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Future Saudi Arabia

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I am all for women's driving and have been active in everything for their support of this right. but islamic Law is Law. not you or me or 7 Billion in this world will change them. And I am proud that my country still do these laws when most Islamic countries do NOT.

Its not Islamic, it has nothing to do with Islam, it has more to do with Saudi mullahs trying to keep the women on a leash.
You know what an islamic revolution would be like for Saudi Arabia?? clearly you don't and trust me if an Islamic revolution happened in Saudi Arabia it will declare Jihad on Iran thats the first thing it will do. And I will stop discussing with you. You are clearly just hating and nothing else. and I am pretty sure there is nothing you would love more than to see the entire Saudi Arabia is up in flames. It will send joyess shivers down your spine seeing Iranian rockets falling on ryadh killing people by the millions.
I know your type but to think they would also come from Pakistan. That caught me off guard.

here again you are wrong and there is no logical reasoning in your post. you are only defending your king.

you are only defending your king
you want to tell it is ok
you do no talk about discrimination against shiites
you do not talk about injustices in saudi
you do not talk about the petro dollars
you do not talk about terrorism saudi is exporting particularly to our country and afghanistan
you are only protraying iran as a threat
you do not talk about usa alliance and bases

while the ruling elite understand that time is against and a change is imminent Saudi princess fights for women's rights in the Arab world | WORLD News
saudi's are doing just fine they have one of the best & mature diplomacy in the world
Saudi Arabia will always be prosperous because 2 of our holiest cities are in Saudi Arabia, MECCA and MEDINA.

Therefore, Saudi Arabia will ALWAYS be prosperous and protected.

protected by whom? AMERICANS or PAKISTANIS?

The USA is looking for any execuse to invade us. But countries like pakistan is standing on its way. We want stability untill we finish these projects. If you notice most of it is for education and research.

saudi is a usa puppet and usa is there to protect her. it served for decades to the west and now it is becoming a liability for the usa as it is failing to control even its own people. it is loosing its influence fast in the region and usa has to find a solution and a better repalcement to ensure the smooth supply of oil and survival of israel.
LOL Brother if you have studied Pakistan's history you would know that Pakistan always see development and econmic prosperity during military dictatorship and is always bankrupt when we have democracy.


But yea you are right. Most of Pakistan's population is illiterate and always vote for thieves. So yea, democracy doesn't work for everyone.

establishment stop all departments to run smoothly whenever their is democracy. so all are theives and need to blame a particular.
Brother, democracy has not helped Pakistan either. Pakistan is always near bakruptcy during democracy and has a better economy during dictatorship. Democracy doesn't work for everyone. Look at China, how fast its rising. Did democracy help China rise? NO.

So dont go out of your way to please the western kuffar like some of our fellow South Asian Muslims do.

When Shaikh Zayed was alive (may Allah bestow his mercy on him) I used to tell some of my fellow countrymen who were elder than me by many years that we should have a man like Shaikh Zayed to head Pakistan instead of these elected corrupt politicians of Pakistan. I used to get reply back that "dont you know how the oil revenues are skimmed by these shaikhs" and, i was told of many other bad things things that they used to do.

My reply used to be that; well, if he and the others skim the oil revenues or they do the bad things as you said let them do it, it is between them and their god, but atleast that man is good with his citizens and he tries to make sure that his citizens are taken care of well by the government.

After this they could not talk anything else.
If the USA invaded saudi arabia it will risk having 1 billion muslims turn against it. and currently the strongest two armies of the muslim world are Pkaistan and turkey. I don't know if turley would do anything but Pakistan wont stand still and pakistan being nuclear it sure will give america a piece of its mind.

usa is arming saudi to teeth. why you want to decieve others that usa wants to invade saudi? while saudi has invited usa to the holy lands and provided it with military bases. not only usa but all of europe too is weaponizing saudi.

what is the purpose of your portraying saudi as victim??????

currently there is no threat to saudi from usa. they are giving you everything you need. EVERYTHING.

The only threat to saudi is from its own people. Pakistan and Turkey are usa allies and will not hesitate to send troops to protect the falling usa ally. even nukes are at service of saudi. so no need for you to worry.

now saudi have the little support from the arab muslim masses. saudi has lost support base in yemen, egypt, tunisia, and other areas where it is supporting dictator regimes fighting the people.

surely if saudi turn against USA and support its people and stop interfering in egypt , yemen and other countries then for sure all muslims of the world will run for its help.

saudi is in better position. If it lost usa support it will receive support from iran and other muslims people.
When Shaikh Zayed was alive (may Allah bestow his mercy on him) I used to tell some of my fellow countrymen who were elder than me by many years that we should have a man like Shaikh Zayed to head Pakistan instead of these elected corrupt politicians of Pakistan. I used to get reply back that "dont you know how the oil revenues are skimmed by these shaikhs" and, i was told of many other bad things things that they used to do.

My reply used to be that; well, if he and the others skim the oil revenues or they do the bad things as you said let them do it, it is between them and their god, but atleast that man is good with his citizens and he tries to make sure that his citizens are taken care of well by the government.

After this they could not talk anything else.

pakistan lacks true leadership and same is the case with rest of the muslim world including saudis. leaders should not plunder the wealth of the nations and should not consider it their own property. they should be held accountable for misusing and plundering public wealth. almost all of the leaders are allied to usa. had the wealth of these countries been invested for the welfare of people today the situation would be differrent.
Sorry for not living up to your expectations

You know i was neutral in the persian arab conflict until I heard your ranting and ravings. But if all saudies are like you and your royal family I would side with Iran any day.

Well done! You are a good ambassador for Iran.
You know i was neutral in the persian arab conflict until I heard your ranting and ravings. But if all saudies are like you and your royal family I would side with Iran any day.

Well done! You are a good ambassador for Iran.

I dont know whats wrong with a guy's confident about his Country's destiny...unlike some guys who are sailing in a boat without any destiny just driven by the course of the river iitself.....KSA good luck for your dreams...
usa is arming saudi to teeth. why you want to decieve others that usa wants to invade saudi? while saudi has invited usa to the holy lands and provided it with military bases. not only usa but all of europe too is weaponizing saudi.

what is the purpose of your portraying saudi as victim??????

currently there is no threat to saudi from usa. they are giving you everything you need. EVERYTHING.

The only threat to saudi is from its own people. Pakistan and Turkey are usa allies and will not hesitate to send troops to protect the falling usa ally. even nukes are at service of saudi. so no need for you to worry.

now saudi have the little support from the arab muslim masses. saudi has lost support base in yemen, egypt, tunisia, and other areas where it is supporting dictator regimes fighting the people.

surely if saudi turn against USA and support its people and stop interfering in egypt , yemen and other countries then for sure all muslims of the world will run for its help.

saudi is in better position. If it lost usa support it will receive support from iran and other muslims people.

well, go ahead and let iran arm KSA to theeth with their crappy copies of f-5 and their "stealth" fighters. what are you waiting for, they are enough to blast usa of in a second right!

let me tell you something, KSA doesnt have the military power to protect it's territories unless they get help from someone, and that someone is a superpower called United States Of America! wich can provide them help and support.

iran don't have that. they would be blasted back to stoneage because they dont have a major suplly friend, even if it wasnt for the sanctions, china and russia would give you limited amount of military hardware!

pakistan and turkey will help? since when did KSA and Pakistan become a part of nato?

you really need to understand international policy better if you want to write something in the forum here, or else you will loke like a douche!
The majority always knows what's right for them. People always want the best for themselves and their country. Did you think about the possibility that Pakistan is not reaching its potential because of a lack of mass education, corruption and a poor infrastructure? Imagine you had a dictatorship. The country would slowly turn into North Korea. Iranians would give up all the oil and gas for what Pakistan has right now. Democracy isn't the problem. The root cause of the problem is somewhere else.

Well said.
What I say may appear off-topic but I think it relates to the topic essentially.
People here still fail to acknowledge that military has ruled Pakistan for more than half of its history and no less than FOUR military rulers had to leave in disgrace--wonder why.
Pakistanis are proud to have their democracy. It is evolving. In that evolution there is hope for betterment and change. Today's PPP government does not seem to be doing well. It is ready to be kicked out by legal means. May be Imran Khan will benefit? May be Nawaz Sharif. But the next govt. will face the same music should it misbehave. And the next after that... Perform or perish.
Even now, we have a state of Pakistan where the sitting President of Pakistan's Supreme Court Bar Association Ms. Asma Jehangir can criticize/redicule the most powerful Army publicly and gets away with that. There are numerous instances of these. Yes, there are the Jihadis. But, essentially, anything can be said except the 'Blasphemy Law' stuff.
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