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Flying high: Pakistan leads the way among regional competitors

lame excuses as always! so whose responsibility is to provide electricity and business environment? It is a shame that Pakistan with more 180 million with 50% of its youth is lagging behind all its neighboring countries.. now whatever the reason may be the world doesn't give a flying f!!!

Actually you are an oxymoron... who doesn't have manners of polemics. enough said!

so it burns if someone uses the same language as you use for others?
Okey now just open up the generation capacity time series and see how much generation capacity was added to the system is last 14 years, you would never be asking this question in the first place. Just a hint for you
Total Capacity in 1990===> 7,949 MV
Total Capacity by the start of 2000====>17,399 MV
capacity added by PPP and PMLN regimes in 10 Years ~10000 MV

Total Capacity by the end of 2010======> 19,786 MV
Total capacity added under Musharraf Regime in 10 Years~ 1500MV
Now probably if you had seen the stat, you would have known that who reaped the rewards sown by whom and who suffered the failures of whom ( and I am not including the population growth rates which would make things much more worse for second stat)

Now we come to our so called demographic dividand
Total Population 162,488,343 (2009 stats)
Male population in age group 10-39===> 42,766,068
Female population in age group 10-39===> 39,557,906
% of Male demographic dividend to total population====> 26%
% of Female demographic dividend to total population====> 24%
With dismal female labor participation rate ( around 20% in 2011), coupled with 60% male participation rate, you can calculate what is left of our "demographic dividend". Not until very recently the punjab government has increased the female representation to 33%. Nothing has been done to significantly to address the core of the problem.
And still if you need to through anymore useless rants, at least google the term to get some update about it. Getting to such data takes some serious efforts which most of people like you don't really bother to do.

Well nevermind such things, actually when nothing is left for commons to discuss, they resort to rants.

such stats are OK as I don't have time to verify them. I accept them on your face value. But even then the fact remains that Pakistan is lagging behind its neighbors as far as growth is concerned. What do you think Nepal and Afghanistan don't have problems? They don't have law and order and energy crisis?

All the news is ipse dixit of somebody Sultan, where he praises HEC without knowing that every week Dr. Atta Ur Rehman is pleading and imploring in front of government to not to dissolve it. What kind of flying high is this. Other countries even Srilanka have been enjoying 3G technology for three / four years.. 4G is already being used and the news you shared says... Pakistan’s biggest challenge is connectivity across the country, however, we see an opportunity if 3G is coming in,... what kind of flying high is this. ..??

Now listen to the report from ADB. (I don't need to tell you that ADB's report is more authentic or word of mouth of some Company's manager).

For 2nd year in row: Pakistan’s economy will slow down to 3.4%, says ADB – The Express Tribune

If government officials are to be believed, Pakistan’s economic indicators are positive. But the forecasts of global lenders are not promising. Pakistan’s economy will slow down for a second consecutive year to 3.4%, according to the latest Asian Development Outlook forecasts. It has urged Islamabad to implement the unfinished agenda of structural reforms in energy and taxation sectors.

While the US and India are going to pick up, Pakistan is a bit stagnant and will grow by 3.4% in the current fiscal, said Liepach. Oil prices will relatively remain stable and the agriculture prices will also remain flat, he added. “The risk to uptick is that if China slows, Asia slows.

Farzana Noshab, senior economic officer at ADB’s country office, said the budget deficit is expected to remain in line with the IMF-agreed annual target of 5.8% of GDP. But she cautioned that a resurge of circular debt and any delay in projected foreign flows could pose a risk to the target.

Liepach said the bilateral grant from Saudi Arabia was a surprise and a windfall as well. Noshab was of the view that the State Bank of Pakistan did not have the luxury to intervene in foreign exchange market due to a low level of official forex reserves.

what kind of flying high is this?

so it burns if someone uses the same language as you use for others?
so in future don't start the discussion with calling somebody who might be of your father's age as having no shame!
such stats are OK as I don't have time to verify them. I accept them on your face value.
Well like I said before, it takes a little effort which separates an ignorant opinion from an informed one...

For 2nd year in row: Pakistan’s economy will slow down to 3.4%, says ADB – The Express Tribune

If government officials are to be believed, Pakistan’s economic indicators are positive. But the forecasts of global lenders are not promising. Pakistan’s economy will slow down for a second consecutive year to 3.4%, according to the latest Asian Development Outlook forecasts. It has urged Islamabad to implement the unfinished agenda of structural reforms in energy and taxation sectors.
While the US and India are going to pick up, Pakistan is a bit stagnant and will grow by 3.4% in the current fiscal, said Liepach. Oil prices will relatively remain stable and the agriculture prices will also remain flat, he added. “The risk to uptick is that if China slows, Asia slows.

Farzana Noshab, senior economic officer at ADB’s country office, said the budget deficit is expected to remain in line with the IMF-agreed annual target of 5.8% of GDP. But she cautioned that a resurge of circular debt and any delay in projected foreign flows could pose a risk to the target.
Liepach said the bilateral grant from Saudi Arabia was a surprise and a windfall as well. Noshab was of the view that the State Bank of Pakistan did not have the luxury to intervene in foreign exchange market due to a low level of official forex reserves.

what kind of flying high is this?
There is a difference between the forecasts and actual stats. Forecasting is a very subjective phenomenon for developing countries like pakistan where there are data constraints. The question you should be asking yourself is that to what extent these forecasts have been true in the past. I know in old age, one doesn't like to do intensive things. But then again if you base your arguments in thin air then they are as true as fantasies of Greek demigods. Okey, here's a thing go to imf's world economic outlook database (WEO) -available publically on their website- and work out the past forecasts with the actual figures. Then come back here and let us know who accurately IMF forecasted the growth numbers. Thats precisely why when 5.1% YoY figure was released for the first quarter, this surprised both the economy as well as multilateral lenders.

so in future don't start the discussion with calling somebody who might be of your father's age as having no shame!
Age is not the sole criterion to earn respect, being aged is not similar to being knowledgeable in some trait. On a side note, It was you and only you, who started to rant out rather than doing a reasonable discussion.
Well like I said before, it takes a little effort which separates an ignorant opinion from an informed one...

There is a difference between the forecasts and actual stats. Forecasting is a very subjective phenomenon for developing countries like pakistan where there are data constraints. The question you should be asking yourself is that to what extent these forecasts have been true in the past. I know in old age, one doesn't like to do intensive things. But then again if you base your arguments in thin air then they are as true as fantasies of Greek demigods. Okey, here's a thing go to imf's world economic outlook database (WEO) -available publically on their website- and work out the past forecasts with the actual figures. Then come back here and let us know who accurately IMF forecasted the growth numbers. Thats precisely why when 5.1% YoY figure was released for the first quarter, this surprised both the economy as well as multilateral lenders.

Age is not the sole criterion to earn respect, being aged is not similar to being knowledgeable in some trait. On a side note, It was you and only you, who started to rant out rather than doing a reasonable discussion.

Well like I said before, it takes a little effort which separates an ignorant opinion from an informed one...

A little effort to google the stats? Since these stats are irrelevant to this discussion, I didn't bother discussing them. Here the discussion is on something. If you have not done pick and choose to quote you would know what I was talking about. Just picking one line out of my whole para is intellectual dishonesty not a trait of being informed.

There is a difference between the forecasts and actual stats. Forecasting is a very subjective phenomenon for developing countries like pakistan where there are data constraints. The question you should be asking yourself is that to what extent these forecasts have been true in the past. I know in old age, one doesn't like to do intensive things. But then again if you base your arguments in thin air then they are as true as fantasies of Greek demigods. Okey, here's a thing go to imf's world economic outlook database (WEO) -available publically on their website- and work out the past forecasts with the actual figures. Then come back here and let us know who accurately IMF forecasted the growth numbers. Thats precisely why when 5.1% YoY figure was released for the first quarter, this surprised both the economy as well as multilateral lenders.

Do you want to put your argument on Appeal to Authority only?

You are saying that these forecasts what ADB is promulgating are merely bosh and the ipse dixit of some company's top manager is true? What statistics this news of Pakistan's flying high provide anyway except mere verbose?

And what are the actual stats you are talking about. Compare all the current stats for Pakistan Vs its neighbor, Srilanka..

Pakistan's GDP/Capita: $1,290.36, Ranked 139th.
SL GDP/ Capita: $2,923.13, Ranked 119th. 2 times more than Pakistan

Pakistan's GINI Index: 30.56, Ranked 19th.
SL GINI Index: 40.17, Ranked 12th. 31% more than Pakistan

Pakistan's Human Development Index: 0.527, Ranked 135th.
SL Human Development Index: 0.751, Ranked 92nd. 43% more than Pakistan

Pakistan's Taxes and Other Revenues Collection: 12.4% of GDP, Ranked 174th.
SL's taxes and Other Revenues Collection: 13.4% of GDP, Ranked 173th. 8% more than Pakistan

The above statistics become more shameful when we see the below:

SL Labour Force: 8, Ranked 129th.
Pakistan's Labour Force: 09 Ranked 54th. 7 times more than Sri Lanka

Pakistan's GDP: $231.18 billion, Ranked 42nd. 4 times more than Sri Lanka
SL GDP: $59.42 billion, Ranked 64th.

so what are we talking about? If ADB is Saying that Pakistan will have such and such growth rate, less than all its neighbours, it is based on all the current facts and scenarios! If you are expecting an overnight change in Pakistan as to defy these future indicators by a great margin, then I can only say whatever makes your nights awesome!

I ignore your mockery on my age. Why don't you do the needful of eliciting to prove these forecasts wrong? It is you who is challenging ADB.

Age is not the sole criterion to earn respect, being aged is not similar to being knowledgeable in some trait. On a side note, It was you and only you, who started to rant out rather than doing a reasonable discussion.

care reading post #10 instead of recriminating! By the way, I didn't ask you explain the criterion to earn respect.
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