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First truce violation by Pakistan in 2012

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Aug 19, 2011
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Jammu: In the first ceasefire violation
this year, Pakistani troops fired at
Indian posts along the Line of Control
in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch
district this morning.
The Indian soldiers retaliated and the
exchange of fire lasted for over an
hour, a senior army officer said adding
"there were no casualties on our side
of the border".
Pakistani troops opened small arms
fire on the Indian positions in Ghambir
forward area at around 0600 hours
after the army had earlier foiled an
infiltration bid.
"It was a ceasefire violation as the
firing came from Pakistani posts," the
officer said.
A group of four to five militants, trying
to sneak into India, fired at troops
patrolling the Ghambir forward area in
Bhimber Gali sub-sector late last night,
he said.
The troops fired back forcing them to
flee to Pakistan, the officer said.
In December last year, there were
four truce violations by Pakistani
troops along the border in Jammu and

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------

A Salute to the Brave Valiant Defenders of Pakistan, against the enemy.

Battle Of Brunanburgh

Athelstan King,
Lord among Earls,
Bracelet-bestower and
Baron of Barons,
He with his brother,
Edmund Atheling,
Gaining a lifelong
Glory in battle,
Slew with the sword-edge
There by Brunanburh,
Brake the shield-wall,
Hew'd the lindenwood,
Hack'd the battleshield,
Sons of Edward with hammer'd brands.

Theirs was a greatness
Got from their Grandsires--
Theirs that so often in
Strife with their enemies
Struck for their hoards and their hearths and their homes.

Bow'd the spoiler,
Bent the Scotsman,
Fell the shipcrews
Doom'd to the death.
All the field with blood of the fighters
Flow'd, from when first the great
Sun-star of morningtide,
Lamp of the Lord God
Lord everlasting,
Glode over earth till the glorious creature
Sank to his setting.
There lay many a man
Marr'd by the javelin,
Men of the Northland
Shot over shield.
There was the Scotsman
Weary of war.

We the West-Saxons,
Long as the daylight
Lasted, in companies
Troubled the track of the host that we hated;
Grimly with swords that were sharp from the grindstone
Fiercely we hack'd at the flyers before us.

Mighty the Mercian,
Hard was his hand-play,
Sparing not any of
Those that with Anlaf,
Warriors over the
Weltering waters
Borne in the bark's-bosom,
Drew to this island:
Doom'd to the death.

Five young kings put asleep by the sword-stroke,
Seven strong earls of the army of Anlaf
Fell on the war-field, numberless numbers,
Shipmen and Scotsmen.

Then the Norse leader,
Dire was his need of it,
Few were his following,
Fled to his warship;
Fleeted his vessel to sea with the king in it,
Saving his life on the fallow flood.

Also the crafty one,
Crept to his north again,
Hoar-headed hero!

Slender warrant had
He to be proud of
The welcome of war-knives--
He that was reft of his
Folk and his friends that had
Fallen in conflict,
Leaving his son too
Lost in the carnage,
Mangled to morsels,
A youngster in war!

Slender reason had
He to be glad of
The clash of the war-glaive--
Traitor and trickster
And spurner of treaties--
He nor had Anlaf
With armies so broken
A reason for bragging
That they had the better
In perils of battle
On places of slaughter--
The struggle of standards,
The rush of the javelins,
The crash of the charges,
The wielding of weapons--
The play that they play'd with
The children of Edward.

Then with their nail'd prows
Parted the Norsemen, a
Blood-redden'd relic of
Javelins over
The jarring breaker, the deep-sea billow,
Shaping their way toward Dyflen again,
Shamed in their souls.

Also the brethren,
King and Atheling,
Each in his glory,
Went to his own in his own West-Saxonland,
Glad of the war.

Many a carcase they left to be carrion,
Many a livid one, many a sallow-skin--
Left for the white-tail'd eagle to tear it, and
Left for the horny-nibb'd raven to rend it, and
Gave to the garbaging war-hawk to gorge it, and
That gray beast, the wolf of the weald.

Never had huger
Slaughter of heroes
Slain by the sword-edge--
Such as old writers
Have writ of in histories--
Hapt in this isle, since
Up from the East hither
Saxon and Angle from
Over the broad billow
Broke into Britain with
Haughty war-workers who
Harried the Welshman, when
Earls that were lured by the
Hunger of glory gat
Hold of the land.

Alfred Lord Tennyson
nothing is working for pakistan it seems. better luck next time.
nothing is working for pakistan it seems. better luck next time.

Standard Indian lines.

No injuries on our side.

The militants fled back to Pakistan.

It's becoming hard to believe after they keep saying the same bs for every encounter.
Pakistan trying hard to send in militants..

For now, they failed again!!

Apparently it's easier to ride across the ocean in a speedboat, than go around mountains.

Yeah, right? :lol:
still happy new year parties are not over?:D
and its easy to cross the wall and destroy the planes and run away

Not following. Please elaborate.
i meant mehran attack

Not as big a deal as 10 guys causing havoc in Mumbai for several days. Plus if terrorists are attacking Pakistan, why would you think we are sponsoring them to attack India?
Not as big a deal as 10 guys causing havoc in Mumbai for several days. Plus if terrorists are attacking Pakistan, why would you think we are sponsoring them to attack India?

i mentioned earlier old habits die hard;)
you have been doing this decades and last month i watched interview of sallahuddin and he said there have been 37000 terrorist or their supporters have died;)
Jammu: In the first ceasefire violation
this year, Pakistani troops fired at
Indian posts along the Line of Control
in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch
district this morning.
The Indian soldiers retaliated and the
exchange of fire lasted for over an
hour, a senior army officer said adding
"there were no casualties on our side
of the border".
Pakistani troops opened small arms
fire on the Indian positions in Ghambir
forward area at around 0600 hours
after the army had earlier foiled an
infiltration bid.
"It was a ceasefire violation as the
firing came from Pakistani posts," the
officer said.
A group of four to five militants, trying
to sneak into India, fired at troops
patrolling the Ghambir forward area in
Bhimber Gali sub-sector late last night,
he said.
The troops fired back forcing them to
flee to Pakistan, the officer said.
In December last year, there were
four truce violations by Pakistani
troops along the border in Jammu and

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------


Funny thing.. The BBC piece of the betrayal by Pakistan talked about similar actions of providing cover and aid to the Taliban by Pakistan army on the Afghanistan border right before the border incident that killed 28 of Pakistani soldiers.. Pakistan seems to be sticking with the same tactical approach on both sides...
Apparently it's easier to ride across the ocean in a speedboat, than go around mountains.

Yeah, right? :lol:

You sound surprised, what else would you expect in an area saturated with troops? Things are obviously not as simple along the coast but I wouldn't be so quick to praise my jihadi brethren if I were you. For every Jihadi that tries to cross into India, there are ten more roaming your streets shoving sharia in your face. That's why you can't amend the blasphemy laws or take control of the NWFP.
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