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GCC gets taste of Qatari medicine


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
It seems that Qatar is playing larger than its size...or trying to be the next client state in ME

Saudi, UAE, Bahrain withdraw Qatar envoys - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have said they are withdrawing their ambassadors from Qatar because Doha had not implemented an agreement among Gulf Arab countries not to interfere in each others' internal affairs.

The three countries said the move was necessary "to protect their security and stability".

According to a report published by Saudi state media on Wednesday, the decision to withdraw diplomatic envoys was made because Qatar did not implement a security pact about non-interference in the internal affairs of the other states that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC].

A joint statement from the three countries claimed Qatar failed to commit "to the principles" of the GCC.

A security agreement signed last year by the GCC focused on co-operation in the exchange of information and tracking down of criminals and those who broke the law.

'Difference of opinion'

Qatar's government said in a statement it expressed its regret and puzzlement at the decision, saying there is no relation between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain's decision to withdraw their ambassadors from Doha and the wellbeing of the people of the GCC, their security and stability.

Instead, Qatar said the decision reflected a difference of opinion and stance regarding issues outside of the GCC. It added that Qatar would remain committed to the values of brotherhood in the GCC.

Joseph Kechichian, a senior fellow at the King Faisal Centre for Research & Islamic Studies in Riyadh, told Al Jazeera that the move was likely about more than the security pact because Qatar supports the pact.

"This reflects a fundamental political difference of opinion within the GCC, primarily between Qatar alone as one country, and the other five over the Muslim Brotherhood situation, not just in the GCC region, but also in Egypt which has been the bete noire of the Arab Spring," Kechichian said.

Stock market dive

The joint statement said GCC members had signed an agreement on November 23 not to back "anyone threatening the security and stability of the GCC whether as groups or individuals - via direct security work or through political influence, and not to support hostile media."

GCC foreign ministers had met in Riyadh on Tuesday to try to persuade Qatar to implement the agreement, it said.

"But unfortunately, these efforts did not result in Qatar's agreement to abide by these measures, which prompted the three countries to start what they saw as necessary, to protect their security and stability, by withdrawing their ambassadors from Qatar starting from today, March 5 2013," the statement said.

The move is thought to be unprecedented in the three-decade history of the GCC, a pro-Western alliance of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and Oman.

The Qatar stock exchange closed 2.09 percent down following the decision.

Al Jazeera and agencies
Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan, as well as supporting multiple insurgencies around the region. I wish that the Saudis invade and annex this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.
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Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan.

Lets wish that the Saudis invade and anax this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.
with due respect
how can you justify attacking other country ?
Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan.

Lets wish that the Saudis invade and anax this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.

Qatar is 15.000 US army base & regional HQ, they even have/had plans for a huge radar there operated by the US of such size, no one will touch them.
PAVE PAWS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, the Qatari armed forces is going to operate it on its own by 2020.

It isn't solely meant for covering Qatar - at least - not just as a whole but for the PAS forces as well.
Qatar is 15.000 US army base & regional HQ, they even have/had plans for a huge radar there operated by the US of such size, no one will touch them.
PAVE PAWS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan.

Lets wish that the Saudis invade and anax this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.

300 ppl :lol: .. This tone sounds familiar!

with due respect
how can you justify attacking other country ?
He's just flipping, don't take everything he says seriously.

He wanted to annex us to Pakistan too.

@Aeronaut is such an imperialist evil :coffee:
Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan.

Lets wish that the Saudis invade and anax this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.

Forget the Saudis, why not Pakistan invade this country and get all its natural gas resources shipped over?
Forget the Saudis, why not Pakistan invade this country and get all its natural gas resources shipped over?
No, @Doritos11 was the first guy ever threatening to invade Qatar.

He will unleash the chemos against them all.
No, @Doritos11 was the first guy ever threatening to invade Qatar.

He will unleash the chemos against them all.

I think the words of the Administrator of PDF should carry more weight! :)

Back on topic, this is just a little turmoil of words. It will all soon blow away without any conquering by anybody.
Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan.

Lets wish that the Saudis invade and anax this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.
It does weird things that we can't get, they support Houthies in Yemen despite being enemies who destabilize the security in Yemen and GCC. They as well support Nusra in Syria which is a branch of Qaeda. Not to mention constant aggressive interventions of others affairs. I don't understand them..:crazy:
I think the words of the Administrator of PDF should carry more weight! :)

Back on topic, this is just a little turmoil of words. It will all soon blow away without any conquering by anybody.
words of the Administrator of PDF should carry more weight!
he is in role of admin so has to be neutral ...
personal opinion is secondary when you on that position ..
It does weird things that we can't get, they support Houthies in Yemen despite being enemies who destabilize the security in Yemen and GCC. They as well support Nusra in Syria which is a branch of Qaeda. Not to mention constant aggressive interventions of others affairs. I don't understand them..:crazy:

The Houthis deal was meant to rescue them from the pawns of Al-Qaida. But generally speaking, the Qataris support the MB everywhere.

The Algerians themselves are so mad at their support to the MB inside Algeria.

words of the Administrator of PDF should carry more weight!
he is in role of admin so has to be neutral ...
personal opinion is secondary when you on that position ..
Admins aren't gods bro, relax.:lol:
The Houthis deal was meant to rescue them from the pawns of Al-Qaida. But generally speaking, the Qataris support the MB everywhere.

The Algerians themselves are so mad at their support to the MB inside Algeria.

Admins aren't gods bro, relax.:lol:
ya.. but with authority its responsibility tooo..
i am reminding second half
with due respect
how can you justify attacking other country ?

Qatar is covertly supporting insurgent movements in many countries. The moment any of those countries take that as a legitimate casus belli, they will most definitely put a ring around this Kingdomish place called Qatar.
Qatar is covertly supporting insurgent movements in many countries. The moment any of those countries take that as a legitimate casus belli, they will most definitely put a ring around this Kingdomish place called Qatar.
if they are fueling insurgent and destabalising other countries then best forum is UN ..
there are many countries in gcc who can be charge for same..
if country start invading each other for that then WW3 is just around the corner..
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