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Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

if both countries buy helis from other countries. explain how that makes one country better than the other?

Mm that picture is from Amnesty International, they had filed a case that India can't be allowed to export the Dhruv helicopter to Burma because of the European sanctions on Myanmar, the claims were rubbished, find a better source.
80% of DRDO products are dependent on "imported" components. Most recent is LCH which has core inputs from Israel.

Without Israel, India would have lost Kargil war. This has been a well-kept secret in India.

Still today, India can't win a war on its own. It totally depends on Russia, Israel, USA for weapons.

We Indians never learn. Just like Arjun was killed, LCA was also killed through a sustained "import" lobby in MoD.

The problem in India is that the moment someone says anything against Indian armed forces, that person faces deep criticism in media. The fact is that, Armed forces and MoD has killed every Indian R&D efforts in last 40 years.

A good example is LCA. In 1965s, the HAL was asked by IAF to close its aviation R&D division because IAF said "we are happy with Russian imports. Why waste money on HAL? Close it." And, they closed aviation R&D.

Now, 20 years later when Soviet Union broke, suddenly a bomb exploded under these visionary IAF guys and then they said to DRDO - "hey you lazy a$$! make a 4th Generation fighter Aircraft for us within 10 years. DO it fast !! And, make sure its world class!" Yea morons, why not! you killed aviation R&D base in country 20 years ago and now you expect us to put one LCA in air in just 10 years?

DRDO got first funding for LCA in 1989 and they conducted first test flight in 1995(yes, it was a forced first flight under a dumb PM). Actual succesful first flght came in 2001.

And today these same corrupt people(babus _ IAF) are shamefully blaming DRDO for being slow in LCA programme as if its a chocolate.

Imagine if corrupt IAF and babus had brains and had invested money in DRDO in 1965s instead of closing Indian programmes and going for "imports" India would have been flying MCA by now.

Same history is repeating. Instead of investing in domestic R&D, India is wasting 15Billion$ on "imports" again just because some morons in IAF thinks Su-30MKI are not enough to save India from Pakistan.

One shameful thing in India is, DRDO gets only 15% of money and rest 85% goes on "imports". So its clear where focus is and who is getting paid(those who talk openly against investing in Arjun R&D further).

Armed forces are not holy cow as we Indians make them to be. They are as corrupt as our politicians.
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80% of DRDO products are dependent on "imported" components. Most recent is LCH which has core inputs from Israel.

Without Israel, India would have lost Kargil war. This has been a well-kept secret in India.

Still today, India can't win a war on its own. It totally depends on Russia, Israel, USA for weapons.

We Indians never learn. Just like Arjun was killed, LCA was also killed through a sustained "import" lobby in MoD.

thank you for being objective.

we up north noticed every time india announces a project, it gets going for a few years, then is killed. LCA was announced when i was in elementary school...

remember, where you buy your weapons usually can set your foreign policy, since if you go against their interests, they'll stop selling.
remember, where you buy your weapons usually can set your foreign policy, since if you go against their interests, they'll stop selling.


Indian babus and leadership still prefer being under colonial rulers rather than using their own brains. So, they don't mind importing from Israel,UK, Russia and etc.

They are happy with Goras in USA taking care of India's security.

As Indian Prime minister(MMS) said in Parliament - "American president has assured me that he is with us." He is right, he doesn't need a brain.

Indian babus and leadership still prefer being under colonial rulers rather than using their own brains. So, they don't mind importing from Israel,UK, Russia and etc.

They are happy with Goras in USA taking care of India's security.

As Indian Prime minister(MMS) said in Parliament - "American president has assured me that he is with us." He is right, he doesn't need a brain.

If it was not for the PM you are quoting we would not have gotten the Nuclear Deal - U r just going on talking BS for no reason. I understand there is corruption but if you look up the corruption index - we are not much worse than CHINA. Anyhow this thread is about Foreign Components in ALH Dhruv not about the corruption, etc.
80% of DRDO products are dependent on "imported" components. Most recent is LCH which has core inputs from Israel.

Without Israel, India would have lost Kargil war. This has been a well-kept secret in India.

Still today, India can't win a war on its own. It totally depends on Russia, Israel, USA for weapons.

We Indians never learn. Just like Arjun was killed, LCA was also killed through a sustained "import" lobby in MoD.

The problem in India is that the moment someone says anything against Indian armed forces, that person faces deep criticism in media. The fact is that, Armed forces and MoD has killed every Indian R&D efforts in last 40 years.

A good example is LCA. In 1965s, the HAL was asked by IAF to close its aviation R&D division because IAF said "we are happy with Russian imports. Why waste money on HAL? Close it." And, they closed aviation R&D.

Now, 20 years later when Soviet Union broke, suddenly a bomb exploded under these visionary IAF guys and then they said to DRDO - "hey you lazy a$$! make a 4th Generation fighter Aircraft for us within 10 years. DO it fast !! And, make sure its world class!" Yea morons, why not! you killed aviation R&D base in country 20 years ago and now you expect us to put one LCA in air in just 10 years?

DRDO got first funding for LCA in 1989 and they conducted first test flight in 1995(yes, it was a forced first flight under a dumb PM). Actual succesful first flght came in 2001.

And today these same corrupt people(babus _ IAF) are shamefully blaming DRDO for being slow in LCA programme as if its a chocolate.

Imagine if corrupt IAF and babus had brains and had invested money in DRDO in 1965s instead of closing Indian programmes and going for "imports" India would have been flying MCA by now.

Same history is repeating. Instead of investing in domestic R&D, India is wasting 15Billion$ on "imports" again just because some morons in IAF thinks Su-30MKI are not enough to save India from Pakistan.

One shameful thing in India is, DRDO gets only 15% of money and rest 85% goes on "imports". So its clear where focus is and who is getting paid(those who talk openly against investing in Arjun R&D further).

Armed forces are not holy cow as we Indians make them to be. They are as corrupt as our politicians.

Can you provide credible links to all of the above or is it ALL BS - SOUND MORE LIKE LATTER TO ME. Stick to the topic please. I am sure there is no proof you have for these absurd claims.
80% of DRDO products are dependent on "imported" components. Most recent is LCH which has core inputs from Israel.

Without Israel, India would have lost Kargil war. This has been a well-kept secret in India.

Still today, India can't win a war on its own. It totally depends on Russia, Israel, USA for weapons.

We Indians never learn. Just like Arjun was killed, LCA was also killed through a sustained "import" lobby in MoD.

The problem in India is that the moment someone says anything against Indian armed forces, that person faces deep criticism in media. The fact is that, Armed forces and MoD has killed every Indian R&D efforts in last 40 years.

A good example is LCA. In 1965s, the HAL was asked by IAF to close its aviation R&D division because IAF said "we are happy with Russian imports. Why waste money on HAL? Close it." And, they closed aviation R&D.

Now, 20 years later when Soviet Union broke, suddenly a bomb exploded under these visionary IAF guys and then they said to DRDO - "hey you lazy a$$! make a 4th Generation fighter Aircraft for us within 10 years. DO it fast !! And, make sure its world class!" Yea morons, why not! you killed aviation R&D base in country 20 years ago and now you expect us to put one LCA in air in just 10 years?

DRDO got first funding for LCA in 1989 and they conducted first test flight in 1995(yes, it was a forced first flight under a dumb PM). Actual succesful first flght came in 2001.

And today these same corrupt people(babus _ IAF) are shamefully blaming DRDO for being slow in LCA programme as if its a chocolate.

Imagine if corrupt IAF and babus had brains and had invested money in DRDO in 1965s instead of closing Indian programmes and going for "imports" India would have been flying MCA by now.

Same history is repeating. Instead of investing in domestic R&D, India is wasting 15Billion$ on "imports" again just because some morons in IAF thinks Su-30MKI are not enough to save India from Pakistan.

One shameful thing in India is, DRDO gets only 15% of money and rest 85% goes on "imports". So its clear where focus is and who is getting paid(those who talk openly against investing in Arjun R&D further).

Armed forces are not holy cow as we Indians make them to be. They are as corrupt as our politicians.

you are correct, but Indian defence procurment is dased on 70 : 30 ratio that is 70% foreign import 30 % local. this is due to DRDO cannot fulfill armed forces overnight since the threat level is high for India from both China, pakistan & even somepoint from US.

GoI also doing good job by selecting TOT for most foreign import this willl help us not to reinvent wheel & also no need for reverse engineering. This helped us many ways.
Mm that picture is from Amnesty International, they had filed a case that India can't be allowed to export the Dhruv helicopter to Burma because of the European sanctions on Myanmar, the claims were rubbished, find a better source.


BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Threat' to EU-Burma embargo

Not only that, this is the second time of me replying and letting you know its the BBC reporting this.

Please tell me why the heck are you even on this forum? All I have seen you do is spam and spew anti-Pakistani bullshit. Why not go register with bharat-rakhshak. you will fit right in with rest of that gang of low iq monkies.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Threat' to EU-Burma embargo

Not only that, this is the second time of me replying and letting you know its the BBC reporting this.

Please tell me why the heck are you even on this forum? All I have seen you do is spam and spew anti-Pakistani bullshit. Why not go register with bharat-rakhshak. you will fit right in with rest of that gang of low iq monkies.

Did u forget that pakistan is not even in the list of top 100 Iq list...lol... and Thats probably why Your favourate BBC reported Pakistan in top 10 failed nations
Did u forget that pakistan is not even in the list of top 100 Iq list...lol... and Thats probably why Your favourate BBC reported Pakistan in top 10 failed nations

firstly, your command of the english language isnt what you think it is and your critical reasoning is even worse.

and secondly, do you mean this list?

Top 100 People with High IQ @ Dago7.Com

because I hate to break it to you sunshine, Indians arent on that list either.

and lastly, because you are slow I will tell you what my post meant in easy to understand format. the people at bharat rakshak have nothing to do with the IQ of Indians in general. I hope to dear God you understand that simple concept. If a bunch of idiots get together their intelligence is not representant of the intelligence of their ethnic background. And since I had to explain this simple and obvious concept to you, I hazard a guess that you belong at that website too.
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