Why would we want to be like India? It's a society where wealth is horded by the 1%, the quality of life of the middle class is pretty low compared to the rest of the world and it has the most poor people in the world.
We should aim to build societies like Sweden, Norway, Iceland - where wealth and resources have been used to build society, not billionaires.
Now watch the queue of butthurt Indians provide statistics about;
- How many middle class people they have
- How there are poorer people in other parts of the world
- How statistically India is an economic giant
The mentality of people who will provide such a context to what i saw is massively perverted by the worship of neo-capitalism. You've all heard the famous quote from the movie Wall street "Greed is good" - no it isn't! Neither is greed interchangeable with wealth. India is becoming a society focused on wealth to an extent where it can't see the line between wealth and greed, it's very American in that sense - I don't want us to become that.
I don't care if we are never a top 10 economy of a top 20 economy - what matter is that we generate enough wealth so that our people have good standards of living, we have an economy where that standard of living can be sustained without state handouts and there is enough growth to sustain the standard of living. Billionaires and millionaires are a sign of success, but they are also a sign of excess. These people horde wealth, they take it out of the economy and keep it within their own micro economy.