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Gandhi clan blamed for keeping India in poverty


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
The Gandhi dynasty that has ruled India for most of the 64 years since independence has kept the world's largest democracy in poverty, leaders of a protest movement said on Monday as they prepared renewed rallies to target the government on corruption.

A three-day fast led by 74-year-old activist Anna Hazare and a plan for thousands of people to picket the home of Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi on New Year's Eve will be a test of strength for the anti-corruption movement that forced a government U-turn in the summer.

"India was not destined to be a poor country, India was destined to be a developed country but corruption has kept it poor," said Kiran Bedi, a member of Hazare's inner circle.

"Who has exercised corruption? The party in power, and the party in power for the majority of the years has been the Congress party and in the Congress party, the Gandhi family."

India's fast-growing economy is Asia's third largest but many of the country's 1.2 billion people suffer from inadequate nutrition and have no electricity.

Hazare plans to begin his hunger strike in Mumbai on Tuesday. Almost 100,000 people have signed up online to express support for the three-day "fill the jails" protest picketing politicians homes and courting arrest.

A fast led by Hazare in August brought tens of thousands of people onto the streets. After initially arresting him and dismissing him as an anarchist, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government caved in to his demands to quickly pass a tougher version of anti-graft legislation first proposed decades ago.

The protests also triggering an ongoing debate about the nature of India's democracy.

Hazare's supporters say voting in elections must be supplemented by direct pressure on politicians, while traditional parties say the protests risk "mobocracy."

"If hundreds of thousands of people coming onto the street can't get their government to hear their voices, there is something seriously wrong with the way our democracy is being implemented," close Hazare aide Arvind Kejriwal told Reuters.

Corruption scandals have tainted Singh's second term, with a multi-billion dollar telecoms scam landing a former minister and other senior officials in jail.

The focus on the Gandhi family drew criticism from the ruling Congress party, which accused the protesters of being a front for the opposition.

Hazare and his aides have turned their fire on Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul ahead of five state elections in the next two months, accusing the family of amassing too much power and watering down a bill in parliament for a powerful ombudsman to tackle graft.

The protesters are pressuring parliament to bring the federal police force under the remit of the ombudsman, along with other demands.

Parliament is due to debate the bill on Tuesday.

"There are one or two people in the ruling party who run the government and run the parliament," this is not democracy, Kejriwal said.

Three of India's prime ministers since the end of colonial rule in 1947 have come from the family.

Sonia Gandhi is widely considered to be at least as powerful as Singh in the current government, and her son is being groomed to lead the country in the future.

The Gandhis enjoy almost regal status, and direct criticism of them is rare outside of political campaigns.

Rahul Gandhi is now running the party's campaign ahead of an election in Uttar Pradesh, the country's most populous state, in February.

Hazare threatens to campaign against Congress in Uttar Pradesh and four other state elections to be held in the next two months that will serve as a barometer of the government's support half way through its term.

"The entire movement has raised very serious and fundamental issues about India's democracy," Kejriwal said.

"Is it really by the people, of the people, for the people, or by the party high command, of the party high command, for the party high command?"

Gandhi clan blamed for keeping India in poverty | Reuters

What's this gandhi clan????? nehru was nehru he was not gandhi.

1. And it was due to Nehru (industrialization, IITs, NAM, Dams, ISRO BARC, Atomic Energy Commission, AIIMS, IIMs building blocks of modern India too many to list) Indira (Bangladesh, Nuclear power, Green Revolution, Missiles) Rajiv (Computerization, Panchayatiraj, non renewal energy, voting rights to young Indians etc.)

2. If there are some faults then we are the one to be blamed and major part of the blame goes to the china and pakistan.

When we are building a strong and modern India, china started its evil campagn and occupied Tibet and then attacked us.

All of our very little resources that should be devoted into the nation building and industrialization goes into defense etc. then there was huge population that was to be maintained.

3. Then there is a another culprit pakistan which have diverted our resources, terrorism etc.

But we should not act like some pakistanis that they call zardari mr. 10% but blame 100% on him.

We have achieved despite of the exploitation, colonial rule and huge population.

India should we proud of our achievements despite being democracy we have taken a route of secular and inclusive growth.

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

The sonia and rahul are big burden on us for sure and add manmohan singh to the list too.
What's this gandhi clan????? nehru was nehru he was not gandhi.

1. And it was due to Nehru (industrialization, IITs, NAM, Dams, ISRO BARC, Atomic Energy Commission, AIIMS, IIMs building blocks of modern India too many to list) Indira (Bangladesh, Nuclear power, Green Revolution, Missiles) Rajiv (Computerization, Panchayatiraj, non renewal energy, voting rights to young Indians etc.)

2. If there are some faults then we are the one to be blamed and major part of the blame goes to the china and pakistan.

When we are building a strong and modern India, china started its evil campagn and occupied Tibet and then attacked us.

All of our very little resources that should be devoted into the nation building and industrialization goes into defense etc. then there was huge population that was to be maintained.

3. Then there is a another culprit pakistan which have diverted our resources, terrorism etc.

But we should not act like some pakistanis that they call zardari mr. 10% but blame 100% on him.

We have achieved despite of the exploitation, colonial rule and huge population.

India should we proud of our achievements despite being democracy we have taken a route of secular and inclusive growth.

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

The sonia and rahul are big burden on us for sure and add manmohan singh to the list too.

OH we are the cause of poverty in india? funny
What's this gandhi clan????? nehru was nehru he was not gandhi.

1. And it was due to Nehru (industrialization, IITs, NAM, Dams, ISRO BARC, Atomic Energy Commission, AIIMS, IIMs building blocks of modern India too many to list) Indira (Bangladesh, Nuclear power, Green Revolution, Missiles) Rajiv (Computerization, Panchayatiraj, non renewal energy, voting rights to young Indians etc.)

2. If there are some faults then we are the one to be blamed and major part of the blame goes to the china and pakistan.

When we are building a strong and modern India, china started its evil campagn and occupied Tibet and then attacked us.

All of our very little resources that should be devoted into the nation building and industrialization goes into defense etc. then there was huge population that was to be maintained.

3. Then there is a another culprit pakistan which have diverted our resources, terrorism etc.

But we should not act like some pakistanis that they call zardari mr. 10% but blame 100% on him.

We have achieved despite of the exploitation, colonial rule and huge population.

India should we proud of our achievements despite being democracy we have taken a route of secular and inclusive growth.

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

The sonia and rahul are big burden on us for sure and add manmohan singh to the list too.
Sorry brother there is no use in blaming China or Pakistan.
And for your list of achievement that were brought because of Nehru, Indra, Rajiv let me make it clear, these are not their achievement but that of a large group of selfless buracracts in the system during their period who drafted the nations growth and the only thing Nehru, Indra and Rajiv did was to sign these systems into reality.
and as far as Nehru is considered he had his own mistakes, like the forward policy that changed our relationship with China into enemity, Indra for bringing in emergency to stay in power, Rajiv was never a politicion he was a a$$ hole because of whom now we have to even fear SL.
Sonia and Rajiv are a different breed of vampires. I don't want to go into their Resume to make fun of them as the whole world knows what their caliber is when it comes to decession making and propaganda
In Fundamental our constitution is too weak firstly we have to give up multiparty system and adopt biparty system. Congress exploited our country resources its enough to dissolve that party and it utmost impt to get back all their money and properties frm congress man without mercy (its not new ideology Indira gandhi already enforced such law aganist Zamindars and landlords just restored the law against politicians) . IMO BJP and Communists is enough to rule our country.
These things take time and now multiple measures are being taken to help those in need in India. Massively reducing/eradicating poverty in India in our lifetimes is not out of the question but there is no point in constantly highlighting deficits and looking at the situation glass half-empty.

I agree though there are concerns regarding the Gandhi family. India is a democracy so such dynastic power is worrying. But this goes for others not just the Gandhis but other MPs. Things seem to be improving on this front though thanks to new-age, younger Gen thinking.
First of all, Sonia gandhi,rahual gandhi,rajeev gandhi have no connection to M.K Gandhi
If there are some faults then we are the one to be blamed and major part of the blame goes to the china and pakistan.
Please don't blame Pakistan and China for our ills and lack of economic progress. It is the political class especially the Gandhi family which has amassed untold wealth and wielded enormous power due to the intellectual bankruptcy and mind blowing sycophancy of the spineless politicians belonging to the Congress party who are happily riding the Gandhi bandwagon. They know if they don't kiss the a$$e$ of this Italian lady and her progeny they'll be out in the cold, hung out to dry, and roaming the streets with a ball and chain.

The fact is our political establishment has screwed up big time and ordinary mortals like us have been made suckers of, since the last 64 years. With more than a trillion dollars stashed away in tax havens abroad, these politicians, (who've made politics a family business), have sold this country lock stock and barrel.

Here's Field Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode's credo emblazoned on the Administrative block of the Indian Military Academy:

"The safety, honour and welfare of your country come first, always and every time.
The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next.
Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time."

But where our politicians are concerned, the safety, honour and welfare of our country comes LAST, always and every time!
What's this gandhi clan????? nehru was nehru he was not gandhi.

But both worked in tandem to ruin the nation, kill patriots, assassinate heros and demonize true leaders.

1. And it was due to Nehru (industrialization, IITs, NAM, Dams, ISRO BARC, Atomic Energy Commission, AIIMS, IIMs building blocks of modern India too many to list) Indira (Bangladesh, Nuclear power, Green Revolution, Missiles) Rajiv (Computerization, Panchayatiraj, non renewal energy, voting rights to young Indians etc.)

Add to that handing over of national territory to enemies, losing land, weakening industrial setup, controlling media and propaganda machines, looting and swindling the nation, the result of which we can see when baba Rahul goes for his joyrides around the country with the black money his great granddad and grandma accumulated.

2. If there are some faults then we are the one to be blamed and major part of the blame goes to the china and pakistan.

Typical Congressi. Enemies will be enemies. It is our leaders' duty to protect and let us grow. This was not done by the British slave Congress. Other countries got ruled and developed by revolutionary heros while we got Britain's toilet cleaners as our first government. Hence the difference.

When we are building a strong and modern India, china started its evil campagn and occupied Tibet and then attacked us.

Who asked the traitor Nehru to start gifting Indian lands for peace? भारत क्या उसके बाप की जागीर है जो किसी को कोई भी हिस्सा दे दें? :angry:

Who asked that cheapster to refuse advanced weapons and propose even scrapping of Army to make India a slave Gandhian state? It was Sardar Patel who was adamant in not scrapping the Army. Otherwise we would have had it. :angry:

All of our very little resources that should be devoted into the nation building and industrialization goes into defense etc. then there was huge population that was to be maintained.

China was faced with even bigger danger than us with a fully powerful US and WW2 victor arrogance in it. Still it has prospered way faster compared to us despite having a bigger and much more powerful enemy AND a much bigger population. You got any other excuses?

3. Then there is a another culprit pakistan which have diverted our resources, terrorism etc.

Again, who stopped that witch Indira from dismembering the enemy in 1971 once and for all? US threatened but USSR had promised a full-scale intervention as per the Indo-Soviet Treaty of 1971. We could have even simply got our rightful land back in
exchange for nearly a lakh POWs.

Even that, she didn't do.

Go on, what else you got to defense the Gandhi family?

We have achieved despite of the exploitation, colonial rule and huge population.

China was slaughtered in millions by Japanese in just 10 years. And still they have risen far far beyond what we have.

I am waiting for more excuses from your types.

India should we proud of our achievements despite being democracy we have taken a route of secular and inclusive growth.

There is NOTHING to be proud of a dysfunctional government, weak mentality and slave minded corruption.

Considering the intelligence, culture, skill and ancestry we Indians have had for lakhs of years, we should be the most developed state on the planet both materially and spiritually. Instead we are getting worse by the day, THANKS TO THE GANDHI CLAN again.

I am proud of the ancient Bharat, and the modern scientists, engineers and the aam aadmi; but I am ashamed of this government and all those brainwashed silly people who keep voting these anti-nationals to power again and again.

The sonia and rahul are big burden on us for sure and add manmohan singh to the list too.

Then DO something about it. You guys in north, west and south India have far more population than us Northeasterners. Your votes will count. If not have the courage to remove this government by people's force, at least vote these losers out and save our country. Our votes are negligible compared to your side of the country.

Show your anger in polls. Punish this government in election even if you have to elect a lesser devil comparatively.
The Gandhi dynasty that has ruled India for most of the 64 years since independence has kept the world's largest democracy in poverty, leaders of a protest movement said on Monday as they prepared renewed rallies to target the government on corruption.

I think India is a Democracy.........and Foolish people of India kept on bringing them to power in Most of these 64 years since Independence.........even after Emergency........they are are still in power.......
First of all, Sonia gandhi,rahual gandhi,rajeev gandhi have no connection to M.K Gandhi

They did... these Gandhis and that Gandhi both murdered true patriots and deserving leaders of our country in cold blood, sided with our occupiers and destroyed the nation's ancient and powerful psyche.
Guys I didn't read the articles but if its about Mahatma Gandhi then I strongly disagree. :angry: He did way more than the capacity of any human being and ultimately sacrificed his life for independence of India. I salute him. :angel:

As for the Gandhi clan, Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru and she married Feroze Gandhi. He had no blood relations to M.K.Gandhi. :whistle:
Its amazing to see all such news against gandhis and congress are printed in foreign newspapers but not in indian media.Indian print media and TV never publish/telecast any news which is against Gandhi-nehru family.It proves either indian media is gandhi family's pet dog or the foreign media is blackmailing gandhi family news against them coz they want something(on behalf of their govts) from india that this family is not delivering.

---------- Post added at 06:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 AM ----------

Guys I didn't read the articles but if its about Mahatma Gandhi then I strongly disagree. :angry: He did way more than the capacity of any human being and ultimately sacrificed his life for independence of India. I salute him. :angel:

As for the Gandhi clan, Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru and she married Feroze Gandhi. He had no blood relations to M.K.Gandhi. :whistle:
Call present gandhi clan as fake gandhis who are exploiting india by using his name and works.
An empress of India in new clothes

John MacLithon Last Updated : 12 Nov 2010 12:54:07 AM IST
Like Sonia Gandhi, I am a Westerner and a brought-up Christian. Like Sonia Gandhi, I have lived in India many years and I have adopted this country as my own.
But the comparison ends there. I did land in India with a certain amount of prejudices, clichés and false ideas, and I did think in the enthusiasm of my youth to become a missionary to bring back Indian ‘pagans’ to the ‘true god’. But the moment I stepped in India I felt that there was nothing much that I could give to India, rather it was India which was bestowing me. In fact in all my years here India has given me so much — professionally, spiritually, sentimentally. Most Westerners, who come here, still think they are here to ‘give’ something to a country, which, unconsciously of course, they think is lesser than theirs. It was true of the British, it was true of Mother Teresa, it is true of Sonia Gandhi.
It is a fact that Sonia brought discipline, order and cohesion into the Indian National Congress. But the amount of power that she, a person of foreign origin, an elected MP like hundreds of others, possesses should frighten her. All the television channels report without a blink that Maharashtra CM rushes to Delhi to meet Sonia Gandhi to plead for his life. But should not Chavan have gone to the prime minister first?
The CBI blatantly and shamelessly quashed all injunctions against Ottavio Quattrocchi and even allowed him to get away with billions of rupees which he had stolen from India. Yet, without batting an eyelid, and with the Indian media turning a blind eye, it goes ruthlessly after the chief minister of the most efficiently run state, the most corruption free. Today the Congress, with Sonia’s overt or silent consent, pays crores of rupees to buy MPs to topple non-Congress governments. Her governors shamelessly hijack democracy by twisting the law.
Are Indians aware that their country has entered a state of semi-autocracy where every important decision comes from a single individual residing in her fortress of 10 Janpath surrounded by dozens of security men, an empress of India? Do they know that the huge amounts of the scams, whether the 2G, the CWG, or the Adarsh housing society scam, do not go into politicians’ pockets (only a fraction), but to the coffers of the Congress for the next general elections, and more than anything to please Sonia Gandhi? Nobody seems to notice what is happening under the reign of Sonia Gandhi.
That an Arundhati Roy is allowed to preach secession in India, whereas on the other hand the Congress government has been going after the army, the last body in India to uphold the time-honoured values of the Kshatriyas — courage, honour, devotion to the Motherland. They alone today practise true secularism, never differentiating between a Muslim or Hindu soldier and who for a pittance daily give their lives to their country. First it was the attempt of a caste census, a divide-and-rule ploy if there is one; then there are the first signs that the government is thinking about thinning down the presence of the Indian army in the Kashmir valley, which will suit Pakistan perfectly. And now there is the Adarsh housing society scam in which the army officers, at the worst, were innocently dragged into it. We know now that it was the politicians of the Congress who benefited the most out of it.
It would be impossible in France, for example, to have a non-Christian tell a Hindu (who is a non-elected president or PM) to be the absolute ruler of the country behind the scenes, superseding even the PM. There are many capable people in the Congress. Why can’t a billion Indians find one of their own, who will understand the complexity and subtlety of India, to govern themselves? Not only that, but her very presence at the top has unleashed forces, visible and invisible that are detrimental to the country. There is nothing wrong in espousing the best of the values of the West — democracy, technological perfection, higher standards of living — but many of the institutions are crumbling in the West: two out of three marriages end in divorce, kids shoot each other, parents are not cared for in their old age, depression is rampant and Westerners are actually looking for answers elsewhere, in India notably.
One does not understand this craze to Westernise India at all costs, while discarding its ancient values. Sonia Gandhi should do well to remember that there still are 850 million Hindus in India, a billion worldwide and that whatever good inputs were brought by different invasions, it is the ancient values of spirituality behind Hinduism which have made India so special and which gives it today unique qualities making an Indian Christian different from an American Christian, or an Indian Muslim different from a Saudi Muslim. It is an insult to these tolerant Hindus to show United States President Barack Obama as his first input of the Indian capital the tomb of Humayun, a man who slaughtered Hindus in thousands, taking Hindu women and children as captives. He even subjected his elder brother Kamran to brutal torture, gauging his eyes out and pouring lemon into them.
The tragedy of India is that it was colonised for too long. And unlike China, it always looks to the West for a solution to its problems. Sonia Gandhi, whatever her qualities, is just an incarnation of that hangover, an empress of India in new clothes.
(The writer is the author of Hindutva, sex & adventures)
E-mail: john.maclithon@gmail.com
What's this gandhi clan????? nehru was nehru he was not gandhi.

2. If there are some faults then we are the one to be blamed and major part of the blame goes to the china and pakistan.

Oh so sorry that China and Pakistan have caused poverty to India, let us run your country, we will fix that:D
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