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Focus China: Strike corps plan back on drawing board

I cant wait to see that china destroying indian murderers,the murderers of kashmiris

You cant wait to see China Destroying India But you must me be Enjoying US Droning Your Citizens, Daily Bomb Blats in Your Country, Taliban Killing Your Soldiers etc etc

War will not lead anyone anywhere...
India has no military options vis-a-vis China apart from the suicidal use of nuclear weapons.

US > China >> India.

The Chinese are actually closer to the US in overall strength than the Indians are to the Chinese.

This relative Chinese power advantage will only increase in the next 2 decades.

Only if you look at paperspecs and not on realistic tactical scenarios in case of a war. The fact is, Chinese foces could never afford to use all their assets against India and leave the waaaay more important borders and cities in the east without protection. The Tibet area is not the priority for China, it's east Asia and that's where Chinese forces will always remain with their focus!
IA has around 1 mio active personal, split them in half for both borders, PLA has around 2 mios activer personal, but would hardly field 1/4 or 1/3 of them against us and to keep the US and allies in check in the east.
So it would be 500 000 vs 500 000 to 666 666, not that big difference don't you think? And the same is the case for their air force fleet as well.

An other problem for Chinese forces is the huge distances between eastern and western borders, which makes it difficult for them to simply move troops or supplies around and as fast as possible. India is a big country too, but not compared to China and that gives advantages for our forces as too.

For Indias military options, it's once to build up ground forces and air defence on our eastern borders in a similar manner as PLA is doing it, just like IAF has to build up air strips and modernise it's fleet to counter and strike targets in the Tibet area. With the long term perspective of pose a nuclear threat to Chinese eastern costlines, be it with long range balistic missiles, or SSBNs.
So there are certain options that Indian forces are building up right now, not only to defend our borders, but to have credible deterrence against China, be it in a conventional or nuclear war.
Job is cut out.India have to defend.Whatever the weapon they have.They are never tested in real war scenario.Will not be easy taking IA in Terrain of NE and Kashmir.Its true China is growing to a mamoth economy from 1960's India does not come closer.If it is the case China would have attacked India anywhere after the Kargil war.They India defended it teritory the weakness from IA was in public.Dont think China will risk full scale war at this moment.Any factured outcome of war will have a face burnt effect on chinese leader.So they will try to choke INDIA using Pakistan.Nothing more.Also India should keep up the heat against China.
Do you see from the example of destroyer construction between India and China why India cannot hope to match China? Also, since China has still not matched world class levels right now, India can hope to purchase similar technology from abroad. By the 2020s when China should have reached world class levels of military tech in many areas, India will find it increasingly hard to persuade the Europeans and Americans to supply it their very latest technology to stay current with the Chinese. So then India will not only not be able to produce as much as China but will have to put up with lower technology arms.

Very well articulated. I had said to Indians that they need to open up bases for the US in India now while they still have leverage. In the future, they will be begging US to setup bases in India just like the Pinoy are doing now. China's economy will allow its technology to equal that of Europe and Russia in around 2020. By then, China can produce more superior weapons compare to what India can procure, except for the latest US technology. As a result, China can manufacture more advance weapons in a greater quantity at a less expensive price than what Indian can buy. India would field less capable weapons in smaller quantify, a sure loser. To counter that, the only options left is for India to purchase US weapons and allow US troops to base in India. At that time, US would have all the leverage and dictate to India. If India say no to the US, India better to ready to surrender territories to China. So India need to understand that time is against them.
Very well articulated. I had said to Indians that they need to open up bases for the US in India now while they still have leverage. In the future, they will be begging US to setup bases in India just like the Pinoy are doing now. China's economy will allow its technology to equal that of Europe and Russia in around 2020. By then, China can produce more superior weapons compare to what India can procure, except for the latest US technology. As a result, China can manufacture more advance weapons in a greater quantity at a less expensive price than what Indian can buy. India would field less capable weapons in smaller quantify, a sure loser. To counter that, the only options left is for India to purchase US weapons and allow US troops to base in India. At that time, US would have all the leverage and dictate to India. If India say no to the US, India better to ready to surrender territories to China. So India need to understand that time is against them.

a noob comment from a senior member is not expected in defence forum.India countered China half a century without any help of USA or Russia.they can do that for next half of century as well.and what basis you are saying that China's weapons quality will be equal with Russia and Europe???they are miles ahead in most of areas.and most of European weaponary has a direct relation with USA(parts,R&D etc).and India is not Pakistan who always needs a guardian for taking care of himself.we have better relations with Russia than USA.did you see a single Russian base in Indian soil???and check China's history before making comments on India.In Cold war,Russian Pilots regularly flown jets from Chinese territory to Fight USA(in both Korean and Vietnam war)...so you are just showing "False Pride"..
Its a big shame for a country who faught 1200 amry men vs over 8000 army men and boosting about it.... Specialy when Airforce and Navy not took part in it.... Still a country who sended 1200 army men done well against 8000 army men of enemy country even when we didnt had even basic weapon and food.... We killed far more then enemy thought we might kill. Now situation is totaly different.... China should stop boosting about what happened over 50 years ago (if 50 years is ok then why not few years further back when what japnese did to china).... India is indeed a True super power (after america) in terms of technology.... India getting weapons from all developed Nations (usa, uk, france, russia, germany etc etc). A war now would prove deadly for enemy.... China dont share what chinese says here (paid ones).... Even in world war III china wont use nukes because there are countries who got far more powerful nukes and they all aint friendly with china and they very close to india.... Using nuke against any of this countries would prove suicidable for china.... India is true super power of future. India been supported by majority of nations while india uses china as sheild.... We growing and building our military while world blames china.... It benefit india alot. No one can avoid World war III as wars been faught since universe was created.... (light vs darkness).... India growing stronger day by day.... Most top lethal weapons are going to get inducted soon. Dassualt rafale, p8i, nuke submarines, aircraft carriers, Fgfa, pak-fa, agni-v, defence sheild, and the list goes on and on (might take whole day to list them all).... Stop boosting about what happened 50 years ago against just 1200 army men who faught 8000 well equiped army men.
India has no military options vis-a-vis China apart from the suicidal use of nuclear weapons.

US > China >> India.

The Chinese are actually closer to the US in overall strength than the Indians are to the Chinese.

This relative Chinese power advantage will only increase in the next 2 decades.

I think your perspective regarding warfare is severely limited. This is not true that India will be a sitting duck and they will immediately unleash the nuclear genie out of the bottle.

First of all; the terrain, the climate and the level of defences serve as an impediment to the advancing PLA. The Indians are well dug in and the Chinese are aware of this. The IA has certainly upped its game and the professionalism instilled is certainly commendable. The intelligence gathering, decision hierarchy and the level of training has improved by a huge margin. By no means it is at the same level of NATO or Russia but it still is very good.

The Indians have secured their Northern borders by addressing the logistics and mobility gap. IA Mountain Infantry is good and they have a lot of experience/training in fighting at that altitude. They will be quite well equipped to repulse an attack. The IAF is well equipped to fight a defensive war against PLAF.

You need to understand one very important aspect in this scenario. China simply cannot afford to fight a war against India. She has much bigger enemies that she needs to worry about. All of China's best troops are not stationed to fight a war against India. Any war against India will likely drag the bigger powers into the conflict and China cannot afford to leave her flank unattended by diverting troops to the Indian front. Thus, i would argue that war is an unlikely scenario and both countries will use other means such as economic/diplomatic manoeuvres to coerce the other nation.
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