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Footage of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria

Those are pilgrims, no proof of them being IRGC.

There are tones of videos uploaded online.

It was a perfect timing these individuals chose to do pilgrimage.

That news was later denied and ALL of those hostages returned to Iran safely.

Good try btw.

BBC News - Iranians held by Syria rebels released

And they weren't IRGC, they were pilgrims and among them there were some retired IRGC officers. IRGC do not travel on a bus around the country randomly. :lol:

FSA itself knew it was lying that they were soldiers, that's why they were released.

Yeah all of them chose to do the pilgrimage during bloody crisis :rofl:

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What is the main job of your revolt guard? what kind of tasks and duties they normally carry?

Is it a question that need to be asked?

What has been the job of Praetorian guards since time immemorial?

To suppress the local populace and ensure the reign of the benefactor remains steady. Iranian revolutionary guards are nothing but instrument of thuggish mullahs to ensure that a common Iranian never dares to rise against oppressive reign of mullahs and they keep on acting like bloodsucking leeches.
There are tones of videos uploaded online.

It was a perfect timing these individuals chose to do pilgrimage.

Yeah all of them chose to do the pilgrimage during bloody crisis :rofl:

Eh actually its now inconceivable what so ever, for some people (that are hyper religious) to do pilgrimagr, even inthe wake of a war. They even did it during Iraq war and occassionally got killed.
Government has issued bans to travel to those countries, but they cant always stop the ultra religious idiots.
So you have no case.

You honestly think an IRGC officer would carry documents (that would tie him to the IRGC looooool) while on a mission in Syria?
If stupidity is a crime, your a.ss would be serving life if you actually believe such a preposterous nonsense :omghaha:

And those videos you link of the cards do not prove anything They are national ID cards or "kart payan khedmat" (completion of military service card). Every single Iranian man has one of these cards, becase military service is mandatory in Iran. And without them you can not use some of social services or leave the country.
So link how many videos you want, they prove absolultely SQUAT. Im afraid you have just bought into some cheap silly propaganda.
But I guess its natural for someone to be spoonfed and easily swallow propaganda, when you desperataly want something to be true. Lol
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I know the answer already; I just wanted to hear from an Iranian about what he/she thinks about them.

If you happen to be a Saudi then you are expected to understand the mentality of the Mullahs' regime. No body understands the Iranians better than us.

Is it a question that need to be asked?

What has been the job of Praetorian guards since time immemorial?

To suppress the local populace and ensure the reign of the benefactor remains steady. Iranian revolutionary guards are nothing but instrument of thuggish mullahs to ensure that a common Iranian never dares to rise against oppressive reign of mullahs and they keep on acting like bloodsucking leeches.
You honestly think an IRGC officer would carry documents while on a mission in Syria?
If stupidity is a crime, your a.ss would be serving life if you actually believe such a preposterous nonsense :omghaha:

Bro, we aren't starry-eyed imbecile :lol: I know what you are hitting at. But, after re-examining these videos, coupled with two pieces of articles such as Link1 , Link2
Any rational human being will conclude that Iran was involved AGES ago.

Please be pay special attention to the dates of these two articles. The news was reported worldwide, and the Iranian regime didn't like such comment; made by the Commander of the IRGC. Later the Gov't dismissed such claims.

I'm fully aware of how the IRGC functions, I dealt with them twice during Hajj, while I was stationed.

I will respect your opinion though, you may choose to believe or disbelieve what's being said.

Eh actually its now inconceivable what so ever, for some people (that are hyper religious) to do pilgrimagr, even inthe wake of a war. They even did it during Iraq war and occassionally got killed.
Government has issued bans to travel to those countries, but they cant always stop the ultra religious idiots.
So you have no case.

You honestly think an IRGC officer would carry documents while on a mission in Syria?
If stupidity is a crime, your a.ss would be serving life if you actually believe such a preposterous nonsense :omghaha:

And those videos you link of the cards do not prove anything They are national ID cards or "kart payan khedmat" (completion of military service card). Every single Iranian man has one of these cards, becase military service is mandatory in Iran. And without them you can not use some of social services or leave the country.
So link how many videos you want, they prove absolultely SQUAT. Im afraid you have just bought into some cheap silly propaganda.
But I guess its natural for someone to be spoonfed and easily swallow propaganda, when you desperataly want something to be true. Lol
Is it a question that need to be asked?

What has been the job of Praetorian guards since time immemorial?

To suppress the local populace and ensure the reign of the benefactor remains steady. Iranian revolutionary guards are nothing but instrument of thuggish mullahs to ensure that a common Iranian never dares to rise against oppressive reign of mullahs and they keep on acting like bloodsucking leeches.

You settled the score now homie;).

They pretty much interfer in everything when it comes to Iran's realpolitik; they are too feudal that only the Supreme leader trusts, in fact the latter trust them with his life. They recruit everyone willing to work under their ranks.
Bro, we aren't starry-eyed imbecile :lol: I know what you are hitting at. But, after re-examining these videos, coupled with two pieces of articles such as Link1 , Link2
Any rational human being will conclude that Iran was involved AGES ago.

Please be pay special attention to the dates of these two articles. The news was reported worldwide, and the Iranian regime didn't like such comment; made by the Commander of the IRGC. Later the Gov't dismissed such claims.

I'm fully aware of how the IRGC functions, I dealt with them twice during Hajj, while I was stationed.

I will respect your opinion though, you may choose to believe or disbelieve what's being said.

I never said they were not involved. In fact Im positive IRGC is in Syria. I was merely pointing to the people in first video you posted, and in that one there is no single proof of them being part of the IRGC.
I never said they were not involved. In fact Im positive IRGC is in Syria. I was merely pointing to the people in first video you posted, and in that one there is no single proof of them being part of the IRGC.

Well, I guess we got tons of videos by now to pinpoint solid evidence. :smart: point taken :agree:
Iran has every right (in fact, it must, as Iran&Syria have defense pact) to help Syria to keep the country stable against foregn and foreign-backed militias.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and the West have no right (political, moral) to support rebels who are destabilizing the country.

Well, I guess we got tons of videos by now to pinpoint solid evidence. :smart: point taken :agree:

And we got solid pin point evidence that J.ihadi mercenaries from all over (everywhere stretching from Libya to Chechnyan terrorists) are involved also.

We have an alliance Syria. So if IRGC is there to provide assistance and training, nothing illegal or wrong with that.
And we got solid pin point evidence that J.ihadi mercenaries from all over (everywhere stretching from Libya to Chechnyan terrorists) are involved also.

We have an alliance Syria. So if IRGC is there to provide assistance and training, nothing illegal or wrong with that.

I will be talking this as a confession ;).

Yzd, you are not complaining about IRGC presence in Syria, are you? Seriously?

The devil you're talking about? :/
I will be talking this as a confession ;).

The devil you're talking about? :/

Lolz I never denied it in the first place. Yes, IRGC is in Syria to asisst the SAA, in their fight against J.ihadists.
And you know what? I LOVE it!! :)
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