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France to expel anyone threatening security in name of Islam: Minister

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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France to expel anyone who threatens security in name of Islam: minister
Posted on 2012-09-27 15:22:00

France will be “intransigent… and I will not hesitate to expel those who claim to follow Islam and represent a serious threat to public order and as foreigners in our country do not respect our laws and values,” he said at a ceremony to inaugurate a grand mosque in the eastern city of Strasbourg.

“The preachers of hatred, those espousing obscurantism and fundamentalists … do not have a place in France,” he said.

“Racism, fundamentalism is not part of Islam.”

“Those who are on our soil to defy our laws and want to attack the foundations of our society cannot remain here,” he said.

The mosque, which can hold 1,500 worshippers, is the biggest in France, which with four million Muslims has the largest Islamic population in western Europe.
France to expel anyone who threatens security in name of Islam: minister

anyone disagrees on the " grounds" for expelling someone as stated by the minister?
French are within their rights to take a call on their citizens.

I have a doubt, where will they expel them to ?

.. and what about those who are second / third generation French Muslims ?
French are within their rights to take a call on their citizens.

I have a doubt, where will they expel them to ?

.. and what about those who are second / third generation French Muslims ?

In the US , unless you were born here - you can be deported even if you gain citizenship. I think in France that's what they are applying the standard to.
Be a Roman in Rome.

But then again, Europe has a history of being racist. No surprises there. *shrugs*

They did it to the Jews back in the early 20th century, now it is the turn of the Muslims. Already Greece is turning fascist and going down the drain. France has already implemented a ban on the burqua. They must be wimps, being afraid of womens clothing :undecided:
Be a Roman in Rome.

But then again, Europe has a history of being racist. No surprises there. *shrugs*

They did it to the Jews back in the early 20th century, now it is the turn of the Muslims. Already Greece is turning fascist and going down the drain. France has already implemented a ban on the burqua. They must be wimps, being afraid of womens clothing :undecided:

Coming from a so called secular country which doesn't allow the slaughter of cows in most states due to the fear of ticking off Hindus , you really should be the last one judging another country's internal policies.
anyone disagrees on the " grounds" for expelling someone as stated by the minister?
its another thing that the minister himself is the son of an immigrant and prone to extradition..the irony

All US citizens, whether born or naturalized, cannot be deported.

True, the particular clause that dealt with deporting US citizens who were found propagating values against the US constitution was to first take away their nationality..and then deport them to their country of origin..but this was only true for the naturalized cases...I think it was either proposed for the Patriot act.. or actually implement.. nt sure.:undecided:
True, the particular clause that dealt with deporting US citizens who were found propagating values against the US constitution was to first take away their nationality..and then deport them to their country of origin..but this was only true for the naturalized cases...I think it was either proposed for the Patriot act.. or actually implement.. nt sure.:undecided:

There are very strict standards that can lead to revocation of citizenship, but they apply to all citizens. One of the things that can lead to revocation for naturalized citizens is lying on their citizenship application, such as hiding a Nazi past, or a similar material falsehood, that was revealed later.

Being honest helps.

All US citizens, whether born or naturalized, cannot be deported, or denied entry.

yeah they can on naturalized citizens .

Losing Your citizenship

1. Convicted For An Act Of Treason Against The United States

Treason is a serious crime, and the Constitution defines the requirements for convicting someone of treason. Treason is waging a violent war against the United States in cooperation with a foreign country or any organized group. It includes assisting or aiding any foreign country or organization in taking over or destroying this country including abolishing the Constitution. Treason also consists of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the US government or of betraying our government into the hands of a foreign power. If you are caught and convicted of treason, you can pretty much count on losing your US citizenship as well as serving lots of jail time.

2. Holding A Policy Level Position In A Foreign Country

If you become an elected official or hold a policy-level position (like an ambassador, cabinet minister, or any high level administrative position where you make government policy) in your native country or a foreign country, you run the risk of losing your US citizenship. On the other hand, if you hold a non-policy level job like working in your native country’s embassy or working for your native country’s government in an advisory or purely administrative capacity, you run little risk of jeopardizing your US citizenship. For further information, see the State Department’s circular: ADVICE ABOUT POSSIBLE LOSS OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND SEEKING PUBLIC OFFICE IN A FOREIGN STATE.

3. Serving In Your Native Country’s Armed Forces If That Country Is Engaged In Hostilities Or At War With The United States

If your native country is engaged in hostile actions or is at war with America you need to be extremely careful. The US government will attempt to take away your US citizenship if they find out you are either aiding or serving in your native country’s armed forces in any capacity. Alternatively, the US government could try to nail you with a treason conviction and then strip you of your US citizenship.

4. Serving In Your Native Country’s Armed Forces As An Officer Or A Non-Commissioned Officer

If your native country is not at war with or engaged in hostilities towards the US, then serving in your native country’s armed forces is OK as long as you are not an officer or non-commissioned officer (usually the rank of sergeant or above). Serving as a civilian worker in your native country’s armed forces, or serving as an enlisted man or women are generally acceptable. For further information, see the State Department’s circular: ADVICE ABOUT POSSIBLE LOSS OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND FOREIGN MILITARY SERVICE.

The State Department has set several administrative guidelines for dual citizens to follow in order to avoid losing their US citizenship ( ADVICE ABOUT POSSIBLE LOSS OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND DUAL NATIONALITY ). The four reasons for losing US citizenship cited above were taken from these guidelines. We strongly suggest that you carefully review these guidelines if you are planning on maintaining dual citizenship. As you review the guidelines keep in mind that the State Department is primarily referring to native-born US citizens who become dual citizens by being naturalized in another foreign country. The guidelines are also applicable to naturalized US citizens who maintain their original citizenship.

5. Lying To The USCIS During The Naturalization Process

If you deliberately withheld information from or misrepresented information given to the USCIS or INS when filing your N-400, the USCIS may cancel your Certificate of Naturalization and revoke your US citizenship. This includes withholding information and misrepresenting yourself during your naturalization interview or oath ceremony. If your Certificate of Naturalization is cancelled and your US citizenship revoked, you may also find yourself facing criminal prosecution as well as deportation proceedings.

For example, if you lived outside the country for four months and deliberately omitted this absence from your N-400 and the USCIS finds out about it after you’re naturalized, they could move to have your Certificate of Naturalization cancelled. All they would need to show is that your absence would have disqualifed you from or materially affected your naturalization due to the “physical presence in the United States” requirement for naturalization applicants.

You may also lose your US citizenship if you withheld information or misled the USCIS or INS when becoming a permanent resident. If within five years of becoming a permanent resident, the USCIS finds out that you withheld information from them or misled them in order to obtain your green card, the USCIS may also strip you of your US citizenship. Of course, after five years from becoming a permanent resident, the only way the USCIS would be able to take away your US citizenship would be if you withheld or misrepresented yourself during the naturalization process.

The above examples illustrates why you need to be both truthful and accurate when filing for naturalization and permanent residency. You don’t want to give the USCIS any ammunition they could use against you later if they or someone else (like a politician or government bureaucrat) is looking for any means to get rid of you.

6. Refusal To Testify Before Congress About Your Subversive Activities

We included this legal provision for completeness. If you refuse to testify before Congress within ten years of being naturalized regarding your involvement in any subversive activities, the Attorney General can move to have your US citizenship revoked [ 8 USC 1451(a) ]. Subversive activities are not well defined but include activities such as spying, belonging to a terrorist or other organization wanting to overthrow the US, or other activities aimed at undermining our government [50 USC 783 & 843, 18 USC Ch. 115]. Of course, if you do testify before Congress about your subversive activities, you may still lose your citizenship if your testimony is later used to convict you of treason.

newcitizen.us -- Losing US Citizenship
In Europe getting Nationality is now an advanced form of "Visa".
Thats why i see many Muslims immigrating to middle east from UK,specially teachers.
yeah they can on naturalized citizens .


Citizens CANNOT be deported.

Grounds for revocation of citizenship is a different matter. Like I said above, being HONEST helps.
Actually these heavy handed tactics by many countries are working..
I have seen waves of Muslims uprooting their businesses,selling their properties and coming to UK from Norway,Holland and some other European countries..
And now many are getting out of europe if they can...
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