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Future direction for PAKTURK Military cooperation?


May 3, 2009
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I'm writing up a small study on the future direction of military cooperation between the twin states of Pakistan and Turkey.

It would include a short history of cooperation in the military field and would propose advice for the future coop.

You can help me by providing me with ideas on what areas would you want to see the cooperation take place. It must include what Pak wants from Turkey and what Turkey wants from Pakistan.

You can also opt to cowrite it, if you choose to do so.

Best regards.

@cabatli 53 @Casus Belli @ kaan @Hyperion @combat master @Abu Zolfiqar pls tag others.
I'm writing up a small study on the future direction of military cooperation between the twin states of Pakistan and Turkey.

It would include a short history of cooperation in the military field and would propose advice for the future coop.

You can help me by providing me with ideas on what areas would you want to see the cooperation take place. It must include what Pak wants from Turkey and what Turkey wants from Pakistan.

You can also opt to cowrite it, if you choose to do so.

Best regards.

@cabatli 53 @Casus Belli @ kaan @Hyperion @combat master @Abu Zolfiqar pls tag others.
As someone who is not that knowledgeable about the military, perhaps impossible, but I really would like Turkey to obtain nuclear technology/knowledge from Pakistan in order to enhance it's geopolitical level. This would give Turkey more safety against Russia and possible the west once they decide to give up on Turkey. I am not sure what Pakistan could wish from Turkey, but i think Turkey and Pakistan should co-operate more in the anti-terrorist field, like exchanging experience, perhaps intel and such. Pakistan is like one of the few countries that can be trusted no matter which party is at its helm. The faster our countries get rid of this terrorist chapter, the quicker we can develop.
  • More Joint naval exercises (Anti Piracy)
  • Pakistani tech from Shaheen Ballistic Missiles to help us with space program.
  • We should work as a team in international disasters. Example somalia, or delivering aid in a coordinated manner to bosnia flood victims. For example Ill bring the cokes you bring the chips. This could also serve as Pak-Turk Logistic exercises.
Ill think of some more later.
As someone who is not that knowledgeable about the military, perhaps impossible, but I really would like Turkey to obtain nuclear technology/knowledge from Pakistan in order to enhance it's geopolitical level. This would give Turkey more safety against Russia and possible the west once they decide to give up on Turkey. I am not sure what Pakistan could wish from Turkey, but i think Turkey and Pakistan should co-operate more in the anti-terrorist field, like exchanging experience, perhaps intel and such. Pakistan is like one of the few countries that can be trusted no matter which party is at its helm. The faster our countries get rid of this terrorist chapter, the quicker we can develop.

thats impossible

but build a airbase / military base a large one and let Pakistan put there own soldiers own aircraft, some land vehicles then make a plan to put threre Pakistanien missles with nuclear warhead..

even we could train pakistanians there and it would enhance their power in middle east :)
You can help me by providing me with ideas on what areas would you want to see the cooperation take place. It must include what Pak wants from Turkey and what Turkey wants from Pakistan.

@cabatli 53 @Casus Belli @ kaan @Hyperion @combat master @Abu Zolfiqar pls tag others.

Turkey-Pakistan should cooperate on SAM missiles. Both country lacks a serious Surface to Air protection and It should be provided with obtaining same family of missiles under a specific network which is developed by own engineers.
both Turkey and Pakistan must do something to jointly produce or acquire heavy lift helicopters ...both r very prone to earth quakes and disasters ...

6+8 CH-47 helicopters are in production for Turkey.

Military terms

For Pakistan:

Naval: cooperation in the field of building combat vessels.
Army: focusing on tank development and helicopter procurement (including heavy lift) or what I like to call the two A's, Altay and Atak.
Strategic development: i.e. long range radars, advanced munitions etc.

For Turkey
Ballistic and cruise missiles.
Nuclear know-how.
Joint mass exercises.
Anti-terrorism and fighting insurgencies.

Long live Pakistan/Turkey zindabad!
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- A joint venture for an Indigenous 5th Generation Plane, obviously with China in the loop.
- Turkey Having Military bases in Pakistan and vice versa
- Pakistan should purchase Helicopters from Turkey with the option to Manufacture locally.
- Pakistan should sell Missles to Turkey and the know-how for upgrades,etc.
- Pakistan should help Turkey with Nuclear reactors for energy.
İ foresee a more balanced approach by Turkey between İndia and Pakistan.. Probably still in favor of Pakistan but more balanced.

I find this a little confusing. Turkey does have decent relations with India. What do you mean more balanced? As in not siding with Pakistan so much that you might upset India?
This is all good and dandy, but the main reasons why the above hasn't happened or might not is because of security concerns. Both for Pakistan and Turkey, NATO and China has a major role to play in it me thinks.

That being said; Pakistani Wants (from where I see areas to improve upon)
  • Electronics - From radars, E/O to weapon stations, simulators etc..
  • Unmanned Air Vehicles - Turkey has made great strides in this area, pakistan could benefit.
  • Missiles - Anti-tank, Air-to-air, Air-to-ground, Surface-to-surface, surface-to-air. Turkey plans on developing many missiles indigenously, to replace foreign missiles which are on verge of EOL.
  • Ships
  • Land Vehicles - Not tracked vehicles specifically, more in respect to wheeled vehicles.
Turkish Wants (again areas where improvement can be made)
  • Ballistic Missile - Turkey is lagging behind in this field, investments have been made but co-operation could benefit both countries with the chemicals being researched.
  • Missiles - SAM, I know Turkey is developing it's own. But joint development could yield a product faster.
  • Joint exercises
  • Monies - No money, No Hon..Technology. Share burden of costs for developing technologies.
  • Moar brain powarr - Lack of brains, edu'mucated ones specifically. You can only throw so many MSc, PHD, DR. people at a project before you run out of them, if there were cooperation in developing technologies both countries can advance quickly. (US and Soviet Space programs had high mix of ethnicities)
- Pakistan should help Turkey with Nuclear reactors for energy.

Does Pakistan have ability to construct Nuclear Power Plants ? From my understanding, all power plants within Pakistan are foreign made.
So? 'Help' doesn't mean 'Make', there is a big difference

Why are you getting defensive, I was asking a honest question. What would Pakistan help with then? If Pakistan purchases nuclear plants from foreign countries why should Turkey receive help from Pakistan?
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