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Footage of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria

It does not require any statistics or articles to prove my point.

Even Al Jazeera English is more neutral and professional then both Press TV and Al Arabiyah, but these 2 are just bullshitting the word with propaganda for their little cold war.
When you disapprove Press TV don’t use the other side propaganda machine that’s just as bad.

The difference between Alarabyia to PressTV is like the difference between coal and diamond, gold to rust :P

When we disapprove PreeTV, we do have clear reasons of doing so. It is a propaganda machine filled with bloopers, while Al-Arabyia isn't.

Yeah, Iraqis are mad at Al-Arabyia for some reasons ;) .. But I'm sure you looked at the prizes Al-Arabyia got right?

P.S. There is no English version of Al-Arabyia; therefore, your comparison is illogical.
The difference between Alarabyia to PressTV is like the difference between coal and diamond, gold to rust :P

Yeah, Iraqis are mad at Al-Arabyia for some reasons ;) .. But I'm sure you looked at the prizes Al-Arabyia got right?

P.S. There is no English version of Al-Arabyia; therefore, your comparison is illogical.

Same sh!t different name, another childish game : Iran

News wars ?

Barely anyone beside Saudis think Arabiya is a genuine source.
Arabiya has shown its true face with the video I posted lately.

Not an english version makes it illogical for what reason ?

Im not going to argue a lot over this so lets keep it short, Al arabiya is bullsh!t, have a nice day.
Iranian terrorists have been in Syria since 2011, this is not a new news, Syrian people are saying this since the revolution started, Asshead have no army, more than half of his army defectef to the FSA, only Iranians, Russians, hezbollah, Iraqi terrorists are fighting for him, anyways thank God the FSA is sending these thugs back to their terrorist countries everyday by the hundreds.

Dude... terrorists are those nutbags you send to Syria to die. A government is trying to hold its ground against foreign terrorists, and they're the terrorists? Saudi and Qatari regimes are the real terrorists that are harboring and financing terrorists against the government of Syria.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Al arabiya is bullsh!t, have a nice day.

I heard that from many Saudis. Yazid Khalifa also knows this very well, he is just trying to mess with us!
Same sh!t different name, another childish game

I see nothing wrong in this article. It has been posted in many sites including worth-trusting ones. :lol:

This is in contrast to the statistics I represent, articles I provided, and the awarding list I posted. Therefore, Al-Arabyia viewers go beyond the borders of ours, it's been viewed everywhere.

Barely anyone beside Saudis think Arabiya is a genuine source.
Arabiya has shown its true face with the video I posted lately.

:lol: You mad at Al-Arabyia just because of that? Well, we always get to say your own mediocre MSM's bashing us on daily basis, yet no body cried over this :D.

Not an english version makes it illogical for what reason ?

Big difference. Arabic langauge is addressed to Aab viewers; while the English TVs are being watched by billions. See a pattern? I guess no.

Im not going to argue a lot over this so lets keep it short, Al arabiya is bullsh!t, have a nice day.

I respect your opinion, but this won't change the fact that Al-Arabyia is the best :azn:

Just for the record, we OWN the vast majority of Arabic MSM outlets, I hope you know that, if not then you should know now.

I'm dropping my ball here



Same sh!t different name, another childish game : Iran

News wars ?

Barely anyone beside Saudis think Arabiya is a genuine source.
Arabiya has shown its true face with the video I posted lately.

Not an english version makes it illogical for what reason ?

Im not going to argue a lot over this so lets keep it short, Al arabiya is bullsh!t, have a nice day.

I heard that from many Saudis. Yazid Khalifa also knows this very well, he is just trying to mess with us!

Who might you be young man to make Khalifa messing with you?
Al saudArabiya? Haha.. That isnt a news station it is the terrorist saudi family mouthpiece.

You cant have free press in saudi arabia. It is a dictatorship slave state owned by one corrupt family....good luck voicing your opinion there.

But if the stupid terrorist funding saudis feel like listening to that echo chamber instead of free press....good for them...it only makes them stupider....the rest of the world knows the truth..

In the US we dont even watch msm....we know its all owned by the khazari bankers......the viewership is dropping every year...


No matter how much stolen oil money you have..........
Israel wont last another century if it doesnt learn its place in the world.....you are a shiity little country with what 8 million people? You dont have the manpower to start any real wars.....you simply throw rocks and then hide behind Americas skirt......cowardly little shits......try and nuke somebody and you will see that the holocaust was a day at the beach compared to what will happen to you.......

And no I am not of iranian descent.....but I do respect them.....because they resist zionist tyranny.......and so we are brothers in arms........

I've looked at all the options, gone over all possible scenarios.

I've stared at regional maps and played around with borders and political power shifts.

After examining everything carefully, I've decided that the only way forward is to nuke Tehran.

GoodOldBoy will be safe, because like many Eyeranians these days - he's a yankee. :lol:
The U.S. needs to sit back and let them all beat the snot out of each other. Everyone involved are our enemies. Toss a few weapons shipments in there from time to time to keep things going. F'em all !!:usflag:
The U.S. needs to sit back and let them all beat the snot out of each other. Everyone involved are our enemies. Toss a few weapons shipments in there from time to time to keep things going. F'em all !!:usflag:

Too many financial and geostrategic interests involved......too much money to be made in war and the spoils of war........our economy is tied to the petrodollar.......
The U.S. needs to sit back and let them all beat the snot out of each other. Everyone involved are our enemies. Toss a few weapons shipments in there from time to time to keep things going. F'em all !!:usflag:

and here is el diablo
perhaps crackers should mind their business?
because of people like you tamerlane and dzokhar tsernaev start bombing the boston marathon, why can't you crackers mind your own god damn business and let people live the way they want? the usa has other problems it could spend all this money thats going towards arming the alqaeda in syria.

I've looked at all the options, gone over all possible scenarios.

I've stared at regional maps and played around with borders and political power shifts.

After examining everything carefully, I've decided that the only way forward is to nuke Tehran.

GoodOldBoy will be safe, because like many Eyeranians these days - he's a yankee. :lol:

nobody will nuke iran, because iran will throw so many missiles in israel tel aviv will turn in to dust, and the surroundings cities will die of heart attacks like the cowards they are.
you remember when iraq bombed israel? the missiles killed like 6 people, but the best part is that 8o israelis died of heart attacks :omghaha: becuase they are cowards
Too many financial and geostrategic interests involved......too much money to be made in war and the spoils of war........our economy is tied to the petrodollar.......

We just need to keep the 'low intensity' conflict going. The oil still flows, the weapons still get sold and our 'pals' bleed slowly. Iran, Saudi, Syria... Their own little Vietnam.
They will be slaughtered like a sheep in a day of Eid, They will meet their fate or end up crying begging for Komainei help like this one here. So welcome the boys guys.

you need to quit, why are your hypocrites creating rifts within islam? saudi arabia and and qatar are the bad guys they are the cause of of all these deaths in syria and i hope god pays them back real good.
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and here is el diablo
perhaps crackers should mind their business?
because of people like you tamerlane and dzokhar tsernaev start bombing the boston marathon, why can't you crackers mind your own god damn business and let people live the way they want? the usa has other problems it could spend all this money thats going towards arming the alqaeda in syria.

nobody will nuke iran, because iran will throw so many missiles in israel tel aviv will turn in to dust, and the surroundings cities will die of heart attacks like the cowards they are.
you remember when iraq bombed israel? the missiles killed like 6 people, but the best part is that 8o israelis died of heart attacks :omghaha: becuase they are cowards

'Cracker' ? WOW, that hurts !! I guess that stuff is allowed on this site ? No problem. I can play that game. You're right, though. The U.S. DOES have other problems. Problems like letting sweaterbombers like you in our great country. Now go fetch me my doughnuts, Haji.:omghaha:
'Cracker' ? WOW, that hurts !! I guess that stuff is allowed on this site ? No problem. I can play that game. You're right, though. The U.S. DOES have other problems. Problems like letting sweaterbombers like you in our great country. Now go fetch me my doughnuts, Haji.:omghaha:
pathetic little cracker childish mentality, why don't you go throw some tea bags at government buildings like your fellow rednecks? without us immigrants the us of a isnt ****, if it was up to your rednecks this country would be like russia right now. thank god for the minorities in america, anyhow your crackers got till 2050 and then america is going to be an hispanic nation.

maybe im wrong about you maybe you an india pretending to be a white american lol, we'll see in the coming days by judging from your comments.
pathetic little cracker childish mentality, why don't you go throw some tea bags at government buildings like your fellow rednecks? without us immigrants the us of a isnt ****, if it was up to your rednecks this country would be like russia right now. thank god for the minorities in america, anyhow your crackers got till 2050 and then america is going to be an hispanic nation.

maybe im wrong about you maybe you an india pretending to be a white american lol, we'll see in the coming days by judging from your comments.

You're right, chief. Without you, who's gonna pump my gas or toast my bagel ? Thanks for traveling nine thousand miles to take care of that for me, chief. And it's better to be a has-been than a never-was. And I'm not an 'india'. Just an American of German decent. You're such an obvious genius, why don't you go back to Pakistan and help out your motherland ? They MUST need brainiacs like you, right ? By leaving, you'll REALLY screw the U.S. over !! OUCH !!! What would we do without you ?:usflag:
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