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‘Forget the BRICS, invest In ‘Breakout Nations’


Jul 25, 2011
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‘Forget the BRICS, invest In ‘Breakout Nations’

‘Forget the BRICS, invest In ‘Breakout Nations’

Ruchir Sharma, head of emerging markets at Morgan Stanley, a leading American investment bank, says investors and fund managers are putting too much stock in BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and instead they should turn to “breakout nations.”

Ruchir Sharma, says that considering current sluggish global economic activity, investors who only focus on BRICs are making a mistake, and may be looking at the wrong emerging nations and should also think about putting money to work in something he calls ‘Breakout Nations’

Sharma lists his favorite break out nations as: Nigeria, Indonesia, Poland Philippines, Turkey, South Korea and Thailand. Sharma defines ‘breakout nations’ as countries that will be able to beat expectations and grow better than their peer group in the same per capital income.

Breakout Nations, By Ruchir Sharma - Reviews - Books - The Independent

Breakout Nations, By Ruchir Sharma

BRICs – but in the structure of their economies, their policies, and indeed their prospects. That clever acronym diverts our attention from the other powerful middle-income economies, such as Mexico, Indonesia and Turkey, and the African giant, Nigeria. What we need is a primer to guide us. That is the core contribution of Ruchir Sharma's thoughtful analysis of these nations: what they are doing, why they are different, their prospects, their achievements, their errors, and the threats they face.

He starts, as one must, with China. For anyone who has been to China recently and particularly anyone who knew it even a decade ago, the story will be a familiar one: the helter-skelter race for growth, the wealth this has brought to the new middle class, the self-confidence generated by this achievement, but also the human and environmental costs of untrammelled growth – the swagger and the squalor. But this race for growth will come to an end as China's population ages and as development reaches a natural plateau.

There are a series of snapshots about the other important emerging economies, in which he makes a series of sensible judgements. His gold medal goes to South Korea, the "Germany of Asia", in particular for the way it has become a manufacturing powerhouse in one generation and managed to turn adversity to advantage. In the Asian financial crisis of 1998, it had to go to the IMF for a bail-out loan. But it used this crisis to reorganise its industry, allowing many weaker companies to go under or be taken over, and by the middle of 2001 had repaid the debt. Sharma believes South Korea will manage a successful unification with the North.
BRIC is so last decade.
well within these countries Turkey and South Korea are advanced countries anyway , if turkiye looted in ottoman times we would have 2 trillion + economy , or if we exclude even a bit of east turkiye our per capita will jump very high , terrorist areas are poor , indonesia is becoming strong economy aswell btw looking forward to get Samsung galaxy s3
what? Turkey is no worse than S.Korea.

Don't let your hatred of Turkey run the troll. Turkey and S.Korea are both leading developing nations in that "breakout" catagory.
how can you compare isreal to any country? its an insult to the world , a country who couldnt protect its 6 million people , that got ruled by ottomans for 100s of years , and today is king of massacre and genocides poor jew

How can you even compare Turkey with S.Korea? it is an insult to the Koreans.

Israel is like Box Jellyfish, small and seemingly harmless, drifting in an ocean of world political affairs, but if you try to mess with it it will unleash might that you couldn't have imagined be in the possession of such a small creature.

HAHAH this is the funniest thing i saw in my life , isreal is like a little fish , without its dad the shark it will get grilled



This sums jews up


Dont worry we wont rule you again like a fish
Now i understand that India and Pakistan is not alone in this forum!





Lol in pro..... houses , eastern europeon and chinese are no.1

I dont want to post big slums in china

FLOOD TO GERMANY joker , why are there GERMANS , ENGLISH , AND OTHER ENCLAVES IN TURKIYE , ANTALYA , WHY DO THEY LIVE IN OUR COUNTRY THEN? ( I've seen it myself) im sure no1 in the world will live in china to actually live their only to invest or somin , they dont wanna live in slums
this is not supposed to be a Turkey-China row...

northeast, you don't have to put up the flame bait unnecessary, taking off all the stress from that Israeli friend. eh, you are not making sense.
congratulations to all the tools who posted in this thread. korean's timeless flamebait never fails.
These advice are for the larger scale investors, not for a common people on this forums. No one can predict future. Even after 2008 crisis, USA is still a developed nation and its currency is as strong as it was ever.
I agree with that Turkiye is way ahead of these nations Nigeria, Indonesia, Poland, Philippines, and Thailand.

P.S Plz stop fighting, i don't like to see a fight between Turkiye & China.
Turkish per capita income-10500 $ is much more tan china may be you have bigger GDP basket but calling turkey is poor in utter nonsense as they have better living standards than few est European member states of EU .
ye , the reason its that low is the east of the country is way less developed as theres terrorists and therefore businesman dont invest as anything can happen if you exclude places where there is terror in turkey the per capita will jump much higher . Plus maybe because we never looted peoples wealth like some EU states today who have 2trillion+ economy and gold reserves as big as a shopping mall , ( the gold looted from africa)

Turkish per capita income-10500 $ is much more tan china may be you have bigger GDP basket but calling turkey is poor in utter nonsense as they have better living standards than few est European member states of EU .

GDP (PPP) per capita ITS 14,500 GDP (nominal) per capita is 10,500
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