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Geometry of the Universe

Is it true that if we do ever develop speed of lights ships that even if a grain of sand hit the ship during flight it would rip right threw the ship?

Also is it possible to go faster then light?

well the first question is quite elementary..M*V and v= a round of figure of 300billion m/s
add any mass to the M and ur answer is clear.

THt would be the force with which it contacts the ship surface

and no its not possible for matter to remain intact if u need to approach anywhere near to the speed of light...
Chogy i understand but a1 lost me lol.

I think its worth saying that the universe is still expanding and eventually it will tear up everything that exists planets , stars , Galaxies.

Really the big bang is still actually happening.

Actually, I believe it is not matter, but the space between matter which is expanding; That space we refer to is - Dark Matter. Let me find more information on this...
Actually, I believe it is not matter, but the space between matter which is expanding; That space we refer to is - Dark Matter. Let me find more information on this...

Dark matter is just a theoretical particle generated by assuming entities to somehow define very controversial universal phenomenon. like lets say Singularities.or missing mass

tho his topic is intriguing...it still is speculative imo.
Physics states that any particle with measurable mass, like a neutron or electron, cannot reach the speed of light, as infinite force would be needed to get it there. Further, the mass of the particle itself increases as it approaches the speed of light. That is why megawatts of power is needed in a particle accelerator just to get a few thousand protons up to 0.98 C. And to kick it up to 0.99C, just 0.01 more, would take many MORE megawatts.

I would guess that a ship without shielding, traveling at 0.5 C, if it hit a grain of sand, would cause the grain of sand to vaporize but not before the sand grain does severe damage. Just guessing.

Speed causes time to slow down. They did a simple experiment years ago, with two hyper-accurate atomic clocks. One went on a 747 trip around the world, the other remained on the ground. The traveling clock was slower than the stationary clock upon landing. Also, gravity slows time. A guy living on the bottom floor of a skyscraper sees time passing slower than the guy on the top floor. It is very small, but measurable.

As they say, time is relative in every way.
1) What does the man at the front of the ship measure for the speed of the laser light beam?

2) What does the guy standing on the moon measure for the speed of the light beam?
lets see..a quick think would suggest.
1)the man in the front measure the light at the same speed as it is.
2)the man on the moon will also measure it at the normal speed ...

Have no prior knowledge if the speed of light of the projecting body will actually affect the speed of light on the moons surface..
tho i think it shouldn't.
Dark matter is just a theoretical particle generated by assuming entities to somehow define very controversial universal phenomenon. like lets say Singularities.or missing mass

tho his topic is intriguing...it still is speculative imo.

I think Dark Matter is a plausible explanation for the expansion. Something has to be pushing matter away, and it is not gravity; gravity pulls matter towards it, not against. Moreover, the speed of expansion is increasing, and this can only be due to somthing filling into the empty void between stars and galaxaies.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

lets see..a quick think would suggest.
1)the man in the front measure the light at the same speed as it is.
2)the man on the moon will also measure it at the normal speed ...

Have no prior knowledge if the speed of light of the projecting body will actually affect the speed of light on the moons surface..
tho i think it shouldn't.

I think the man in front would percieve the laser traveling at the speed of light, since both men are stationary in relation to the laser beam.

As for the second question... now that is a little conky! Would he see it at the speed of light, or two times the speed of light??
As for the second question... now that is a little conky! Would he see it at the speed of light, or two times the speed of light??

thts wht im no entirely sure about ...but since photons carry no mass ...does it actually get affected by any form of initial velocity?
have to google this
I think Dark Matter is a plausible explanation for the expansion. Something has to be pushing matter away, and it is not gravity; gravity pulls matter towards it, not against. Moreover, the speed of expansion is increasing, and this can only be due to somthing filling into the empty void between stars and galaxaies.

Well weren't all particle already moving on an outward vector (as evident in the BIg band theory) since its all vacuum i see no forces acting against.

Antimatter are usually categorized with singularities and unexplained for masses that show there presence through there effect on surrounding light emitting bodies. i see no studies where scintist related this mass to any rpulsive force..

the Gs are supposed to be so huge that they even exert influence over photons,
Cosmology - a way to blow your mind without drugs!

Thought experiment: You are in a space ship. You fly to the edge of the universe, then you keep going. Where are you?

A: There is no "void" outside the universe. The universe is... everything. It defines reality. So the answer is, your ship gets curved back into the defined space-time reality. One cannot travel to a location where all of the universe is hovering in front of you like a tennis ball held at arm's length... such a location doesn't exist.

Hmmmm... :meeting:

It does. Have you ever been to "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"? Oh what a spectacle!!! ;)

On topic: We don't know whether such a location exists or not. No one has seen the edge of the Universe, as of yet. How about this, you get tot he edge, expecting some sort of a paradox which keeps you looping back into 'your' Universe when infact you might just happen to cross a very thin barrier/dimension - just like Gravity does, and enter into another Universe with a different set of Physics laws altogether? How about that?
All this is why I should have said

"Cosmology AND quantum mechanics - a way to blow your mind without drugs!"

Another hint on the light beam thought experiment... the passage of time is different between the moon, and shipboard.

The speed of light should be constant. That is one constant in the Universe, but what changes is TIME.

Btw, what was that recent expt at CERN and a sister concern where they measured Neutrinos a tad little faster than the speed of Light?
I think the man in front would percieve the laser traveling at the speed of light, since both men are stationary in relation to the laser beam.

As for the second question... now that is a little conky! Would he see it at the speed of light, or two times the speed of light??

That's the conundrum. You'd think the guy on the moon would measure the speed of the laser at something well above the speed of light. But relativity states that any measurement of the speed of light in any frame of referance would simply see "C", the speed of light. What changes for them all is time.

Speed is distance / time. By allowing time to be the variable between the observers, what they all end up measuring is the exact same value. This blows peoples' minds. We think of time as standardized and immutable. It's not.

Einstein truly was remarkable for coming up with his theories, all in his head and with pencil and paper. No computers. And every experiment done to date has verified his theories.

Time travel is very possible, especially in the forward direction. Get on a space ship that travels to nearby stars at 95% of the speed of light, and return to earth, and tens of thousands of years will have passed.

If people on earth could watch events on the ship, they would appear to be in ultra slow motion, like the Matrix. Conversely, spying on the earth from the ship, they'd see super high speed fast motion.

Here's my plan - put $1,000 in a savings account. Fly on the time ship, come back, and compound interest would make me the richest man in the world! ;) I really enjoy this stuff.
The speed of light should be constant. That is one constant in the Universe, but what changes is TIME.

Btw, what was that recent expt at CERN and a sister concern where they measured Neutrinos a tad little faster than the speed of Light?

Make that electromagnetic waves, light isnt the fastest thing around, other ***** like UV is pretty fast to
^^ Light is a FORM of EM radiation.

Shortwave radio, microwaves, lasers, UV, IR, X rays, gamma rays, all of them are EM radiation, and all travel at C in a vacuum.

The only difference between your microwave oven's output and a gamma ray burst from a dying star is the frequency/wavelength.
i dont think that makes sense chogy sir.....your 1.5 pound brain can comprehend the extent,nature and size of this universe.....hell you cant even put a man on venus and you are talking about going to the edge of space....there is no edge of space....its never ending...believe it or not...dont try to limit Almighty Allah's power....if he can make make one universe with billions and trillions of stars...then he can make billions and trillions of universes too.....and they all can be never ending.....dont waste your time thinking about...mend your beliefs instead regarding the God who made it.....

you believe in 3 gods and one of your god died on a cross and u still preach everyone that you believe in one god..now how logical is that?:azn:

I have reported your post for its rudeness and thoughtlessness.What anyone believes or does not should be none of your business. If you are a Muslim , may I remind you that the Prophet has forbidden you to attack other peoples religious beliefs without provocation. You understood nothing of his post and jumped in which shows your immaturity. Please have the courtesy to apologize to Chogy who is a respected senior member of this forum. We are all here to learn from each other , not to question other peoples beliefs .
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