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Four plead guilty in China rape case

The Indians should dip their dicks in a pot of boiling hot curry.....to cool down.

Losing it yeah? so soon :lol:

If you have the intellect to finish the article, it would leave you with no question mark but a definitive answer.

Guys, this is troll thread. don't fall for it.

I have the intellect, you forget I am the high IQ ones that have gone to the US per what you guys keep saying. again, where in the article from " emirates woman" does it point to a definitive study?
Now now children ...rape is not a game to be outplayed . Please stop being stupid and leave this thread to the pits of stupidity where it belongs. @armchair Private your obsession with d!cks and the taste of them never stops amazing me. Please restrict your thoughts and your perversity to Canada where little kids are abducted in the pee pee rooms for the pleasure of dirty old men like you :)

I was wondering why he talk about Indians dcik while the topic is about Chinese rape issue.. Your post made clear his obsession.. :lol:

Seems like Chinese rather wanted to talk about our dciks and rapes in other countries than what happened in their country.. Not one of them even condemned this attack.. God help those women in China :angel:
Losing it yeah? so soon :lol:

I have the intellect, you forget I am the high IQ ones that have gone to the US per what you guys keep saying. again, where in the article from " emirates woman" does it point to a definitive study?

t is a very positive sign that at least in India, people can raise voice against oppression...... while in some cultures rapists and murderers are venerated and worshiped. and you can just imagine the massive coverup these cultures do to crush dissent and sane voices.

take the case of China for example where Mao Ze Dong is the most venerated creature in everyday life. Mao was responsible for the death of 70 million (more than the population of France at present) through his 27 year rule in China (from 1949-1976) and he had four wives, all of whom he abandoned after torturing them.

Mao Zedong,who is yet worshiped in China, was a compulsive womanizer/rapist. As his traditions dictated, Mao kept company with young girls during the crossing of Jiangsu Province. Chairman Mao was a pedophile. According to historian Jeb Barlow, the number of young girls Mao slept with "must have been in the tens of thousands." The parents of these girls were "only happy to assist." "Think about it," Barlow continued, "their daughters were screwing the Chairman." Screwing the Chairman became a status symbol."

There are mausoleums for this mass rapist in China and countless statues all throughout the country where ordinary Chinese are forced by Mao worshipers to pay tributes to this mass rapist and murderer.

Mao slept with hundreds of other Chinese women. He once said he couldn't go "forty days without sex," and any female would do.

Mao slept with teenage virgins and gave them venereal diseases. Mao ate like a king while his country was starving.

Despite ushering in an anti-prostitution era, Mao was utterly inconsistent himself. “As Mao got older,” Mao’s personal physician Dr Li wrote, “he became an adherent of Taoist sexual practices which gave him an excuse to pursue sex not only for pleasure but to extend his life. He claimed he needed the waters of yin—or vaginal secretions—to supplement his own declining yang—or male essence, the source of his strength, power and longevity. Many of the women that Mao slept with were daughters of poor peasants who Li said believed that sleeping with the chairman was the greatest experience of their life. Mao was happiest and most satisfied when he had several young women simultaneously sharing his bed, and he encouraged his sexual partners to introduce him to others. He often told the young women to read the Taoist sex manual The Plain Girl’s Secret Way, in preparation for their trysts.

[Source: "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" by Dr. Li Zhisui, excerpts reprinted U.S. News and World Report, October 10, 1994]
Losing it yeah? so soon :lol:

I have the intellect, you forget I am the high IQ ones that have gone to the US per what you guys keep saying. again, where in the article from " emirates woman" does it point to a definitive study?

I tell you your soul will weep when you read how this mass murderer/rapist Mao tortured the poor Chinese.

Just read "Mao the unknown story" by Jung Chang.

there are paid running dogs of Chinese Maoists all over the net like bess swarming everywhere and these malign other cultures and civilizations but they never say anything about the decadent barbarous Muslims or Pakistanis. Democracy is coming to China and these mongrels will imprisoned for years in labor camps.
Since the Chinese govt. restricts most negative news coming out of China....some revolutionary Chinese people have come up with websites like 'Chinasmack'.....
You won't find information posted in the website anywhere else....from this one can understand the level of restriction the Chinese govt. puts on such news...

Chinese student arrested for rape. Parents arrested for attempted bribery

Chinese Student Rapes Woman in US, Parents Try To Bribe Victim – chinaSMACK
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