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Flight MH370: Missteps by China slowed search for missing jet


Feb 12, 2014
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KUALA LUMPUR: When a Chinese government vessel took the world by surprise this month with its announcement that it had detected underwater signals that might have come from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, China suddenly looked like the hero of the multinational search effort.

Within days, however, the Chinese claims were discounted, and attention shifted to another set of signals recorded by US personnel aboard an Australian ship hundreds of miles away.

Still, the Chinese claims have exasperated some officials from the United States and other participating countries. The announcement was only one in a series of moves by China that might have been intended to project competence, according to officials and analysts, but only served to distract and delay the search effort.

"Everybody wants to find the plane," said a senior Defense Department official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not want to appear overly critical of the Chinese. But, he continued, "false leads slow down the investigation."

Most of the passengers on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 were Chinese citizens, so the matter became a top priority for China. Since the plane's disappearance on March 8, Beijing has deployed reconnaissance aircraft, more than a dozen vessels and, it said, 21 satellites in the search. Many of the ships in the current search zone, in the southern Indian Ocean, are Chinese.

The mission has clearly been a prime opportunity for the Chinese government to demonstrate its determination and technological abilities to its domestic audience, and to improve on its response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines last year, which was widely criticized as late and tepid.

"This is a chance for China to regain some of its lost prestige and show the world what it's capable of," said Jeff Kingston, director of Asian studies at the Tokyo campus of Temple University. "There's a lot of prestige on the line here."

But the search has also brought China into sudden and close contact with regional competitors who have grown uneasy with China's rapid military expansion and its increasing willingness to project force across a wider area of the globe. With regional tensions already high before the plane disappeared, China's rush to be first upset others involved in the search — not least because the Chinese turned out to be wrong.

In the first week of the search, China released satellite photographs purportedly showing wreckage in the South China Sea. The objects, however, turned out to be unrelated debris. The claim eventually elicited a rebuke from Malaysian officials that China had wasted the time of other nations looking for the missing Boeing 777-200.

On April 5, Chinese state-run news media reported that Haixun 01, a Chinese government search vessel apparently operating outside the zone designated that day by the search coordinators, had twice detected underwater signals that might have come from the missing plane's flight recorders.

Photographs published by the official Chinese news agency, Xinhua, showed crewmen using a hand-held hydrophone intended for use in shallow water, casting doubt on the value of the claims.

Still, search officials sent the HMS Echo, a British vessel equipped with highly sophisticated listening technology, to verify Haixun 01's report. Several days later, Echo was quietly pulled from the area of the Chinese ship and sent to assist Ocean Shield, an Australian vessel also equipped with high-tech listening equipment that had detected four signals that search coordinators believed came from the plane's flight recorders.

The delay in deploying Echo to join Ocean Shield may have cost searchers the opportunity to record more signals and narrow the underwater search area, officials say.

Willy Lam, a specialist in Chinese strategic policies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said that the lack of more sophisticated Chinese equipment was striking.

"According to the state propaganda, they are supposed to have sent the best they could muster, because it's national prestige at stake, and they face a lot of pressure from the victims' families," Lam said. "In spite of all the hoopla over China building an advanced military, they seem to have not much to show in this operation."

In an interview, a high-level official in the Malaysian government stiffened when the subject of Chinese involvement in the search arose.

"Really helpful, aren't they?" he said sarcastically.

Several analysts said that Beijing was under intense pressure to show its domestic audience that it was not only in the forefront of the search effort but also the most productive.

"The question is, who delivered first?" said Carl Thayer, professor of politics at University of New South Wales in Australia.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry did not respond on Monday to messages seeking comment on the search.

The international response to China's missteps might not have been so negative had China been less critical of Malaysia's handling of the investigation, analysts said. For weeks, the Chinese authorities and the state-run Chinese news media hectored the Malaysian government and demanded more transparency and information sharing.

Despite China's clumsy execution, some analysts said, few observers question the government's commitment to finding the plane.

"The scope, scale and expense of Chinese operations exceeds anything that China has undertaken to date," said Jonathan D. Pollack, senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution. "The Chinese are at least as intent on achieving definitive results as anyone else."

"It's possible that this has led some Chinese personnel to reach premature judgments based on limited or inconclusive observations," Pollack said. "But this hardly seems unique to China."

Flight MH370: Missteps by China slowed search for missing jet - The Times of India
And India can't even do anything thing helpful. :coffee:

India's secret weapon is : they are talking this, talking that, concerning, worrying... they can't do anything.
At least we provide hope and give a slight hint of where to search. Despite the wrong signal, how would we know if the signal is wrong if we didn't come to investigate it? Many crimes will not be solved if the investigators didn't look into the report despite the possibility the reports can be wrong. What I am saying here is we put 100% effort to search unlike many of involving states who is putting half-*** effort and only good at criticizing others. Well, you know the joke of other parties been providing evidence. Even the great AMERICA OF WORLD cannot provide a single trace of evidence. And we got blame to slowing down the search? Must be a joke of the day! LOL.
This isn't Indian's thought, I seen this article in a few places, mostly American.

All I can say is this, yes this is on China, while it is unfair to place the blame on us since there are so many things that made it much more difficult, for example, Malaysia made us search in the wrong sea and wasted the best chance.

But, all I can say is this, being a potential super power, this is on us.

However, I will say this, this is a very stupid and uninformed comment, why do I say this? A lot of the anti sub capabilities are not ready, just because we are an advance military, doesn't mean we are good at everything, presently only US and Japan can do this kind of mission, and their success rate may not be that great either.

In terms of satellite we are better than Japan, and the US is good at pretty much everything.

We are not at the stage of reaching maturity, it's been said so many times, 2030 is the time to reach technological parity with the US. There are still glaring holes in the military, but all of them are being filled, but it will take time.

Some people will just take any chance to take a jab at China.
The abilities of national security should be strengthened.
The abilities of national security should be strengthened.

Agreed. Better to expose any weakness now then during hostilities. ASW tech. has been neglected for a long time, this should served as a wakeup call.
This is really a cheap shot. Now is not the time to criticize any country effort especially when there are many other nationality on board including from India.

If China were not sending any resources to help, we all know what they will also say ... right ?
Blame the malaysian Government for twisting and fabricating news, it seems like they dont want this plane to be found.
I have seen few post blaming India for the article, Other than that or Source i don't think India has anything to do with it.....

It is stupid to blame china, they may be trying to show off.... But this tragedy is a rare one and it shown the world that, even with the present high tech gadgets and technology, it is still possible to hijack an air craft and manage to hide it from all those satellites and other military equipment for more than a month.

What ever said and done, malaysia managed to come out of this and some how the blame is on chinese.....
Any country effort trying to help in the search is forecoming. Trying to critise just show this few monkey contempt and cheap shot. If they want to blame, shouldn't the malaysia government held.account for wasting the initial first week on wrong area of search?
Any country effort trying to help in the search is forecoming. Trying to critise just show this few monkey contempt and cheap shot. If they want to blame, shouldn't the malaysia government held.account for wasting the initial first week on wrong area of search?
Perhaps some, but not all.

The initial search area was dictated by common sense, which was about the last known estimated geographical point and of communication. What the Malaysian government should have been and done was more efficient in communication and coordination between its military and outside experts, which would have reduced the duration of search time in that initial area.

The criticisms for China was how quickly the PLAN called out any kind of 'contact' without devoting more time in verifying those contacts. Think about it for a moment. The moment you call out that you found 'something', others will be obligated to assume they may be in the wrong grids/areas. Were there any coordination between the countries on who should take the lead in the event a true contact was established ? We do not know. Were there any communication between the countries on what actions and how rapid those actions should be done when someone claimed established contact ? We do not know. So if China, one day, called out a contact, and others rushed over to help, then the contacts turned out to be nothing, how much time and fuel have been wasted ? How much experience and expertise does China have in open water search and rescue, especially of sunken vessels, and yes, an airliner is a vessel ? We do not know.

China tries to become “Asia’s policeman” in missing plane saga; sends team uninvited to Malaysia to “advise” on search and rescue mission | China Daily Mail
China tries to become “Asia’s policeman” in missing plane saga; sends team uninvited to Malaysia to “advise” on search and rescue mission

The Chinese government has dispatched two warships, 10 satellites, over 50 marines to the South China Sea, and – although the Malaysian government didn’t formally invite them – a 13-member delegation to advise search and rescue efforts from Kuala Lumpur.

Just last week, Chinese officials said that peace in the region could only be “maintained by strength.” Part of that strength, it seems, involves an aggressive Chinese response when disaster strikes.
Perhaps some, but not all.

The initial search area was dictated by common sense, which was about the last known estimated geographical point and of communication. What the Malaysian government should have been and done was more efficient in communication and coordination between its military and outside experts, which would have reduced the duration of search time in that initial area.

The criticisms for China was how quickly the PLAN called out any kind of 'contact' without devoting more time in verifying those contacts. Think about it for a moment. The moment you call out that you found 'something', others will be obligated to assume they may be in the wrong grids/areas. Were there any coordination between the countries on who should take the lead in the event a true contact was established ? We do not know. Were there any communication between the countries on what actions and how rapid those actions should be done when someone claimed established contact ? We do not know. So if China, one day, called out a contact, and others rushed over to help, then the contacts turned out to be nothing, how much time and fuel have been wasted ? How much experience and expertise does China have in open water search and rescue, especially of sunken vessels, and yes, an airliner is a vessel ? We do not know.

China tries to become “Asia’s policeman” in missing plane saga; sends team uninvited to Malaysia to “advise” on search and rescue mission | China Daily Mail

Craig Hill another China basher who runs this blog he calls news is living in Shanghai, yet bashing China. I do blame the Chinese government for letting these people in their country.
Craig Hill another China basher who runs this blog he calls news is living in Shanghai, yet bashing China. I do blame the Chinese government for letting these people in their country.


China bashers living in China should be arrested and executed.
Blame the malaysian Government for twisting and fabricating news

What news have the Malays fabricated?

Other than not wanting to reveal exact parameters of their radar capabilities to the Chinese, the Malays have been very matter of fact and honest.

As I mentioned in the earliest threads covering this topic, it would have been better if the media, particularly the Chinese and Vietnamese had stayed quiet. It was them, not the Malays that set us off on a trail of misinformation, all of which turned out to be fruitless.
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