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Gazprom: Russian Gas Share in Europe now up to 30 % from 25.6 % in 2012


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
“Gazprom has increased its share in European markets because Europe's domestic production has fallen in countries such as Britain and Norway ... we see no signals that the situation in Europe will change,” Gazprom deputy head Alexander Medvedev said.

Gazprom, which supplies more than a quarter of Europe's gas needs, cut exports twice to Ukraine over the past decade amid pricing disputes with Kiev.

The European Union has accused Gazprom of using gas as a political tool and said it would seek to diversify its sources of supply.

Gazprom's share of European gas markets last year rose to 30 percent from 25.6 percent in 2012, Medvedev said, as it shipped record volumes of 162.7 billion cubic metres (bcm) while Europe's consumption shrank.

Gazprom: Russian gas dependence to grow - Companies | IOL Business | IOL.co.za
Eurostat puts it at 25% in 2013.A little bit of inflation from Gazprom there,not that 25% is small potatoes anyway
Europe needs gas JUST AS MUCH as russia needs their money. You just can't sell all that stuff somewhere else.
Europe needs gas JUST AS MUCH as russia needs their money. You just can't sell all that stuff somewhere else.

Wait for the usual crowd with "China will take it all because they need/love Russia".It's like a teen love drama with armed nuclear countries.:lol:
The U.S. needs to teach them fracking to get the most out of their reserves.

France banned fracking, in 2011 I think. Too many environmentalists preventing fracking in the UK and Germany.
France banned fracking, in 2011 I think. Too many environmentalists preventing fracking in the UK and Germany.
because the green lobby wants to profit from their businesses with solar panels and wind turbines. A lot of european companies make huge money with it like siemens. Going shale gas would heard their industry as well. Also europe is total different society and structure its not like big america where the oil belongs to the people who own the territory. Its pointless to explain that to you who have this narrow viewing other counties.
basically Chinese are dancing over spat with Russia and West, 'cause they[chinese] gain either of them loose.. they gain more if Russia looses!

China, Russia Have Different Takes on Beijing’s Position

i know that china has huge leverage now because all their stress of american containment is cooled off and they can see how two people have beef, but russia showed so far that america isnt willing to go with military actions over crimea which is very important for russias interests.

America clearly lost the most here, the whole world has seen and especially all their asian countries which america promised to protect them with their new asian pivot agenda against chinese influence. All these folks in asia who already started to have the feel there would get some kind of asian nato where america keeps things in order have to see how russia a smaller country and economy forces Nato, still a much bigger economic and military block than american asian allies to its knees and to the negotiating table with the russians. America just lost their face in asia.
And yes it was worth it bringing america that far down at such a high cost, just look how american media portrayed sochi, we showed the whole world our respect and they bashed the whole event before and during the event. So what can the US media do now after demonizing russia? When we hosted the olympics we were evil according to them, when we make an invasion we are evil?
Russian and US relation have to go down and cool extremely off like an overblown finance bubble with lose promises, either america realizes now our interests or they will face massive damaging in the future as a world leader and will eventually not called that way anymore.
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