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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Surprised people are criticizing Saudi Arabia here. What Saudi Arabia does, is in their national interests.

If you love Palestinians go to Palestine and help them then. :disagree:
Pursuing normalisation with Israel and throwing Sunni Arab Palestinians under the bus is okay because it's in their national interests? Interesting.
Surprised people are criticizing Saudi Arabia here. What Saudi Arabia does, is in their national interests.

If you love Palestinians go to Palestine and help them then. :disagree:

this is a straw man argument

and people who are afraid normally say this

so my advice to you is be brave be a man
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Surprised people are criticizing Saudi Arabia here. What Saudi Arabia does, is in their national interests.

If you love Palestinians go to Palestine and help them then. :disagree:

Pursuing normalisation with Israel and throwing Sunni Arab Palestinians under the bus is okay because it's in their national interests? Interesting.
I think he is right. Sort of.
Except it’s the national interests of colonial powers inherited by US. Ksa was never interested in Palestinian people, they infact were never interested at the time when British were giving Palestine away to zionists.
They got whatever they have after the mutiny against ottomans, and why not, they were non arabs, and British were more close to them than ottomans.
So, they don’t even bother about Muslim brotherhood, they have been selling it for decades and people know them now. Now it’s the matter of time, when they are gone as well…
Surprised people are criticizing Saudi Arabia here. What Saudi Arabia does, is in their national interests.

If you love Palestinians go to Palestine and help them then. :disagree:
Saudis are sitting on Makkah and Medina... Let Makkah Medina be neutral territory so it can be used to unite Muslims not make Saud richer and richer while they stab the very Muslims ..
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My friend, hipoteticaly saying , even if Turkish Army wants to Gaza they would have to face Assad.. Doesn't he bomb Idlib every now and then? Ah yes , we will bomb Deri Zor, American basis but we will work with their protégé? Where is some agreement here , which would be useful in this situation? In 40 odd years just millions dead and Displaced 100s f billion lost and then what's the result???? Millions of refugees in Turkey due to fighting Zionism ??? What amount of money etc? If you and me go the border of Turkey towards Israel, do you think that we will ever reach it? Both of the fractions of so called " brothers " got what they fought for. Didn't they?
Bedouins got the hoes and private jets and just let them be , they somehow can be satisfied. The other segments a bigger territory then Abassid Empire, all thanks to the few speeches and few matchsticks that they sent somewhere?
Also the rest is like lumpen proletariat.
A few people like always, unfortunately not enough to make a difference.
You see that's the reason that sometimes i call Hamas , the romantics. Romantics or not , they won certain things whose results we will see in the future. Not just Palestinians , all of us.ay Allah SWT give them the honor on Dunya and Ahira. We will always be indebted to those heros
People do not understand strenght of formalized commitment and strings attached as you pointed out.
We can shout all day here in anger in despair but until basic things among muslim state actors are not solved which would provide frame for deeper cooperation, things wont change.
Until then whole thing is like guinea pig spinning wheel experiment.

@HGV french mandate in syria put alewite sect in power, common tactic by colonial masters.
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