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FSA Captures Syrian Air Defence Base


Apr 29, 2011
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With some goodies like OSA, I got to say i normaly disapprove Russian Weapons duo low quality (Exeption Kalashnikov) But this one is a real beauthy

Skipt to 17:24 for the goodies...


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My bet is on Assad escaping to Russia. He is smarter than Gaddafi, so he will know when to run. I bet he has a private jet ready and waiting 24/7.
The daring and dedication of FSA men is inomparable. They just need some more heavy weapons, ani air and anti armour systems and they will finish of the munafiqeeen and mulhideen of Islam as soon as possible.
Who created this FSA? Itsn't it funded by the West? If it is funded by the West, nothing to rejoice here. Of course they will be doing it for their interest.

Remember no state invests in others wars if its not self-interest. I pity this. In the end, no one is the winner but the biggest loser will be people of Syria. I feel for them. May Allah help them. Ameen.
My bet is on Assad escaping to Russia. He is smarter than Gaddafi, so he will know when to run. I bet he has a private jet ready and waiting 24/7.

When he falls Russia wouldn't accept him, but i think he will go to iran, actually there are some news saying he is already in iran since few months and only come to syria from time to time.

Any way about the air defence base, did any one see the other video? where the rebels were taking pictures with sam missiles?....there are tens of the missiles, but it looked like junk not sure if they will work (thats tells you about regime's air defence capability which sucks), Any way God willing bashaar is finished.
Who created this FSA? Itsn't it funded by the West? If it is funded by the West, nothing to rejoice here. Of course they will be doing it for their interest.

Remember no state invests in others wars if its not self-interest. I pity this. In the end, no one is the winner but the biggest loser will be people of Syria. I feel for them. May Allah help them. Ameen.

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Who created this FSA? Itsn't it funded by the West? If it is funded by the West, nothing to rejoice here. Of course they will be doing it for their interest.

Remember no state invests in others wars if its not self-interest. I pity this. In the end, no one is the winner but the biggest loser will be people of Syria. I feel for them. May Allah help them. Ameen.

It was created by the Syrian protesters whome the Assad regime was slaughering for months. Reminder that some members calls the FSA the scource of Syrian chaos no its Assad who opent fired on unarmed protest, The West and Turkey are merely funding a rightious revolution, I am suprized it didnt happend sooner though...
Free syrian Army Have Pakistans And my Support, Down with Assad dictator!
How murderous this Assad traitor is, he has fired with tanks and heavy artillery into Civilian Areas I realized it after watching this video!

Free Syrian Army Zindabad!
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The West, SA, Qatar and Turkey are merely funding a mass-murder of 30,000 people.
Nope we are funding a rightious revolution which was caused by the Assad regime arrogance and corruption...
Nope, it was created by someone who gave them money, weapons and said what to do.

You kepping telling that to your self you might actually start believing your own lies...

Armed provocateurs did their job well to make it happen

You mean armed provocateurs like children with stones and men with wooden sticks with banners against an Entire army...
Nope we are funding a rightious revolution which was caused by the Assad regime arrogance and corruption...
Yeap keep telling that yourself while you continue funding daily massacre of women and children
You kepping telling that to your self you might actually start believing your own lies...
All the world knows that already. no need to tell anything
You mean armed provocateurs like children with stones and men with wooden sticks with banners against an Entire army...
Nope, more like with grenades, RPGs and machine guns
Yeap keep telling that yourself while you continue funding daily massacre of women and children

I'm sorry which side was here bombing cities and towns full with civilians with there Helos, Jets, Artillery and rockets continuesly FSA or Army?...

All the world knows that already. no need to tell anything

Yes they know it, Doesnt change the fact most support it...

, more like with grenades, RPGs and machine guns

Lolz either propaganda or self claimed crap, No denying which started shooting with bullits first...
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