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General Hameed Gul and patriotic passion of Hameed Gul never die


Aug 7, 2020
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Gen Hameed Gul.jpg

That was the 12th century when bound by the hateful movement , the alliance of the Europe was in a state of insanity in the invasion of the Muslim states and especially Jerusalem. Muslims were never aggressive but the emperors of the whole of Europe, came to attack again and again with their locust-hearted crusader armies but failed again and again. The Supreme Sovereign always puts on the golden crowns on heads of the Conquerors. Yes, those heroes were the great sons of the Islamic world. Western historians witness that in the face of its war strategies, all the glorious and majestic armies of the whole of Europe were left helpless against Muslim defence. It was a continuation of the defense system, invincible war strategy and the imitation of its passion and wisdom by the Muslim rulers to carry the green flag of Islam on Jerusalem for the next 691 years.

The history that gave birth to the deeds of Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror, Ghaznavi and Tipu was entering into its modern age. This time, another general, who was born from the womb of the mother of this history and chewed the anti-Islamic colonialism with an iron fist, is about to take over the world scene. And this is a crucial time in the last decade of the 20th century when the eyes of modern Russia are focused on the warm waters.It was a gift from God Almighty that he got every promotion in his professional career before completing the required course. Surprisingly, he reached the pinnacle in a short period of time that he himself was a major, but the intelligence strategy he created was being taught to colonels and senior rank officers at the School of Military Intelligence.

He was the soldier of the land who, as a brigadier, rejected the military course of the world-renowned Royal War College of Britain, saying, "Who is this Englishman who teaches me about war and defence of homeland?" The understanding of the soil that comes from it runs in my blood”.

He was the man under whose command, when the Pakistan Armed Division launched a stormy advance from Multan to Kashmir, the Indian leadership, shaken by the horror of that dramatic advance, conducted the largest military exercise in its history, Brasstacks had to be canceled. He led the largest military exercise in history, Zarb-e-Momin. He never had security guards for his personal protection after his military service and retirement. As DG ISI he used to dress up his village in plain clothes without any security guard.

As a corps commander, he was a living example of the Sunnah of Prophet hood and Forgiveness. He forgave the murderer husband of his real daughter even though he was the DG of a powerful agency like ISI.

He was the only general of Pakistan who established a great tradition by presenting himself for open accountability in front of every forum instead of arguing and brand defense in response to fabricated allegations of enemies of the the nation.He was the man who not only smashed the superpower of Russia, Rather, played an unforgettable historical role in the birth of many independent Islamic states in Central Asia from its infidel cradle.The established anti-Muslim world was broken by the siege. And the voices of Allah Akbar began to resound from the mosques of Russian colonialism which had been locked for centuries.

It is a matter of pride for the Pakistan that even after his retirement from the army, he became the world's most dangerous general and the mastermind of successive defeat of the US-Western alliance in Afghanistan.

He was the man about whom many eminent Indian journalists also confessed that Hameed Gul proved to be a more deadly enemy after his retirement. In recognition of the intellectual and military prowess of this eminent general, the German government eventually sent a piece of the crumbling Berlin Wall with the inscription, "This piece is in the name of General Hamid Gul, who struck the first blow on the Berlin Wall".

When Israeli planes in Indian robes were ready to attack Pakistan's nuclear program from Indian soil, it was the same general who sent this "death message" to the Israeli leadership in a timely manner. That the Jewish leadership should be aware that in the event of any attack on Pakistan's nuclear assets, Pakistan has the full potential to wipe out the whole of Israel in a matter of minutes. And then, immediately after that bold warning, the Israeli planes returned to their air bases.

This domineering man had the honor of being the youngest lieutenant general in the history of Pakistan. He had rejected the charge of heavy industry Taxila with the professional logic that "I have come to the army not to build tanks, but to run tanks, I am not a factory manager but a soldier".

It would be ungrateful not to mention this great personal kindness to me. In June 2015, I was forced to emigrate after assassination attempts and repeated brutal violence for exposing anti-military elements, drug and land mafias. I appealed to the institutions and media persons for protection in Pakistan for my eye surgery. But after the ruthless silence, that was only Hamid Gul, who provided me shelter, treatment and protection. But alas, it was during the stay with him , my kind man passed away. And after this angelic attribute man who became a shadow of mercy for me, not only the poor people of the desert like me but also the poor of homeland became orphans, for whom he had built a model village and distributed fifty-five houses for free.

This generous general built an orphanage for orphan girls in Sargodha. I witness that after retirement he used to donate not only his entire pension but also 90% of his income. He paid out-of-pocket for hundreds of children's fees, patient care and even the house rent of many poor people.

Even his worst opponents were jealous of this great man's patriotism and struggle. He was the only lucky character in the history of Pakistan, whose funeral prayers did not include the flags of young and old political parties but only the green crescent flag of Pakistan. And was buried in the Pakistan Army cemetery right in front of the martyrs.Fortunately, he was also given this great and unique place by nature that his funeral prayers were offered in absentia in more than forty countries, including the Prophet's Mosque, the Kaaba, Gaza and the 22 districts of occupied Kashmir

Rich in innumerable military and universal abilities and full of love for Islam, he the winner of the Afghan war was not only a nightmare for the Russians, the Indians and the Western colonialists. He exposed not only Russia but also the modern crusader armies of the West and imperialism to such an extent that by chanting the slogan of “ready for defeat” in every place.

As for Hameed Gul and his passion, General Hameed Gul never retires, like Zangi and Ayyubi, Hameed Gul never dies.

Farooq Rashid Butt
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He was the soldier of the land who, as a brigadier, rejected the military course of the world-renowned Royal War College of Britain, saying, "Who is this Englishman who teaches me about war and defence of homeland?" The understanding of the soil that comes from it runs in my blood”.

He was the man under whose command, when the Pakistan Armed Division launched a stormy advance from Multan to Kashmir, the Indian leadership, shaken by the horror of that dramatic advance, conducted the largest military exercise in its history, Brasstacks had to be canceled. He led the largest military exercise in history, Zarb-e-Momin. He never had security guards for his personal protection after his military service and retirement. As DG ISI he used to dress up his village in plain clothes without any security guard.

As a corps commander, he was a living example of the Sunnah of Prophet hood and Forgiveness. He forgave the murderer husband of his real daughter even though he was the DG of a powerful agency like ISI.

He was the only general of Pakistan who established a great tradition by presenting himself for open accountability in front of every forum instead of arguing and brand defense in response to fabricated allegations of enemies of the the nation.He was the man who not only smashed the superpower of Russia, Rather, played an unforgettable historical role in the birth of many independent Islamic states in Central Asia from its infidel cradle.The established anti-Muslim world was broken by the siege. And the voices of Allah Akbar began to resound from the mosques of Russian colonialism which had been locked for centuries.

It is a matter of pride for the Pakistan that even after his retirement from the army, he became the world's most dangerous general and the mastermind of successive defeat of the US-Western alliance in Afghanistan.

He was the man about whom many eminent Indian journalists also confessed that Hameed Gul proved to be a more deadly enemy after his retirement. In recognition of the intellectual and military prowess of this eminent general, the German government eventually sent a piece of the crumbling Berlin Wall with the inscription, "This piece is in the name of General Hamid Gul, who struck the first blow on the Berlin Wall".

When Israeli planes in Indian robes were ready to attack Pakistan's nuclear program from Indian soil, it was the same general who sent this "death message" to the Israeli leadership in a timely manner. That the Jewish leadership should be aware that in the event of any attack on Pakistan's nuclear assets, Pakistan has the full potential to wipe out the whole of Israel in a matter of minutes. And then, immediately after that bold warning, the Israeli planes returned to their air bases.

This domineering man had the honor of being the youngest lieutenant general in the history of Pakistan. He had rejected the charge of heavy industry Taxila with the professional logic that "I have come to the army not to build tanks, but to run tanks, I am not a factory manager but a soldier".

It would be ungrateful not to mention this great personal kindness to me. In June 2015, I was forced to emigrate after assassination attempts and repeated brutal violence for exposing anti-military elements, drug and land mafias. I appealed to the institutions and media persons for protection in Pakistan for my eye surgery. But after the ruthless silence, that was only Hamid Gul, who provided me shelter, treatment and protection. But alas, it was during the stay with him , my kind man passed away. And after this angelic attribute man who became a shadow of mercy for me, not only the poor people of the desert like me but also the poor of homeland became orphans, for whom he had built a model village and distributed fifty-five houses for free.

This generous general built an orphanage for orphan girls in Sargodha. I witness that after retirement he used to donate not only his entire pension but also 90% of his income. He paid out-of-pocket for hundreds of children's fees, patient care and even the house rent of many poor people.

Even his worst opponents were jealous of this great man's patriotism and struggle. He was the only lucky character in the history of Pakistan, whose funeral prayers did not include the flags of young and old political parties but only the green crescent flag of Pakistan. And was buried in the Pakistan Army cemetery right in front of the martyrs.Fortunately, he was also given this great and unique place by nature that his funeral prayers were offered in absentia in more than forty countries, including the Prophet's Mosque, the Kaaba, Gaza and the 22 districts of occupied Kashmir

Rich in innumerable military and universal abilities and full of love for Islam, he the winner of the Afghan war was not only a nightmare for the Russians, the Indians and the Western colonialists. He exposed not only Russia but also the modern crusader armies of the West and imperialism to such an extent that by chanting the slogan of “ready for defeat” in every place.

As for Hameed Gul and his passion, General Hameed Gul never retires, like Zangi and Ayyubi, Hameed Gul never dies.

Farooq Rashid Butt


Gen Gul,

First time around with the americans---understood them well and acted accordingly----. That was during the russian invasion of AFG.

During the second time---after 9/11---totally fell on his face in understanding the change in american policy and mindset---.

Gen Gul reminded me then of the american soldiers saying about Gen Patton " Our Blood & His Guts ".

this General Gul right till the end could not even comprehend how fast the americans change military tactics and strategy and inflicting outrageoues number of deaths against the opponents.

The same became true for Gen Gul. He stayed stuck on his "GUTS" but on the afghan blood.

All pakistanis are like that---building their glorious castles of defeating the americans over the dead bodies of 2 million afghans---.

Please stop blowing the trumpet for Gen Gul.

He should have learnt the tactics to preserve afghan lives.

Gen Gul,

First time around with the americans---understood them well and acted accordingly----. That was during the russian invasion of AFG.

During the second time---after 9/11---totally fell on his face in understanding the change in american policy and mindset---.

Gen Gul reminded me then of the american soldiers saying about Gen Patton " Our Blood & His Guts ".

this General Gul right till the end could not even comprehend how fast the americans change military tactics and strategy and inflicting outrageoues number of deaths against the opponents.

The same became true for Gen Gul. He stayed stuck on his "GUTS" but on the afghan blood.

All pakistanis are like that---building their glorious castles of defeating the americans over the dead bodies of 2 million afghans---.

Please stop blowing the trumpet for Gen Gul.

He should have learnt the tactics to preserve afghan lives.
His oath was to defend Pakistan not Afghans, he did the job beyond expectations, no one gives a damn about Afghans, Pakistan was secured, that is important.

His stance in his later life was when he was no longer plugged into the ISI apparatus nor was he privy to the inner policy of the deep state, yet he was smart enough to deduce as he made a statement that Pakistan will beat the Americans in Aghanistan using thier own resources against them, his word proved TRUE, hit it right in the bullseye.

Kindly dont project ur deep seated inferiority complex on exceptional achievements of brilliant Pakistanis like Gen Gul.

Gen Gul,

First time around with the americans---understood them well and acted accordingly----. That was during the russian invasion of AFG.

During the second time---after 9/11---totally fell on his face in understanding the change in american policy and mindset---.

Gen Gul reminded me then of the american soldiers saying about Gen Patton " Our Blood & His Guts ".

this General Gul right till the end could not even comprehend how fast the americans change military tactics and strategy and inflicting outrageoues number of deaths against the opponents.

The same became true for Gen Gul. He stayed stuck on his "GUTS" but on the afghan blood.

All pakistanis are like that---building their glorious castles of defeating the americans over the dead bodies of 2 million afghans---.

Please stop blowing the trumpet for Gen Gul.

He should have learnt the tactics to preserve afghan lives.
Could we have saved the lives of those people I wonder I don't know?
Could we have saved the lives of those people I wonder I don't know?


We could and could have saved millions more---,

I do not understand why we forget to be muslims and believe in allah in times like these.

We already had an example of our civilization being destroyed some 800 years ago by similar thinkers like Gen Hameed Gul.

I keep saying---pakistan cherished the thought of Afgani blood and Pakistani show of guts---.

It was a game of chess---. The americans gave pakistan enough time to take out OBL. Pakistani generals making the deal " supposed convincing the talibans " did not take americans seriously---.

The F16 sanctions had CLOUDED the judgement of the pakistani generals---they were mad at america for abandoning them and they thought that the afghans would take the revenge for the pakistanis.

Little did the pakistani generals realize that the western world was funding and supplying arms to the afghans---. This time around---there would be NO SIMILAR ARMS SUPPLY---.

The afghans was just simply be crushed---.

And if you notice---as the americans saw EASY VICTORY---their plans changed as well---the born again faction took over and decided it was time to eradicate other muslim nations one after the other---.

Have you ever been to areas of floods---. Before rthe rise of the rivers---all the bunds are strenghtened so that they don't break with the river flow---because if there is a break---it would be catastrophic.

that is what happened in afghanistan.

The christians found out that the muslims were easy killings---. The christian liked the muslim blood and it spilled as much as it could for 18 years---.

Never ever let the enemy spill your blood lest it finds out that you are an easy target---.

Hameed Gul totally failed to understand the american military tactics and the reasoning behind it.
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We could and could have saved millions more---,

I do not understand why we forget to be muslims and believe in allah in times like these.

We already had an example of our civilization being destroyed some 800 years ago by similar thinkers like Gen Hameed Gul.

I keep saying---pakistan cherished the thought of Afgani blood and Pakistani show of guts---.

It was a game of chess---. The americans gave pakistan enough time to take out OBL. Pakistani generals making the deal " supposed convincing the talibans " did not take americans seriously---.

The F16 sanctions had CLOUDED the judgement of the pakistani generals---they were made at america for abandoning them and they thought that the afghans would take the revenge for the pakistanis.

Little did the pakistani generals realize that the western world was funding and supplying arms to the afghans---. This time around---there would be NO SIMILAR ARMS SUPPLY---.

The afghans was just simply be crushed---.

And if you notice---as the americans saw EASY VICTORY---their plans changed as well---the born again faction took over and decided it was time to eradicate other muslim nations one after the other---.

Have you ever been to areas of floods---. Before rthe rise of the rivers---all the bunds are strenghtened so that they don't break with the river flow---because if there is a break---it would be catastrophic.

that is what happened in afghanistan.

The christians found out that the muslims were easy killings---. The christian liked the muslim blood and it spilled as much as it could for 18 years---.

Never ever let the enemy spill your blood lest it finds out that you are an easy target---.

Hameed Gul totally failed to understand the american military tactics and the reasoning behind it.
absolutely but how come sir

Gen Gul,

First time around with the americans---understood them well and acted accordingly----. That was during the russian invasion of AFG.

During the second time---after 9/11---totally fell on his face in understanding the change in american policy and mindset---.

Gen Gul reminded me then of the american soldiers saying about Gen Patton " Our Blood & His Guts ".

this General Gul right till the end could not even comprehend how fast the americans change military tactics and strategy and inflicting outrageoues number of deaths against the opponents.

The same became true for Gen Gul. He stayed stuck on his "GUTS" but on the afghan blood.

All pakistanis are like that---building their glorious castles of defeating the americans over the dead bodies of 2 million afghans---.

Please stop blowing the trumpet for Gen Gul.

He should have learnt the tactics to preserve afghan lives.
If you can't stop them in Kabul, get ready to turn every Mahalle inside Pak to be turned into like those Muslim neighborhoods in Ahmedabad during the Gujrat pogrom/genocide/massacre conducted by Modi....
Propaganda / Flamebaiting

Sir, it is not wise equating a Western agent like this general with a truly great like Tipu Sultan.

This general's legacy has not been an Afghanistan that had women being out in public and continued to send cosmonauts to the ISS but an Afghanistan where the regressive Taliban were allowed ( by the Western governments ) to force barber shops to close and created conditions for grave human rights crimes such as the lynching of Farkhunda.

That was the 12th century when bound by the hateful movement , the alliance of the Europe was in a state of insanity in the invasion of the Muslim states and especially Jerusalem. Muslims were never aggressive but the emperors of the whole of Europe, came to attack again and again with their locust-hearted crusader armies, failed again and again. The Supreme Sovereign always puts on the golden crowns on heads of the Conquerors. Yes, those heroes were the great sons of the Islamic world. Western historians witness that in the face of its war strategies, all the glorious and majestic armies of the whole of Europe were left helpless against Muslim defence. It was a continuation of the defense system, invincible war strategy and the imitation of its passion and wisdom by the Muslim rulers to carry the green flag of Islam on Jerusalem for the next 691 years.

The history that gave birth to the deeds of Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror, Ghaznavi and Tipu was entering into its modern age. This time, another general, who was born from the womb of the mother of this history and chewed the anti-Islamic colonialism with an iron fist, is about to take over the world scene. And this is a crucial time in the last decade of the 20th century when the eyes of modern Russia are focused on the warm waters.It was a gift from God Almighty that he got every promotion in his professional career before completing the required course. Surprisingly, he reached the pinnacle in a short period of time that he himself was a major, but the intelligence strategy he created was being taught to colonels and senior rank officers at the School of Military Intelligence.

He was the soldier of the land who, as a brigadier, rejected the military course of the world-renowned Royal War College of Britain, saying, "Who is this Englishman who teaches me about war and defence of homeland?" The understanding of the soil that comes from it runs in my blood”.

He was the man under whose command, when the Pakistan Armed Division launched a stormy advance from Multan to Kashmir, the Indian leadership, shaken by the horror of that dramatic advance, conducted the largest military exercise in its history, Brasstacks had to be canceled. He led the largest military exercise in history, Zarb-e-Momin. He never had security guards for his personal protection after his military service and retirement. As DG ISI he used to dress up his village in plain clothes without any security guard.

As a corps commander, he was a living example of the Sunnah of Prophet hood and Forgiveness. He forgave the murderer husband of his real daughter even though he was the DG of a powerful agency like ISI.

He was the only general of Pakistan who established a great tradition by presenting himself for open accountability in front of every forum instead of arguing and brand defense in response to fabricated allegations of enemies of the the nation.He was the man who not only smashed the superpower of Russia, Rather, played an unforgettable historical role in the birth of many independent Islamic states in Central Asia from its infidel cradle.The established anti-Muslim world was broken by the siege. And the voices of Allah Akbar began to resound from the mosques of Russian colonialism which had been locked for centuries.

It is a matter of pride for the Pakistan that even after his retirement from the army, he became the world's most dangerous general and the mastermind of successive defeat of the US-Western alliance in Afghanistan.

He was the man about whom many eminent Indian journalists also confessed that Hameed Gul proved to be a more deadly enemy after his retirement. In recognition of the intellectual and military prowess of this eminent general, the German government eventually sent a piece of the crumbling Berlin Wall with the inscription, "This piece is in the name of General Hamid Gul, who struck the first blow on the Berlin Wall".

When Israeli planes in Indian robes were ready to attack Pakistan's nuclear program from Indian soil, it was the same general who sent this "death message" to the Israeli leadership in a timely manner. That the Jewish leadership should be aware that in the event of any attack on Pakistan's nuclear assets, Pakistan has the full potential to wipe out the whole of Israel in a matter of minutes. And then, immediately after that bold warning, the Israeli planes returned to their air bases.

This domineering man had the honor of being the youngest lieutenant general in the history of Pakistan. He had rejected the charge of heavy industry Taxila with the professional logic that "I have come to the army not to build tanks, but to run tanks, I am not a factory manager but a soldier".

It would be ungrateful not to mention this great personal kindness to me. In June 2015, I was forced to emigrate after assassination attempts and repeated brutal violence for exposing anti-military elements, drug and land mafias. I appealed to the institutions and media persons for protection in Pakistan for my eye surgery. But after the ruthless silence, that was only Hamid Gul, who provided me shelter, treatment and protection. But alas, it was during the stay with him , my kind man passed away. And after this angelic attribute man who became a shadow of mercy for me, not only the poor people of the desert like me but also the poor of homeland became orphans, for whom he had built a model village and distributed fifty-five houses for free.

This generous general built an orphanage for orphan girls in Sargodha. I witness that after retirement he used to donate not only his entire pension but also 90% of his income. He paid out-of-pocket for hundreds of children's fees, patient care and even the house rent of many poor people.

Even his worst opponents were jealous of this great man's patriotism and struggle. He was the only lucky character in the history of Pakistan, whose funeral prayers did not include the flags of young and old political parties but only the green crescent flag of Pakistan. And was buried in the Pakistan Army cemetery right in front of the martyrs.Fortunately, he was also given this great and unique place by nature that his funeral prayers were offered in absentia in more than forty countries, including the Prophet's Mosque, the Kaaba, Gaza and the 22 districts of occupied Kashmir

Rich in innumerable military and universal abilities and full of love for Islam, he the winner of the Afghan war was not only a nightmare for the Russians, the Indians and the Western colonialists. He exposed not only Russia but also the modern crusader armies of the West and imperialism to such an extent that by chanting the slogan of “ready for defeat” in every place.

As for Hameed Gul and his passion, General Hameed Gul never retires, like Zangi and Ayyubi, Hameed Gul never dies.

Farooq Rashid Butt
Indeed General Hameed Gul was a Lagend hero of PAKISTAN...☺☺☺

Sir, it is not wise equating a Western agent like this general with a truly great like Tipu Sultan.

This general's legacy has not been an Afghanistan that had women being out in public and continued to send cosmonauts to the ISS but an Afghanistan where the regressive Taliban were allowed ( by the Western governments ) to force barber shops to close and created conditions for grave human rights crimes such as the lynching of Farkhunda.

My Dear ! It is a pity that your opinion about the late General Gul Hameed is exactly like the enemy of Pakistan, Indian intellectuals and Indian puppet NGOs. Such Indian human rights activists do not see Indian atrocities on Kashmiri Muslims. Indian human rights organizations do not see India's atrocities on non-Hindu minorities in India and the religious extremism of the Bal Thackeray mafia .

Sadly, the followers of Indian secularism brand society want those who insult Islam and burn the Quran to have the freedom to do so under human rights.
My Dear ! It is a pity that your opinion about the late General Gul Hameed is exactly like the enemy of Pakistan, Indian intellectuals and Indian puppet NGOs.

I don't see myself as an enemy of Pakistan. I wish to see the progressives in Pakistan, whether it be on this forum or outside of it ( like the young Arooj Aurangzeb and the Laal band ) gain enough influence so as to effect the governance of Pakistan.

I speak for communism, hence my statement that Hamid Gul in his fanaticism basically destroyed what progress Afghanistan was gaining. We can see the mess that Afghanistan is now.

About Indian intellectuals / progressives, they persevere despite in recent years facing various degrees of difficulties like not being allowed preaching space, social media propaganda, jailing and assassination.

Such Indian human rights activists do not see Indian atrocities on Kashmiri Muslims.

Real human rights activists, intellectuals and political leaders in India do speak of Kashmir. They can be Kashmiri ( like Shehla Rashid to speak of one ) or non-Kashmiri ( like Arundhati Roy ).

And I will ask you to read this thread of mine in which I have tried to put out a solution for Kashmir and the wider issue of India-Pakistan.
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