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Future of Middle East in 15 years: Members' opinion

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Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
This is not an analysis thread,we just want to read members' personal opinions about the future of Middle East countries in 15 years,possible political and geographical changes,new powers and existing powers,possible upcoming wars and in brief,a short general overview on Middle East.

I ask members just express their own opinions and not quoting,criticizing or bashing others'.If you don't agree with a comment,simply forget it,because they are not necessarily coming true!

This is not an analysis thread,we just want to read members' personal opinions about the future of Middle East countries,possible political and geographical changes,new powers and existing powers,possible upcoming wars and in brief,a short general overview on Middle East.

I ask members just express their own opinions and not quoting,criticizing or bashing others'.If you don't agree with a comment,simply forget it,because they are not necessarily coming true!


in less than 10 years the regime in Iran will change... and Turkey&Iran will initiate a ME economic zone ? :)

or page 73

Imho, if Iraq manages to unify country She will become a power house in the region with her oil..GCC countries might merge or might just become states of KSA..Syria will really have problems to hold the country in one piece( So much animosity arised ) Turkey and Iran will remain as superpowers of ME..Kurdish problem will still remain( well at least for Turkey ) Palestine issue will still remain unsolved..I have no idea about Jordan
Iran probably will remain independent, hopefully Iraq too. I'm not sure if Syria survives, its nowhere as strong. US with its slowly diminishing clout will still remain the master of ME, and its puppet states will remain loyal to it, and hostile to Iran. Palestine should finally gain its country, but on the conditions of USrael, i.e. it will be a sorry excuse of "independence".
Roughly my expectations, Syrian Assad will fall, Turkish influance will be dominant. Turkey and Iran will be clashing for influance, Iran will use Iraq as launching pad while Turkey will use Syria. Palestinian issue wont change if every single middle-eastern politician keeps barking but doesnt do crap about it. War on PKK Terrorist in Turkey will be either won, or near end since by that time most Turkish project and equipment will enter service such as Anka-Bs, Hunting them down 24/7.

Both Iran and Saudi-Arabia (And other Arab states) will be forced to build a more industrial economy, Slowly decreasing its independence on oil as major export. Eventually i think one-way or another the santions on Iran will be eased wether its Israeli/US strike or just western powers layin down. So eventually they will strive and wealth will increase, People will become more needy and probably will be demanding more rights and etc (Like any other western nation) And some politicial changes will occure.

actually its more of a hope then expectations.
My predictions/guesses:

The GCC countries will merge which will lead to heightened tensions between Iran and them. Other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan will be used as the battleground for their proxy wars.

An independent Kurdistan might just appear in what is today the "Iraqi Kurdistan" region. It is already de facto independent, even signing deals with foreign countries

Syria and Egypt both will have recovered from the "Arab Spring" and have democratically elected governments in power. These governments will be more hostile towards Israel and there will be more friction in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Azerbaijan and Armenia might go to war over Nagorno Karabagh, but this will be a limited war and the result will be status quo ante bellum due to daddy Russias intervention in favour of its favourite country in the South Caucases.

The end of the war in Afghanistan may well result in a peace deal that makes Afghanistan a federation, giving significant powers to the Non Pashtun majority in the North, whilst the Talibans will probably come back to power in the South and East.

Pakistan will benefit from the end of the war, and just like Syria and Egypt its economy will receive a post war boom. A more stable Afghanistan and closer cooperation with Iran will result in decreased threat from Balochi separatist organizations for both countries.

Turkey will continue growing stronger, but the Kurdish problem in the East will still remain. Domestically things may get nastier as the AKP will seek to hold a grip on power.

Tensions between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan will increase, as Tajikistan seeks to build the Rogun Dam, a dam that is essential for the impoverished central Asian country's economy. Uzbekistan may threaten to go to war with Tajikistan as its major export cotton will be badly affected by the construction of the dam.
Same as for 15 years ago a gigantic .............. Hole full of "it".

Wars and conflicts well be the same.

Israel will still be the waric Israel

Iran will still be the out breaker. Less sanctions I hope.
They will probably have 400+ uav from US then. :)

Turkey will still be looking for Arab money (investors)

Eqypt will have hanged Mohammed Mursi. ( I like that guy don't know why but I do)

SA will be the strongest military power with its new nukes in ME.

Pakistan will prosper after all the investments from SA.
(Nuke money)

Well who the hell knows but I hope I'm wrong.
Same ugly stalemate in israel palestine issue.assad regime range in syria.regime range in iran.Civilian but not military nucleur power iran.Political instability and radicalization egypt.Turkey?- imp nation.much depends on its role.I think no european union membership for turkey,but increased involvement in ME.
Everything will be the same
This is not an analysis thread,we just want to read members' personal opinions about the future of Middle East countries in 15 years,possible political and geographical changes,new powers and existing powers,possible upcoming wars and in brief,a short general overview on Middle East.

I ask members just express their own opinions and not quoting,criticizing or bashing others'.If you don't agree with a comment,simply forget it,because they are not necessarily coming true!


I foresee an ECONOMIC ZONE of Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the six former Muslim republics of former Soviet Union. Eventually they may opt for a Defence Pact as well.

Next 15 years , if Iran does not goes nuclear state , it will most likely get attacked with in 1-3 years after crippling sanctions will weaken the local resolve and local infrastructure , this strategy was in used after first Gulf war in 1990`s

Fossil Fuels reserves will decrease dramatically and prices will sky rocket , states like Saudi Arabia their population will double and they will have problems with Jobs and provding money to all the people as the Oil will start to dwindle

USA will at some point help Balouch insurgents as NATO is helping insurgents in Libya, Iraq and Syria. The terrorist would be helped in order to destabalize Pakistan , we have already started to see signs that non Pakistani investors are seling off assets in side Pakistan and moving out their assets , this is the first sign that something major is about to happen.

Afghanistan will likely get absorbed in Pakistan , as there is no government and Terrorist are coming into Pakistan from Afghanistan

Small Arab states (Kuwait , Bahrain , UAE my not survive if a war breaks out between Iran and Saudia.

Israel is likly to get nuked either by Iran or Russia

Yamen and Oman may merge to go against Saudis if Saudis try to expand their influence , since they will have F15 and newer fighter planes this may fuel a mini arms race.

Global Rising water levels will likely sink UAE`s palm island resort / neighbourhood

Possible Civil war my commence in Saudi , after monrchs will die and remaining princes may fight over successors and USA may favor some monrchs over other

USA might make a military ruler take over Saudia , monarch does not favors USA

Israel will take over 97% territories belonging to Palestinians, unless Iran or Russia Nuke Israel

Iran may occupy southern Iraq , and Turkey will take over Northern Iraq in case of war and Syria

Armenia will be taken over by Turkey , and Azerbijan will merge with Iran

Russia will take over Georgia

Swiss canal will be nuked and closed down

So you can forget about this reaching Israel

After the dust will settle and Oil runs out ...
There will be mass migration out of Saudia Arabia and remaining people will live as Bedouins


There is no economy in Saudia if you remove oil revenue

There will be civil war in india
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