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Well they probably should not have tried to commit genocide, and remember that it was the EU that was involved as well.

There was no genocide in Kosovo,albanian terrorists rose in rebellion,burned churches,targeted serbian civillians,the state only tried to restore order and protect its citizens and got hammered by the West.It was an unjust attack against a fellow european country and an appaling dismemberment of a sovereign state.
Luxemburg have the biggest GDP per capita,does that make them "The most powerful country in the world"?
You deny that Russia is energy superpower,you deny that Russia is nuclear superpower,that Russia is biggest country in the world and that Russia is probably 2nd most powerful military in the world,economy have a great role in county but it is not the only.
You deny China as most populous country in the world,biggest world exporter,probably the most stable economy in the world.

Actually you're a liar. I never denied a single one of those statements, maybe except for China being the most stable economy in the world. And I agree with you btw, GDP per capita is not a tell-all indicator, in fact I argued the OPPOSITE by stating what the GDP per capita would give Russia in terms of total GDP.

You are right, GDP is best when measured as a total, and Russia's GDP is smaller than Italy's. :)

There was no genocide in Kosovo,albanian terrorists rose in rebellion,burned churches,targeted serbian civillians,the state only tried to restore order and protect its citizens and got hammered by the West.It was an unjust attack against a fellow european country and an appaling dismemberment of a sovereign state.

Are you going to tell me that the genocide in Bosnia didn't happen?

Go easy on him after all i can understand his anti american feelings,you've bombed his country to creeate a fake ,parasytic entity called Kosovo.Not the height of american strategy if you ask me.

Believe me friend,Serbia(Yugoslavia) but Serbs especially was the biggest lovers of American culture in Europe back in 70-80s,and what we get from that?Bombs,uranium,independent Kosovo....more then 100000 Serbs from Croatia serve in American army,and guess what?US help to Croatia to expel Serbs from Croatia.
There was no genocide in Kosovo,albanian terrorists rose in rebellion,burned churches,targeted serbian civillians,the state only tried to restore order and protect its citizens and got hammered by the West.It was an unjust attack against a fellow european country and an appaling dismemberment of a sovereign state.

Dafrick are you talking about?
Actually you're a liar. I never denied a single one of those statements, maybe except for China being the most stable economy in the world. And I agree with you btw, GDP per capita is not a tell-all indicator, in fact I argued the OPPOSITE by stating what the GDP per capita would give Russia in terms of total GDP.

You are right, GDP is best when measured as a total, and Russia's GDP is smaller than Italy's. :)

Are you going to tell me that the genocide in Bosnia didn't happen?

American_Millenium Russia is 8. world economy.Italy is 9.

1 United States 15,684,750
2 China 8,227,037
3 Japan 5,963,969
4 Germany 3,400,579
5 France 2,608,699
6 United Kingdom 2,440,505
7 Brazil 2,395,968
8 Russia 2,021,960
9 Italy 2,014,079
10 India 1,824,832

Ask Serbs from Subotica(North) to Leskovac(South),from Sabac(West) to Bela Crkva(East),and all Serbs will say you that in Srebrenica we make a mistake,but what about a crimes made against Serbs?
Dafrick are you talking about?

I stand by my point,the KLA was a terrorist organisation which started the violence,Serbia tried to defend its citizens.How would you feel if the US would attack Turkey only because you fought PKK terrorists?

Actually you're a liar. I never denied a single one of those statements, maybe except for China being the most stable economy in the world. And I agree with you btw, GDP per capita is not a tell-all indicator, in fact I argued the OPPOSITE by stating what the GDP per capita would give Russia in terms of total GDP.

You are right, GDP is best when measured as a total, and Russia's GDP is smaller than Italy's. :)

Are you going to tell me that the genocide in Bosnia didn't happen?

Bosnian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was talking about Kosovo not Bosnia,and even in Bosnia it could have been avoided if the serbs would have been left on their way with an independent Republica Srpska.You give freedom to the albanians but the serbs must remain locked in a federal Bosnia ?
This thread is full of bed-wetters.
I am sure the people living on a dollar a day will be overjoyed to hear that their country has a larger GDP than Europe.
I stand by my point,the KLA was a terrorist organisation which started the violence,Serbia tried to defend its citizens.

I was talking about Kosovo not Bosnia,and even in Bosnia it could have been avoided if the serbs would have been left on their way with an independent Republica Srpska.You give freedom to the albanians but the serbs must remain locked in a federal Bosnia ?

I am a happy man and we Serbs are happy people to have neighboors like you,you fully understand a Serbian position.
I am a happy man and we Serbs are happy people to have neighboors like you,you fully understand a Serbian position.

Most of us do here,even at state level Romania hasn't recognised Kosovo's indepence as a country.Hope we never will altough the EU pressures us to accept.
Eurasian Union? LMFAO.... Seriously, you think adding Kazakhstan and Belarus to Russia is going to do anything? Wishful thinking. Russian GDP is comparable to Italy, maybe one day it will be comparable to Germany.... And that's the extent of their power. To have anything higher their currency would have to appreciate 300% AGAINST the dollar. What an f'ing joke. Who thinks this is going to happen? GDP per capita is $10,000, so even at 300% increase they would be at $40,000, that is their potential. I don't see them surpassing countries like Germany or the UK in wealth, let alone the USA, so anything above $40k is wishful thinking; actually $40k itself is wishful thinking, I would say $25k is a good optimistic estimate, so basically a 100% increase against the dollar in the next few decades, or the equivalent of a $4 trillion economy (like I said, comparable to Germany).

You know, we, Russians, used to live not very rich. But in our country, such concepts as honor, duty and love to the Motherland - the usual things you do not need to show on TV.
And what have you? When China, Russia, India, Brazil abandon the dollar, and Europe will follow then your fleet sink and your vassals will fiercely divide your inheritance.
You have reached your wealth, enriching on the two world wars. You - the country parasite sucks the talent and resources from around the world. When you fall out, and this happen fast - the whole world will rejoice and exult. And very quickly you return to your natural state - the Wild West.
I stand by my point,the KLA was a terrorist organisation which started the violence,Serbia tried to defend its citizens.How would you feel if the US would attack Turkey only because you fought PKK terrorists?

I was talking about Kosovo not Bosnia,and even in Bosnia it could have been avoided if the serbs would have been left on their way with an independent Republica Srpska.You give freedom to the albanians but the serbs must remain locked in a federal Bosnia ?

Fighting terrorists is one thing, slaughtering civillians is another thing. Did you see me make a comment that they should not fight terrorists? The fact remains that they committed massacres on many villages. İt didn't matter to them if they were civillians or rebels.

Trying to justify the bosnian case is just disgusting. You seem to forget what happened in Srebrenica.

Anyways there's no point in arguing this.
Fighting terrorists is one thing, slaughtering civillians is another thing. Did you see me make a comment that they should not fight terrorists? The fact remains that they committed massacres on many villages. İt didn't matter to them if they were civillians or rebels.

Trying to justify the bosnian case is just disgusting. You seem to forget what happened in Srebrenica.

Anyways there's no point in arguing this.

I didn't justify Bosnia,i've said it could have been avoided,unfortunately it was not and Srebenica followed,a crime against humanity perpetrated by the serbs and greek volunteers.Good thing some of the perpetrators were brought to justice,bad thing,not all of them.Crimes were commited against serbs to but were largely ignored unfortunately.

I think on Kosovo we will have to agree to disagree,i still think that violence was started and instigated by the albanians who cried foul when the serbs responded and the international community was all to eager to dismember Serbia some more,it was another case when the West jumped in bed with a terrorist organisation.

If the albanians of Kosovo were handed independence than why not the serbs of Republica Srpska ? Double standards much?
What does EAST means?

Every respectable country that has been classified as East,including China would on any given day prefer alliance with West that plotting it's demise.The one's that want "Death to America" are already in gutter.

Uncle Auz has lost his bearings. His ideology is nothing but a middle aged gangrene threatening to poison the body politic of World.

Ancient world achievement Dwarfs medieval world but long margin due to the fact that Ancient world was free from the curse of organized religion and thus was much more inventive than middle aged barbarians.

PS: Decimal Number system was not devised by Arabs.
I think on Kosovo we will have to agree to disagree,i still think that violence was started and instigated by the albanians who cried foul when the serbs responded and the international community was all to eager to dismember Serbia some more,it was another case when the West jumped in bed with a terrorist organisation.

If the albanians of Kosovo were handed independence than why not the serbs of Republica Srpska ? Double standards much?

Let's assume that the KLA started all this, that they were the ones that started the massacres of Serbs, that they were the first one to commit crimes.Then only one question remains from me to you.

Should a state act against a terrorist group or act like that terrorist group ?

The free state giving away after massacres should not be unfamilliar to us. İ vaguely remember something similar happened after world war 2 . :)
It was an unjust attack against a fellow european country and an appaling dismemberment of a sovereign state.

It was a logical conclusion of events that were happening for a decade. In this decade, the former "brotherly" republics grew wary of each other after the glue (Tito) that held it all together died and grew tired of the bloodsucking apparatus in Belgrade.
Serbs got what they deserved, for ruining a country through hegemonic aspirations and not letting it go when it was already clear things cannot go forward in their present form at the cost of thousands dead and countless attrocities.

I do not hold any grudge against any Serb nor Serbia, but that was some sweet karma that happened to them.
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