Jews) it became much more lethal.

(This is just my theory).

Your theory is valid. Plus there was lots of ''religious love'' for them in other abrahmic religions to leverage on.

@ topic - this gallow guy has officially gone insane.
I have a theory actually. :woot:

Firstly, the other Abrahamic religions (specifically Christianity/Islam) used to frown upon "usury", which is the lending of money for profit. Islam still frowns upon it today. So the Jewish immigrants filled the spot of being "money lenders" which we all know is a highly profitable business. Thus they became very rich.

Secondly, they are a very tightly-knit community. When they do business, they will often do it with fellow Jews or even their own family members. This leads to the money being "cycled" through their own community multiple times. They earn money from outside communities, and cycle it within their own community. (Incidentally, this is also a reason why Asian American communities do so well).

Thirdly, as immigrants to Europe, much of the farming land was already "taken" (literally or not) by the locals, who did not appreciate foreigners coming to take their land. This led to the Jews focusing more on education and academics as opposed to becoming farmers. Combined with their considerable wealth, this took them even further above the average.

So you can see why the Jews were so quickly demonized in Europe, and were subject to pogrom after pogrom. People felt cheated that such a small group could hold so much power and influence. People in general tend to hate the "elites" of society, especially when times are bad, but when it combined with racism and religious differences (Jews) it became much more lethal.

(This is just my theory).
Spot on. Now, how does Pakistan and its anti-semitic fervor figure into all this? That is the most amusing part here.
One just has to debate with Solomon here (any of the two they are both obviously the same person) and they will realize there really is no need to debate with Israelis. So this George fellow was smart to have just walked out. BTW Solomon nobody is buying the BS being pro Israel will not solve Pakistan's problems and you continuously bringing it up just shows your desperation.

Here's an Israeli top general's son challenging Israeli narrative which paints Arabs as aggressors and Jews as victims:

Here's Son of Chief of Hamas Challenging the Arab narrative on Palestine :

He is ex mossad, his opinion is biased. You should of all people know this.
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Spot on. Now, how does Pakistan and its anti-semitic fervor figure into all this? That is the most amusing part here.

My theory was mostly about Europe. About the Middle East and Islamic countries I don't really know. I would guess that the anger from the Israel/Palestine conflict is encouraging them to seek out and "import" anti-semitic conspiracy theories from Europe.

Europe is now much more relaxed in terms of relations with Jews (apart from some resurgent Neo-Nazism in a few places), but the Middle East is boiling over so there would be a lot of demand for that kind of stuff.
He is ex mossad, his opinion is biased. You should of all people know this.

How did that happen? . How did Son of Chief of Hamas joined Mossad ?? And he explains why . That is the point . You can call him biased but for me he is the guy who was on one side of coin , then saw another and finally chose a side . So he is in a better position to judge his actions than us internet analysts imho .
Spot on. Now, how does Pakistan and its anti-semitic fervor figure into all this? That is the most amusing part here.

I can guess that..

I think there is a hadees that goes on like "Love the arabs for three reasons..". Some say it is a fabricated one, but not many know that and still believe that..

So basically an arab cause automatically morphs into an Islamic cause and Pakistan being the citadel of Islam and the only nuclear power has no choice but to hate the Israelis.
How did that happen? . How did Son of Chief of Hamas joined Mossad ?? And he explains why . That is the point . You can call him biased but for me he is the guy who was on one side of coin , then saw another and finally chose a side . So he is in a better position to judge his actions than us internet analysts imho .

He was never a part of Hamas he just had access through his father. Nope he is biased because mossad pays his bills you never speak against the people who fund your beach house in California.
My theory was mostly about Europe. About the Middle East and Islamic countries I don't really know. I would guess that the anger from the Israel/Palestine conflict is encouraging them to seek out and "import" anti-semitic conspiracy theories from Europe.

Europe is now much more relaxed in terms of relations with Jews (apart from some resurgent Neo-Nazism in a few places), but the Middle East is boiling over so there would be a lot of demand for that kind of stuff.

Its so well internalised here that during an official meeting in Dubai where I happened to discuss the horrible rape case in Delhi, a person mentioned how inhuman those perpetrators by saying ''not even a jew...''!!! My jaw dropped.

We have had the pleasure of having Bene Israeli jews as family friends and I find such comments absolutely stomach turning. I've read about how ''evolution is a conspiracy to turn people away from god'' in a book sold in ''toyz r us'', but the most shocking stuff you experience is stuff that people don't even find wrong, offensive or even an opinion.

For example - I'm sure this gallow guy and his fanboys consider him a liberal!!!
Note that the Israeli general's son remains an Israeli active in politics whereas the only route open for the Hamas Chief's son to salve his conscience was conversion, espionage, and exile.

Is there a Pakistani here who can claim to have publicly championed Israel in Pakistan itself?

Yes, the feeling flashing across a Pakistani's gut right now is cowardice. Although you may cover that with anger directed towards me keep in mind that I ask myself if I were in your shoes I don't know if I'd behave any better...

And yet...one article of faith I've absorbed from my skimpy Talmud studies is that there is the opportunity for individual adherents of all three Abrahamic religions to make choices for good or evil regardless of circumstances.

As one biographer wrote of Goethe: "His virtues were his own; his vices were those of his time and country" - and so it is for us. If you can't openly be an pro-Israel, anti-Galloway iconoclast there is going to be another route available for you, though if it doesn't appear you may have to seek it out.

Watch him before making a fool of yourself...the general's son lives in the United States, not in Israel. He's been shunned by the Israelis simply because he disagrees with the Israeli policy of brutal occupation and lying to the world.

As to the Hamas chief's son, he was an Israeli spy, spying for the enemy. It's considered treason in any society, including the Israeli society....a la Ben Zygier.

Australian Spy Ben Zygier Killed Himself, Israel... | Stuff.co.nz
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George is just pandering to his constituency, which is mostly muslim voters here. He tells truth on many occasions but people dont take him seriously as he is quite biased to one side.(apart from unnecessary theatrics)
He should have argued and won over his opponents than use such cheap tricks, but may be he is right about his followers, who will prefer such gimmicks.
George Galloway walks out of Oxford Israel Debate - YouTube

The controversial MP George Galloway has been accused of racism after walking out of a meeting at Oxford University when he discovered he was debating with an Israeli.

Mr Galloway, who is the Respect party MP for Bradford West, had been speaking in the debate organised by Christ Church college in favour of the motion: "Israel should withdraw immediately from the West Bank".

Around three minutes into the speech given by his opponent, Eylon Aslan-Levy, Galloway interrupted asking: "You said we. Are you an Israeli?"

The third year student Aslan-Levy answered "I am, yes."

Galloway then stood up and replied: "I don't debate with Israelis, I've been misled, sorry."

Mr Galloway then left the lecture theatre.

The outspoken MP is a well-known and vocal critic of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinian people.

Video footage of the incident, obtained by the Oxford student newspaper Cherwell, quotes Aslan-Levy as saying: "I am appalled that an MP would storm out of a debate with me for no reason other than my heritage. To refuse to talk to someone just because of their nationality is pure racism, and totally unacceptable for a member of parliament."

The incident caused a flurry of angry Twitter exchanges, some of which Galloway responded to. In one posting on the micro-blogging site Galloway wrote: "No recognition of Israel. No normalisation. Christ Church never informed us the debate would be with an Israeli. Simple."

A posting on Mr Galloway's Facebook page said: "I refused this evening at Oxford University to debate with an Israeli, a supporter of the apartheid state of Israel.

The reason is simple: no recognition, no normalisation. Just boycott, divestment and sanctions, until the apartheid state is defeated. I never debate with Israelis nor speak to their media. If they want to speak about Palestine – the address is the PLO."

The moderator of the debate, Michael Baldwin, a 3rd year reading Philosophy, Politics and Economics, said: "I was disappointed that a possibly fruitful discussion was prematurely ended by Mr Galloway’s refusal to debate someone just because of their nationality."

Utterly disgraceful, in my opinion.:tdown:

Thats not racism. That is BDS for you.
He was never a part of Hamas he just had access through his father. Nope he is biased because mossad pays his bills you never speak against the people who fund your beach house in California.

His Father Man . Do you understand how much father or Parents have saying in a Child's Upbringing . Growing around hotshots of Hammas and then joining Mossad later in his life speaks much about this man . And if he works for Mossad , they will pay his bill . Whats the problem ??
If we look at this empirically, there is no reason why Pakistanis should be anti Semitic. They don't have any relation with Israel, nor did Israel ever harm them and I doubt there are any jews living in Pakistan.

I think Pakistani anti-semitism is based on a desire to imitate the Arabs. I read articles in Pakistani newspapers (written by Pakistanis themselves) which argues that most Pakistanis feel the need to trace their ancestry to Arabs/Aryans rather than ancient India. This, I think is a desperate denial of reality and is based on a hatred for Indians/Hindus rather than fact. They also glorify the Arab invaders who spread Islam in South Asia.

This innate desire to trace ancestry to Arabs means they try to imitate the Arabs (which some would say: "suck up to the Arabs"). This is why they feel they have to support the Arabs on every issue. No wonder they supported the Arab armies in 67' and 73' war being thousands of miles away. It is also no wonder when their Arab King Hussein of Jordan called for Pakistan, Pakistan helped Jordan to massacre 25000 "palestinians" in 1970 (black september). Pakistanis don't hate Kuwait even though Kuwait ethnically cleansed 500,000 "palestinians" after 1991. In reality, for Pakistan, orders from an Arab king is far more important than the "palestinians" would ever be. Herein lies the inner root of Pakistan's anti-semitism.
Actually Islamic Extremism is same as Nazi ideology.

Both said they are superior and others are damned.
Both got huge support from people.
Both wanted themselves to rule the world.

And list goes on. To understand the evil, one has to know more about evil.

You just described Zionism.
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