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French Army prepares to deploy MMP


Apr 28, 2011
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The French Army is preparing for the first operational deployment of its Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) land combat system in Mali this year. Source: MBDA

The French Army is preparing for the first operational deployment of its new 140mm calibre digital Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) land combat system.

Major Jean-Luc Dietler of the Section Technique de l’Armée de Terre (STAT) at the French Ministry of Defence told Jane’s that manportable MMP systems will be deployed with four French Army Regiments – 2e Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie, 2e Régiment Etranger Parachutistes, 1er Régiment de Hussards Parachutistes, and 3e Régiment de Hussards – and a French Army Special Forces Regiment, in support of Operation ‘Barkhane’ in Mali in June or September this year.

STAT – the technical section of the French Army – is responsible in co-ordination with the Direction générale de l'armement (DGA: Directorate General of Armaments) for leading and evaluating all weapons programmes for the French air and land forces.

Developed by MBDA in France for a French Army requirement, the MMP is intended to replace the MBDA Milan and Lockheed Martin/Raytheon FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems currently in service with the army and special forces, and the Euromissile HOT (Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé Tiré d’un Tube) and MBDA Eryx ATGMs mounted on the army’s Véhicule de l’avant blindé (VAB) 6x6 armoured personnel carriers.

Conceived as both a manportable and vehicle-mounted combat missile system, the MMP will be interoperable with the French Army’s FÉLIN (Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons Intégrés) future infantry programme. It will also be integrated with the Nexter Systems CT40M 40mm turret selected to equip the French Army’s future 6×6 Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat (EBRC: armoured combat and reconnaissance vehicle, designated ‘Jaguar’) as part of the Engin Blindé Multi-Rôles (EBMR) multirole armoured vehicles segment of the French Army’s estimated EUR5 billion (USD 5.93 billion) Scorpion modernisation programme.

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and a French Army Special Forces Regiment

That phrase is misleading as it shouldn't read Army
but armed forces or military. So that this fits :
Major Jean-Luc Dietler of the Section Technique de l’Armée de Terre (STAT) at the French Ministry of Defence told Jane’s that manportable MMP systems will be deployed with four French Army Regiments – 2e Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie, 2e Régiment Etranger Parachutistes, 1er Régiment de Hussards Parachutistes, and 3e Régiment de Hussards – and a French Army's Special Forces Regiment, in support of Operation ‘Barkhane’ in Mali in June or September this year.
you need to read French Forces precisely not Army
as the prior four and find the 1er RPIMa, a SF Marines
regiment. It is not part of the Navy A.K.A. la Marine
Nationale yet still apart in the Armée de terre / Army
organigram as devoted to overseas activities.

We're quirky like that in France : our Marine troops are
Army not Navy or its own corps but not regular Army.
It's a leftover from WW II and the colonial era.

1er Régiment de Parachutistes de Marine found here.

Have a great day Zarvan mate, Tay.
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The French Army is preparing for the first operational deployment of its Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) land combat system in Mali this year. Source: MBDA

The French Army is preparing for the first operational deployment of its new 140mm calibre digital Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) land combat system.

Major Jean-Luc Dietler of the Section Technique de l’Armée de Terre (STAT) at the French Ministry of Defence told Jane’s that manportable MMP systems will be deployed with four French Army Regiments – 2e Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie, 2e Régiment Etranger Parachutistes, 1er Régiment de Hussards Parachutistes, and 3e Régiment de Hussards – and a French Army Special Forces Regiment, in support of Operation ‘Barkhane’ in Mali in June or September this year.

STAT – the technical section of the French Army – is responsible in co-ordination with the Direction générale de l'armement (DGA: Directorate General of Armaments) for leading and evaluating all weapons programmes for the French air and land forces.

Developed by MBDA in France for a French Army requirement, the MMP is intended to replace the MBDA Milan and Lockheed Martin/Raytheon FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems currently in service with the army and special forces, and the Euromissile HOT (Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé Tiré d’un Tube) and MBDA Eryx ATGMs mounted on the army’s Véhicule de l’avant blindé (VAB) 6x6 armoured personnel carriers.

Conceived as both a manportable and vehicle-mounted combat missile system, the MMP will be interoperable with the French Army’s FÉLIN (Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons Intégrés) future infantry programme. It will also be integrated with the Nexter Systems CT40M 40mm turret selected to equip the French Army’s future 6×6 Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat (EBRC: armoured combat and reconnaissance vehicle, designated ‘Jaguar’) as part of the Engin Blindé Multi-Rôles (EBMR) multirole armoured vehicles segment of the French Army’s estimated EUR5 billion (USD 5.93 billion) Scorpion modernisation programme.

Want to read more? For analysis on this article and access to all our insight content, please enquire about our subscription options at ihs.com/contact

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(313 of 816 words)


Deployed in Mali.



It will be very useful to send "suppo" in the *** of "beaucoup harami"* :enjoy:

* jeu de mot utilisant le français et le pakistanais (harami signifiant "b4t4rd")
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