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For Pakistanis, China 'friendship' road runs one way

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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The China-Pakistan Friendship Highway runs over 1,300 kilometres from the far western Chinese city of Kashgar through the world’s highest mountain pass and across the border.

For China, the two-lane thoroughfare symbolises a blossoming partnership, nourished with tens of billions of dollars of infrastructure investment. But for many businessmen living and working on the Chinese side of the border, the road is a one way street.

“China says our friendship is as high as the Himalayas and as deep as the sea, but it has no heart,” said Pakistani businessman Murad Shah, as he tended his shop in Tashkurgan, 120 kilometres from the mountain pass where trucks line up to cross between China’s vast Xinjiang region and Pakistan. “There is no benefit for Pakistan. It’s all about expanding China’s growth,” Shah said, as he straightened a display of precious stones.

The remote town of around 9,000 is at the geographic heart of Beijing’s plans to build a major trade artery – the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – connecting Kashgar to the Arabian Sea port of Gwadar.

Pakistan’s exports to China fell by almost eight per cent in the second half of 2016, while imports jumped by almost 29 per cent. In May, Pakistan accused China of flooding its market with cut rate steel and threatened to respond with high tariffs.

“There are all of these hopes and dreams about Pakistan exports,” said Jonathan Hillman, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “But if you’re connecting with China, what are you going to be exporting?”

One answer is Nigerian “male enhancement” supplements: expired medications which Pakistani merchants in the oasis city of Hotan recently peddled. The products were typical of the kinds of small consumer goods brought by Pakistani traders into Xinjiang: medicine, toiletries, semi-precious stones, rugs and handicrafts.

Pakistani businessmen in Xinjiang see few benefits from CPEC, complaining of intrusive security and capricious customs arrangements.

“If you bring anything from China, no problem,” said Muhammad, a trader in the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar, who declined to give his full name. But he said tariffs on imported Pakistani goods are “not declared. Today it’s five per cent, tomorrow maybe 20. Sometimes, they just say this is not allowed”.

Three years ago, Shah was charged between eight and 15 yuan per kilo to bring lapis lazuli, a blue stone. The duty has since soared to 50 yuan per kilo, he said.

Customs officials told AFP the “elements influencing prices were too many” for them to offer a “definite and detailed list” of costs.

While large-scale importers can absorb the tariffs, independent traders have benefited little from CPEC, said Hasan Karrar, political economy professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Alessandro Ripa, an expert on Chinese infrastructure projects at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, said the highway “is not very relevant to overall trade” because “the sea route is just cheaper and faster”.

Back in Kashgar, Muhammad hopes that CPEC will make life better, but he believes the oppressive security will remain an obstacle.

He plans to give it another three years. But, he said, he cannot wait forever: “Many people have already gone back.”
Pakistan's exports to China fell by almost eight percent in the second half of 2016, while imports jumped by almost 29 percent.

For Pakistanis, China 'Friendship' Road Runs One Way
Pakistan's exports to China fell by almost eight percent in the second half of 2016, while imports jumped by almost 29 percent.

World | Agence France-Presse | Updated: August 02, 2017 17:04 IST


China has upgraded the treacherous mountain road better known as the Karakoram Highway

TASHKURGAN, CHINA: The China-Pakistan Friendship Highway runs over 1,300 kilometres (800 miles) from the far western Chinese city of Kashgar through the world's highest mountain pass and across the border.

For China, the two-lane thoroughfare symbolises a blossoming partnership, nourished with tens of billions of dollars of infrastructure investment.

But for many Pakistani businessmen living and working on the Chinese side of the border, the road is a one way street.

"China says our friendship is as high as the Himalayas and as deep as the sea, but it has no heart," said Pakistani businessman Murad Shah, as he tended his shop in Tashkurgan, 120 kilometres from the mountain pass where trucks line up to cross between China's vast Xinjiang region and Pakistan.

"There is no benefit for Pakistan. It's all about expanding China's growth," Shah said, as he straightened a display of precious stones.

The remote town of around 9,000 is at the geographic heart of Beijing's plans to build a major trade artery - the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - connecting Kashgar to the Arabian Sea port of Gwadar.

The project is a crown jewel of China's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, a massive global infrastructure programme to revive the ancient Silk Road and connect Chinese companies to new markets around the world.

In 2013, Beijing and Islamabad signed agreements worth $46 billion to build transport and energy infrastructure along the corridor, and China has upgraded the treacherous mountain road better known as the Karakoram Highway.

While both countries say the project is mutually beneficial, data shows a different story.

Pakistan's exports to China fell by almost eight percent in the second half of 2016, while imports jumped by almost 29 percent.

In May, Pakistan accused China of flooding its market with cut rate steel and threatened to respond with high tariffs.

"There are all of these hopes and dreams about Pakistan exports," said Jonathan Hillman, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

"But if you're connecting with China, what are you going to be exporting?"

'This is not allowed'

One answer is Nigerian "male enhancement" supplements: expired medications which Pakistani merchants in the oasis city of Hotan recently peddled to bearded Muslims walking home from Friday prayers.

The products were typical of the kinds of small consumer goods brought by Pakistani traders into Xinjiang: medicine, toiletries, semi-precious stones, rugs and handicrafts.

Pakistani businessmen in Xinjiang see few benefits from CPEC, complaining of intrusive security and capricious customs arrangements.

"If you bring anything from China, no problem," said Muhammad, a trader in the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar, who declined to give his full name.

But he said tariffs on imported Pakistani goods are "not declared. Today it's five percent, tomorrow maybe 20. Sometimes, they just say this is not allowed".

Three years ago, Shah was charged between eight and 15 yuan per kilo to bring lapis lazuli, a blue stone. The duty has since soared to 50 yuan per kilo, he said.

Customs officials told AFP the "elements influencing prices were too many" for them to offer a "definite and detailed list" of costs.

While large-scale importers can absorb the tariffs, independent Pakistani traders have benefited little from CPEC, said Hasan Karrar, political economy professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences.
Alessandro Ripa, an expert on Chinese infrastructure projects at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, said the highway "is not very relevant to overall trade" because "the sea route is just cheaper and faster".

The project is better understood as a tool for China to promote its geopolitical interests and help struggling state-owned companies export excess production, he said.

'Maybe it will be good'

Traders also face overbearing security in China.

Over the last year, Beijing has flooded Xinjiang, which has a large Muslim population, with tens of thousands of security personnel and imposed draconian rules to eliminate "extremism".

Businessmen complain they are not allowed to worship at local mosques, while shops can be closed for up to a year for importing merchandise with Arabic script.

In June, on the 300 kilometre trip between Kashgar and Tashkurgan, drivers were stopped at six police checkpoints, while their passengers had to walk through metal detectors and show identification cards. Signs warn that officials can check mobile phones for "illegal" religious content.

Police officers interrupted an interview in Tashkurgan to demand a shopkeeper hand over his smartphone and computer for inspection, an event he said occurs several times a week.

Shah said that when he first arrived in the town, the intrusive security made him nervous: "But now I'm used to it. I almost feel like I'm one of the police."

As he spoke, an alarm sounded. He grabbed a crude spear, body armour and a black helmet off his counter and rushed into the street, where police had assembled over a dozen people for impromptu counter-terrorism drills.

The exercises are held up to four times a day. Stores are closed for several days if they do not participate.

Back in Kashgar, Muhammad hopes that CPEC will make life better, but he believes the oppressive security will remain an obstacle.

He plans to give it another three years. But, he said, he cannot wait forever: "Many people have already gone back."

I'm hearing some CPEC related payments are coming up and the Pak dudes have no cash for it now- They've started discussions on first round of restructuring. Barely 10% to 20% of disbursements have been done till now and they're already in trouble. Looks like they're headed for choppy times.
Give it till 22-23 ,China will say the same thing they told Srilanka,give us our money back we don't need your empty roads and port.
Give it till 22-23 ,China will say the same thing they told Srilanka,give us our money back we don't need your empty roads and port.
our strategic position won't leave our port and roads empty.
Chinese 60 percent goods will be transferred to the world via Pakistan and not to forget central Asia.
our strategic position won't leave our port and roads empty.
Chinese 60 percent goods will be transferred to the world via Pakistan and not to forget central Asia.
You guys need a lesson is geography and economy. Pakistan does not have any strategically significant location. Honestly speaking it has 2 advantages...borders Iran and can easily build pipeline but doesn't want to offend Saudis. Close to second most populated country which could have been a big trade partner.
China is selling this port dream to Malaysia Srilanka Pakistan and many more but for them it is just utilizing over capacity.
our strategic position won't leave our port and roads empty.
Chinese 60 percent goods will be transferred to the world via Pakistan and not to forget central Asia.
i always wonder why indians have so much jelousy infect they are also doing great jobs for their country i.e
DMIC, Sagar Mala Project, Golden Quadrilateral, Bharatmala etc with India's allies.

You guys need a lesson is geography and economy. Pakistan does not have any strategically significant location. Honestly speaking it has 2 advantages...borders Iran and can easily build pipeline but doesn't want to offend Saudis. Close to second most populated country which could have been a big trade partner.
China is selling this port dream to Malaysia Srilanka Pakistan and many more but for them it is just utilizing over capacity.
we know what we are doing. some one who never invest for your prosperity, you should not listen to him. in our case it's India
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You guys need a lesson is geography and economy. Pakistan does not have any strategically significant location. Honestly speaking it has 2 advantages...borders Iran and can easily build pipeline but doesn't want to offend Saudis. Close to second most populated country which could have been a big trade partner.
China is selling this port dream to Malaysia Srilanka Pakistan and many more but for them it is just utilizing over capacity.
Iran Pakistan gas pipe line.
nearest port to China is gawader. ask Singapore about our strategic position. ask them how they feel right now about cpec.
ask all those countries begging to join cpec.
ask Iranians who want to join your lovely chabahar port with cpec.
intact in future India will need energy like gas for homes and industries and you will beg us for mercy. then even you will know our strategic position as you are currently feeling it and are already joining and leaving such projects because of our involvement.
Did you pull that from your rear?

Let me ask you a simple question. Did Chinese or you conduct any economic feasibility of cpec projects and highways?

Japanese were in India to conduct economic feasibility of bullet train which is virtually free of interest, that too over 50 years time period. Right now Ahembdabad Mumbai corridor is identified profitable.
I'm posting in train the rush hours in early morning my left right the standing are Indian:lol: well, let me ask my neighbor ( obviously Indian ) about what they think about CPEC:coffee:
I'm posting in train the rush hours in early morning my left right the standing are Indian:lol: well, let me ask my neighbor ( obviously Indian ) about what they think about CPEC:coffee:
Patel thinks CPEC is bad for Pakistan. :lol:

And why are you Indians NOT happy about it? :eek::confused::what:
You'd have one less enemy to worry about once China gulped it down. :crazy:
Because India is seeking a loan from China to buy some sanitary equipment.
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