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Genocide of Christians in India


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Genocide of Christians in India

Orissa, tally following 3 months of violence against Christians

118 deaths have been certified, but it is feared that there have been at least 500, with many bodies being hidden or cremated. More than 54,000 have been displaced. The violence continues, although with less frequency, in part because of the impunity enjoyed by the attackers.

New Delhi (AsiaNews) - At least 118 Christians have been assassinated, and more than 10,000 (especially Dalits and tribals) have been forced to live in refugee camps without being able to return to their homes - in many cases destroyed - out of fear of the Hindu extremists, although sources say that at least 500 people have been killed, with many bodies being hidden or cremated. The All India Christian Council (AICC) is presenting the data from three months of martyrdom of Christians in Orissa.

The Hindu extremists are "justifying" the massacre of Christians by accusing them of the killing of their leader, Swami Lakshamanananda Saraswati, on August 23, although responsibility for this has been claimed by the Maoists. Two days afterward, the worst anti-Christian violence in recent Indian history broke out, in 14 of the 30 districts in the state.

The AICC says that there has been serious violence and destruction in 315 villages, 4,640 homes belonging to Christians have been burned, 54,000 people have been displaced, 6 pastors and one Catholic priest have been killed, another 10 have been seriously injured, 18,000 Christians have been injured, 2 women have been raped, including a sister, 149 churches have been destroyed, and 13 schools and institutes have been damaged. The police have frequently failed to intervene, and stemmed the violence only in the middle of October, although it has never stopped completely. On November 12, a crowd of 200 people attacked a Catholic church in G. Udayagiri.

Fr. P.R. Parichha, president of the AICC for Orissa, says that there were still 24,000 people in the refugee camps when the state closed many of them, telling the people to return to their villages: for many, this is impossible, "because of the fear of violence or forced conversion. Many will never be able to return home."

Everything is in short supply in the refugee camps, the refugees are unable to find work, and the children are missing school.

The national president of the AICC, Joseph D'Souza, denounces the lack of swift and effective justice in Orissa and Karnataka. According to the Christian Legal Association of India, in three months more than 1,800 lawsuits have been filed for murder, aggression, damage, and arson. There have been hundreds of arrests, but almost all of the suspects have been released immediately on bond. The government of Orissa has promised speedy justice, but investigations are proceeding slowly, even in clear-cut cases. Above all - insists D'Sousa - the organizers and instigators of the violence have so far enjoyed a sort of impunity.

INDIA Orissa, tally following 3 months of violence against Christians - Asia News
I think Christians are about to rise in open rebellion against Indian rule... ofcourse thats after the muslims already did Deccan Mujahideen and Indian Mujahideen taking responsibility for all these attacks in India...

Indians whats ur take on the situation might i ask? ;)
It is not technically a genocide. There really is no systematic killing of Christians. It is simply communal violence against the Christians by the Hindus just like how the Hindus attack Muslims.
Houses of Worship Burned, Over 300 Killed in Nigeria

More than 300 people have died in Muslim-Christian clashes in the worst sectarian violence in Nigeria since 2004, when some 700 people were killed.

Angry mobs burned homes, churches and mosques on Saturday in the central state of Plateau in the second day of riots, according to The Associated Press. Though initially a clash between supporters of the region’s two main political parties following the election, the violence was soon divided along ethnic and religious lines.

Houses of Worship Burned, Over 300 Killed in Nigeria| Christianpost.com

No Religion is Saint
i feel bad for the christians as well as every other group in india that is a victim of a genocide
thank god that jinnah saved us
Houses of Worship Burned, Over 300 Killed in Nigeria

More than 300 people have died in Muslim-Christian clashes in the worst sectarian violence in Nigeria since 2004, when some 700 people were killed.

Angry mobs burned homes, churches and mosques on Saturday in the central state of Plateau in the second day of riots, according to The Associated Press. Though initially a clash between supporters of the region’s two main political parties following the election, the violence was soon divided along ethnic and religious lines.

Houses of Worship Burned, Over 300 Killed in Nigeria| Christianpost.com

No Religion is Saint

I know. Hindus and muslims are brothers and we can in everyway live together however being oppressed in the name of secularism is stupid. U shud check our speeches by a person who goes as Nuzab round in Pakistan. He escaped f4m indian genoicide in 2003 and always tells truth about how it is to be a muslim in India.

It is India we are talking about here. The nation has been responsible for countless genocides.
i feel bad for the christians as well as every other group in india that is a victim of a genocide
thank god that jinnah saved us

Jinnah saved you from what?

Who is going to save you from the americans who are attacking and killing your people with their drones? With prior approval from your Government.

Taliban killing fellow muslims and PA killing Taleban (again muslims).

During 1993 riots in Mumbai it was our hindu neighbours who protected us from the Hindu mobs.
It is India we are talking about here. The nation has been responsible for countless genocides.

Bomb attack on churches: Death sentence to 11

Special sessions court has awarded death sentence to 11 persons in connection with bomb attacks on churches in Bangalore, Gulbarga and Hubli in 2000. Special court judge S M Shivannagoudar in his order on Saturday also sentenced the other 12 to life imprisonment.

All the 23 accused belong to the banned Deendar Anjuman outfit which seeks to make India an Islamic state.

Special public prosecutor H N Nilogal had pleaded for capital punishment for all the 23 convicted.

Bomb blasts

They had carried out bomb blasts at churches in Wadi in Gulbarga, Keshavapura in Hubli and Jagjivanramnagar in Bangalore.

They were also responsible for the explosion of a Maruti van near Minerva Mill on Magadi Road here around the time.

The activists, in the van, were on their way to plant bombs at churches in other parts of the city when the bombs went off.

Two of the activists, Mohammad Zakir and Fida-ur- Rehaman died in the incident.

For security reasons, the special court conducted the trial through video conferencing from Central Jail at Parappana Agrahara in Bangalore.


Not all the attacks have been carried out by Hindus.

In this case the culprit were muslims.

P.S: - I am not able to post the link for the above news.
Jinnah saved you from what?

Who is going to save you from the americans who are attacking and killing your people with their drones? With prior approval from your Government.

Taliban killing fellow muslims and PA killing Taleban (again muslims).

During 1993 riots in Mumbai it was our hindu neighbours who protected us from the Hindu mobs.

no offense but i cant say this in any other words
jinnah saved us from a hindu controlled country that would try to crush our people just like it is doing to its minorities right now
and for the 1000th time taliban is anything BUT muslims; as they barely follow anything the quran says.

and as for the americans we will have a leader that will save us from them too unlike india where no matter whos the leader minorities are always crushed and history is my proof
and y did the 1993 happen in first place? why did a bunch of hindu mobs went out to kill muslims? y were the sikhs targeted in 1980s? y are the christians targeted all over india?
look at your own home b4 you stick fingers at us
Christian youths turn to militancy

Shaikh Azizur Rahman, Correspondent

* Last Updated: October 12. 2008 12:38AM UAE / October 11. 2008 8:38PM GMT

One of 400 churches demolished by Hindu militants in Orissa since anti-Christian riots began in August. Asiapics

KOLKATA // Christian youths in the eastern state of Orissa have turned to militancy by teaming up with local Maoists. Police are concerned that if anti-Christian riots continue, the Christians may also join forces with Muslim militants to take on Hindus.

The shift follows seven weeks of violence triggered by the killing of a local Hindu leader, Swami Laxmananda Saraswati, a leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council, or VHP) with critics claiming authorities are failing to rein in the armed Hindu activists who are attacking Christians.

Chandrasekhar Pattnaik, a police officer with the intelligence branch, said: “Some of these Christian militants might have joined or helped the Maoists in killing Laxmananda Saraswati and his associates in August.

“The arrested militants have confessed to their links with Maoist guerrillas hiding in jungles and we think the Maoists have trained these Christian youths in jungle camps since some years ago.”

Some security analysts worry the Maoist-Christian alliance could lead to a rise of terrorism in the region and Christian militancy could soon spread to other states.

“In the past two weeks we have arrested seven Christian youths – some while they were making bombs and some with guns,” said Praveen Kumar, the police chief of Orissa’s Kandhamal district.

“We suspect, with expertise from the Maoist rebels, some Christian youths have raised a local militia which is possibly targeting the Hindus.”

According to police sources, the arrested Christian youths admitted that they got arms and ammunitions, including explosives, from the Maoist rebels.

“During interrogation, the arrested Christian militants revealed that many Christian young men who were ‘not satisfied with government actions against Hindu militants’, were desperate to resort to violence against Hindus in revenge attacks and they were on the lookout for arms and explosives,” said one police intelligence officer who specialises in Maoist groups in Orissa’s capital, Bhubaneswar.

The officer, who did not want to be identified, said since Muslims also consider the Hindu Bajrang Dal (the militant youth wing of the VHP) their enemy, Muslim activists could team up with Christian militants to target Hindus.“If the Muslim and Christian terrorists unite in action, the outcome could be fatal and terrorism could spread to new areas of the country,” he said.

Last month, P Chidambaram, India’s finance minister, warned of “new waves of terror” among minorities if the alienation of the communities was not addressed soon.

However, some Muslim leaders argue that the Muslim-Christian alliance has nothing to do with any terrorist activity.

Shahi Imam Syed Mohammad Noorur Rahman Barkati, of Kolkata, who recently wrote to federal ministers demanding security for Christians, said the alliance will fight the Hindu militants using only democratic means.

“Christians and Muslim leaders will jointly seek protection for both minorities [Christians and Muslims], mobilising political leaders, government agencies and other secular agencies. Prominent leaders from both communities are part of this solidarity and none with any violent motive can be part of our mission,” Mr Barkati said.

“Muslims have suffered most because of this terrorism. We the imams have issued fatwa against all terrorist activities by Muslims. It is utterly wrong if someone foresees any terrorist activity in our democratic move.”

Christian leaders admit to the rise of the Christian militia in Orissa but blame “inactive” government agencies for pushing the Christian youths to the path of violence “to defend themselves”.

Sajan K George, president of the Global Council for Indian Christians, said Hindu activists had been persecuting Christians in Orissa for several years. “The silence and indifference of the authorities have now forced some youths to pick up militancy to fend for themselves,” he said.

“However, we don’t endorse this militancy because it is against the basic tenets of Christianity. Violence can never be fought successfully with violence.

“They [Hindu rioters] are continuing the attack and we are still ready to forgive them.”

Cecil D’ Francis, a church leader in Midnapur in West Bengal, said “denial of justice” had given birth to Christian militancy.

“In a desperate situation the [Christian] youths have picked up bombs and guns. But it does not bode well for these Christians in this Orissa region. This militancy, as it happens everywhere, will slow down the socio-economic development of these poorer people and throw them in many other miseries,” Mr Francis said.

Although police claim the situation is turning normal in Orissa, the VHP on Friday threatened to “resort to violence” again if its demands, which include no Christian owernship of land in Kandhamal, were not fulfilled by the authorities within a month.

“These Hindu leaders are demanding that none be allowed to practise Christianity in Kandhamal,” Mr George said.

“It means all Christians must leave Orissa if they do not convert to Hinduism within a month. From the Hindu militants it is a clear signal of another spell of violent attack on the Christians.”

* The National *
Jinnah saved you from what?

Who is going to save you from the americans who are attacking and killing your people with their drones? With prior approval from your Government.

Taliban killing fellow muslims and PA killing Taleban (again muslims).

During 1993 riots in Mumbai it was our hindu neighbours who protected us from the Hindu mobs.

Sorry, but thats all you have to defend yourself?

Terrorists are not our people. They were will be collateral damage to finish off the terrorists. I am sorry but thats not anything credible from you.

Taliban will kill Muslims because they are terrorists, even Indian Muslims. Pakistan Army will kill terrorists because thats what they do. If you want to save Taliban from dying just because they are Muslims i suggest you join them.
All this talk about Indian Christians - but still nobody here has explained why Pakistani Islamic groups were targeting Indian Christians and trying to blame Hindus. I had posted an article about this a few days back.
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