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Future of Bangladesh

Maira La

Mar 5, 2010
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Let's talk about the future of our beloved motherland here, my friends.

I'll make it short. I want to hear what the rest of you would do if you were given the PM-ship of BD in a platter.

If I had the chance to chart out our future, I'd take immediate measures to implement the following:

Foreign Affairs:

1 - Sort out all outstanding issues with India, starting with Talpotty. We can always cut the island in half if nothing else works.

2 - Create a regional economic body consisting of the seven siblings, Nepal, Bhutan and Arakan. Thereby we can collaborate on regional connectivity, sharing of surplus power and cross-border investments.

3 - Get connected to China and SE Asia through road and rail networks. Myanmar is undergoing a peaceful transition to democracy. So there's more stability on the eastern frontier. Can we trust them? Time can tell.


1 - Revoke licenses of most private universities, barring a few with good records of student employment.

2 - Set up polytechnic institutes all over the country to train people in skilled trades relevant to BD industry. Not everyone needs higher education at universities. Read this, politicians!

3 - Sponsor students to study at top universities in the Western world. It's expensive alright. They can be contractually obligated to return and work for the government or in the private sector for a specified period of time. So, yes, that's how we can reverse the brain drain!


1 - Create a National Security Council, consisting of the three COS, the intelligence heads and several high-ranking officers. NSC must be given the authority to manage defence personnel, military purchases and army deployments without political intervention.

2 - ToT should be part of major purchases packages. Must set up an R&D wing for the armed forces. The engineering slave force (no, I didn't mean that) can be trained in the West and then brought back to lead this sector.

3 - Stay comfortably armed for overseas military activities in the future. It's a necessity for resource hungry nations. If India ever goes on a military (mis)adventure in sub-Saharan Africa in the future, we should do our best to provide diplomatic and military support to them, and in return we can grab a tiny share of the booty. I say tiny share, because they can do without us. It's reminiscent of US-UK alliance. :D

Woah, that's a ton of "thinking out loud" today. Later dudes!
I'm worried about weather control weapons used against Bangladesh, global warming and Bangladesh's environmental problems.

Most of Bangladesh is less than 5 m above sea level. If sea levels rose this much, Bangladesh would sink. A full melting of Arctic ice would add 3 m to the world's oceans, which would severely stress Bangladesh. A raising of sea levels would also devastate Bangladesh's freshwater supply. Bangladesh is downstream in the extremely polluted Ganges. Bangladesh is caught in a bad place: it needs desalination and geoengineering NOW to reclaim flooded areas and maintain sanitary freshwater supply. However, it cannot afford to do so. If it does not do it NOW, then it will get more expensive later and Bangladesh will not have the money to catch up later.

China should give Bangladesh a loan for civil engineering infrastructure, in exchange for Bangladesh's offshore oil and gas.
I'm worried about weather control weapons used against Bangladesh, global warming and Bangladesh's environmental problems.

Most of Bangladesh is less than 5 m above sea level. If sea levels rose this much, Bangladesh would sink. A full melting of Arctic ice would add 3 m to the world's oceans, which would severely stress Bangladesh. A raising of sea levels would also devastate Bangladesh's freshwater supply. Bangladesh is downstream in the extremely polluted Ganges. Bangladesh is caught in a bad place: it needs desalination and geoengineering NOW to reclaim flooded areas and maintain sanitary freshwater supply. However, it cannot afford to do so. If it does not do it NOW, then it will get more expensive later and Bangladesh will not have the money to catch up later.

China should give Bangladesh a loan for civil engineering infrastructure, in exchange for Bangladesh's offshore oil and gas.

If you consider the worst affected countries by rising sea levels in the last 20 years then Bangladesh is in the top 10. But if you consider the worst affected countries in the last two years then Bangladesh is not in the top 20. My understanding is the previous estimates might be wrong about which countries will be worst affected, as scientists dont really have the best of understanding about this global warming thing as of yet. And Bangladesh should not be looking for loans to tackle climate change, countries responsible for this should be paying for this ;)
If you consider the worst affected countries by rising sea levels in the last 20 years then Bangladesh is in the top 10. But if you consider the worst affected countries in the last two years then Bangladesh is not in the top 20. My understanding is the previous estimates might be wrong about which countries will be worst affected, as scientists dont really have the best of understanding about this global warming thing as of yet. And Bangladesh should not be looking for loans to tackle climate change, countries responsible for this should be paying for this ;)
I can't get those bold part,because in recent environment report India and Bangladesh are one of the most vulnerable nation to the natural calamities.By the if some steps r not taken currently then both of us will have to suffer.
I'm worried about weather control weapons used against Bangladesh, global warming and Bangladesh's environmental problems.

Most of Bangladesh is less than 5 m above sea level. If sea levels rose this much, Bangladesh would sink. A full melting of Arctic ice would add 3 m to the world's oceans, which would severely stress Bangladesh. A raising of sea levels would also devastate Bangladesh's freshwater supply. Bangladesh is downstream in the extremely polluted Ganges. Bangladesh is caught in a bad place: it needs desalination and geoengineering NOW to reclaim flooded areas and maintain sanitary freshwater supply. However, it cannot afford to do so. If it does not do it NOW, then it will get more expensive later and Bangladesh will not have the money to catch up later.

China should give Bangladesh a loan for civil engineering infrastructure, in exchange for Bangladesh's offshore oil and gas.

1.There is a theory which says the opposite. If sea level rises, the tidal flow in our rivers will become slower. If the water in our rivers flow slower there will be more sedimentation. Which in fact will cause our land surface to rise.

2. But it is a sin for settling such a concentration of humans in the richest soil on earth. This should be left for agriculture and we should move into surrounding region: Arakan, Chin, NE, and E India upto the Rajmahal Hills. In fact we should plan to get back the kingdom that we had lost to the British on 23 June 1757.
If you consider the worst affected countries by rising sea levels in the last 20 years then Bangladesh is in the top 10. But if you consider the worst affected countries in the last two years then Bangladesh is not in the top 20. My understanding is the previous estimates might be wrong about which countries will be worst affected, as scientists dont really have the best of understanding about this global warming thing as of yet.

This sounds encouraging, even I felt that other countries are having much problems than Bangladesh at present but didn't have that stat. But as the world and the NGOs are re-acting to it, everything just seem really freaking horrible! As far as I know, we will lose at least 15% of our land if sea level rises up to 1m! Is there any measure that can avoid this?? I heard that mangrove trees are effective against it and that is why Sundarbans is saving us from tsunami and the govt. is trying to set up a 'green boundary' sowing mangrove trees, Is it going to be effective??
But it is a sin for settling such a concentration of humans in the richest soil on earth. This should be left for agriculture and we should move into surrounding region: Arakan, Chin, NE, and E India upto the Rajmahal Hills. In fact we should plan to get back the kingdom that we had lost to the British on 23 June 1757.

Didn't get you?
I can't get those bold part,because in recent environment report India and Bangladesh are one of the most vulnerable nation to the natural calamities.By the if some steps r not taken currently then both of us will have to suffer.

The recent report still talking about the problems which will be caused by sea level rises. I am talking about extremes of weather, like flooding, typhoons, tornadoes, earthquakes and such. We used to have big time flooding every year but now adays the flooding is not happening. On the other hand, countries such as Australia, Bankok and USA where such things were un heard of are happening quite frequently. Just take a look at how many disasters struck USA in this year and compare it to previous years.
But it is a sin for settling such a concentration of humans in the richest soil on earth. This should be left for agriculture and we should move into surrounding region: Arakan, Chin, NE, and E India upto the Rajmahal Hills. In fact we should plan to get back the kingdom that we had lost to the British on 23 June 1757.

No we shouldn't. Forget that chapter of our history. Let's have a fresh start. We can join hands with India to look for resources in other parts of the world.
No we shouldn't. Forget that chapter of our history. Let's have a fresh start. We can join hands with India to look for resources in other parts of the world.
India is not going to war with anybody. Not the least in sub saharan africa. The days of Indira Gandhi is over.
While competing for influence and resource, we are more likely to use covert means.

1 - Create a National Security Council, consisting of the three COS, the intelligence heads and several high-ranking officers. NSC must be given the authority to manage defence personnel, military purchases and army deployments without political intervention.

The sad thing in the military is that there is a lot of politics. That's one of the reasons why I didn't join the air force. Not making it political is not as easy as it seems.

2 - ToT should be part of major purchases packages. Must set up an R&D wing for the armed forces. The engineering slave force (no, I didn't mean that) can be trained in the West and then brought back to lead this sector.

We don't have enough technology to ToT for stuff like tanks or jets for starters. Also, we have very small amount of land. It'd be better to save that for commercial purposes such as car manufacturing.

Also, we have a massive population to support. Agriculture should still be one of our primary industries.

As far as military go, I believe we should take the Israeli approach where state of the art electronics and radar research can be carried out. In fact, AESA came from Israel. Notice, Israel do not make many jets of their own.

R&D in military matters is pretty much close to zero. Bangladesh military cannot attract skilled professionals and work with other commercial parties under the supervision of the government.

It is a very close-knit organization with it's own goals. In fact, the military is a big stake holder in the politics of Bangladesh.

3 - Stay comfortably armed for overseas military activities in the future. It's a necessity for resource hungry nations. If India ever goes on a military (mis)adventure in sub-Saharan Africa in the future, we should do our best to provide diplomatic and military support to them, and in return we can grab a tiny share of the booty. I say tiny share, because they can do without us. It's reminiscent of US-UK alliance. :D

mmm...we do participate in UN peacekeeping. But, there's potential in that.
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