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Four dead in Tiananmen Square after car drives into crowd and bursts into flames

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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The car is ablaze in Tiananmen Square on Monday. Photo: Weibo

Four people reportedly died and at least ten others were injured after a car drove into a crowd in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, the site of 1989 pro-democracy protests that were bloodily suppressed by the government, and burst into flames.

A jeep drove off a road about 400 metres from Tiananmen Square and onto a pedestrian walkway leading to the main entrance of the Forbidden City, along the way injuring multiple tourists and police officers at around Monday noon, according to a statement on the Beijing police microblog.

The vehicle was stopped when it crashed into a barrier in front of the entrance. Three people inside the jeep, including the driver, died in the crash, according to police. Eleven people were injured, the Southern Metropolis Daily said in a Sina Weibo post. Five of them were foreigners, one of whom has since died, the newspaper said. All have been taken to hospital, police said.

The Xinhua news agency has not yet confirmed the fourth casualty.


Chinese police closed the road which runs through the square and evacuated the area following a fire.

Pictures posted on Chinese social media sites showed a plume of black smoke rising in front of the portrait of Mao Zedong hanging on the towering wall of the former imperial palace, police vehicles, and crowds looking on.

Several were deleted within minutes, streets leading to the square were blocked off, and two AFP reporters were detained close to the site.

Beijing transport authorities said on a verified social media account that a subway station next to the square had been closed at the request of police.

The Communist Party’s official People’s Daily said on its website that a car had caught fire. It provided no other details.


Beijing police, reached by telephone, said they had no information. The Beijing government, also reached by telephone, said it did not know what had happened.

The witness said he saw fire engines, an ambulance and numerous police cars heading in the direction of the fire, which sent a plume of black smoke into the sky.

The fire was on the north side of the square close to the main entrance of the Forbidden City, upon which hangs a portrait of the founder of Communist China, Mao Zedong. It was not clear if the fire was on the road or the pavement or the square.

A foreign tourist who was on the square and asked not to be identified said she heard an explosion followed by a fire.

Tiananmen Square is always under heavy security due to its proximity to the Zhongnanhai compound of the central leadership and the Great Hall of the People, where the country’s largely rubber stamp parliament meets.


News of the incident first trickled online Monday afternoon in reports from Chinese social media users on the scene.

Pictures they posted showed the flaming wreck surrounded by several police and emergency vehicles, directly in front of the sign on the Tiananmen gate reading: "May the great unity of the world's people last for 10,000 years."
Details on a motive were not immediately available, but Chinese social media users speculated that it could be intentional.

"Is this the 2013 Tiananmen self-immolation incident?" asked one poster. "There's still a person inside the car!"

Around 120 Tibetans have set themselves alight since February 2009 in Tibet itself and adjoining regions of China, in protest against what they see as Chinese oppression.
Maybe yes or not, need read news report later.
Pics from local news. It not looks like a simple accident, but officials didn't release any information yet and no person/orgnization annouce.

3x men/women inside the jeep died, killed one Chinese visitor and a Philippines female visitor, other 38x wounded ppl.
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Pics from local news. It not looks like a simple accident, but officials didn't release any information yet and no person/orgnization annouce.

3x men/women inside the jeep died, killed one Chinese visitor and a Philippines female visitor, other 35x wounded ppl.

Quite like I suspected.

Things are happening closer than expected...!!
is it just a freak accident or something severe.lets hope its just a freak accident.
Quite like I suspected.

Things are happening closer than expected...!!

So what do you expect?

Do you think it's some kind of attack? I don't think so. If it's an attack, why there were three persons in the jeep? One is enough to cause damage and attract attention.
Sadly, I wonder if this incident is related to any political event :(
Quite like I suspected.

Things are happening closer than expected...!!

Keep your pants on.

So what, you think it is an attack? Foreigner-on-foreigner attack?

Why would there be 3 people inside a jeep for an attack? When does that ever happen?

Sounds like wishful thinking on your part.
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Five killed, 38 hurt as jeep crashes and burns in Tiananmen Square

Five people were killed and 38 injured when a jeep rammed through barricades in front of Tiananmen Square's gate tower and burst into flames yesterday.

Three people inside the vehicle died, along with two tourists, who were identified by police only as a Filipino woman and a man from Guangdong.

The explosive crash at the symbolic heart of Beijing - just under the massive portrait of Mao Zedong - led some to speculate whether it was an accident or an attack.

The incident comes at an especially sensitive time, just ahead of the Communist Party's third plenum to thrash out social and economic policies. But by last night, neither the Beijing police nor state media had offered an official explanation.

Some internet users doubted whether such a crash at Tiananmen Square, scene of the 1989 crackdown, was accidental. A user on Twitter posted a purported police notice about looking for two men and an SUV from Xinjiang "following a major crime today".

"That section of pedestrian walkway is filled with tourists," another wrote on Sina Weibo. "It seems ... an intentional act."

Xinhua reported that unidentified senior officials from the central government had inspected the scene later.

All seven members of the supreme Politburo Standing Committee attended an event at the Great Hall of the People across the road yesterday morning.

Police said the jeep approached from the north on Nanchizi Street and turned right into the pedestrian lane of Changan Avenue, which runs east to west between the gate tower and the main part of Tiananmen Square.

After careering 500 metres along the pedestrian walkway, it struck the barrier of the Jinshui Bridge in front of the gate tower at 12.05pm, injuring dozens of tourists and police officers.

"We just went out of the Forbidden City and wanted to go through the underground passage to Tiananmen Square when a jeep drove fast [towards us]," a 23-year-old Filipino woman knocked out by the impact told theSouthern Metropolis Daily.

"I heard the jeep's horn, but it was too late. When I came to consciousness again, we were all lying on the ground," she said.

The woman was on a city tour with her parents and sister. She, her father and younger sister are in hospital receiving treatment, but she had no information on her mother's condition.

A witness who declined to be identified told the South China Morning Post:"We saw several ambulances there.

"Policemen came quickly and had us change our route to clear the traffic."

The capital's official news portal Qianlong.com said the injured included at least three people from the Philippines and at least one tourist from Japan.
Keep your pants on.

So what, you think it is an attack? Foreigner-on-foreigner attack?

Why would there be 3 people inside a jeep for an attack? When does that ever happen?

Sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

Do Chinese consider Tibetans and Uighurs as foreigners ?

Some things don't add up, thats all.
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