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First Batch Of Women Fighter Pilots To Be Inducted In June

What ever ; But it is ALSO necessary to put the girls through the Grind

Secondly it would make for very interesting TV discussions ; IF and when
FEMINISTS protest when the girls are made to fly the Mig 21

It would bring out the latent " sense of entitlement "
and would also make for some very interesting debates about Gender Equality

Boys will never say a word when they are put in Mig 21 squadrons

But I am sure the Women's organisations will come out screaming

If one Mig 21 flown by a girl crashes ; only then expect to get rid of them QUICKLY

One PAF girl died in a F 7 PG crash recently
This is a weird line of reasoning my friend. Once these women graduate and are given their wings they are pilots, everything else is redundant. There is nothing to suggest that women make inferior pilots and thus if there is a crash one has to question their training or the upkeep of the plane.

I don't see any "sense of entitlement" in these cadets, they represent their service very well as always:

Meet Indian Air Force's Trailblazing Women

I feel it from Burkha Dutt who is spewing all kinds of misinformation and her typical half truths.

I say it again, once going through identical selection and training procedures as all other IAF pilots, these women demand the respect of being IAF fighter pilots, their gender is entirely irrelevent. They will be treated identically to all other officers, what is the problem? There's no need to punish them by forcing them to fly the most archaic birds for reasons I still don't understand. No one, not you, not I, not feminists, will have any reason to complain if the IAF deploys them to a MiG-21 SQN or MKI SQN- that is entirely the IAF's prerogative, they'll be deployed where they are needed. I have seen nothing to suggest they will be given preferential treatment.
This is a weird line of reasoning my friend. Once these women graduate and are given their wings they are pilots, everything else is redundant. There is nothing to suggest that women make inferior pilots and thus if there is a crash one has to question their training or the upkeep of the plane.

I don't see any "sense of entitlement" in these cadets, they represent their service very well as always:

Meet Indian Air Force's Trailblazing Women

I feel it from Burkha Dutt who is spewing all kinds of misinformation and her typical half truths.

I say it again, once going through identical selection and training procedures as all other IAF pilots, these women demand the respect of being IAF fighter pilots, their gender is entirely irrelevent. They will be treated identically to all other officers, what is the problem? There's no need to punish them by forcing them to fly the most archaic birds for reasons I still don't understand. No one, not you, not I, not feminists, will have any reason to complain if the IAF deploys them to a MiG-21 SQN or MKI SQN- that is entirely the IAF's prerogative, they'll be deployed where they are needed. I have seen nothing to suggest they will be given preferential treatment.

This is a Line from your own post

In terms of reflexes and reaction times, men significantly outperform women.

Source: First Batch Of Women Fighter Pilots To Be Inducted In June | Page 5

Now we know how demanding MiG 21 is

So it is all the more important to see their real abilities

To fly a plane with FBW is not a big a deal

Secondly and more importantly I wrote what I did because I know
How much NOISE will happen in the media when The girls are assigned to
a Mig 21 squadron

You dont know these presstitutes ; we do ; we live in India

And if there is a crash ; ALL the HYPOCRISY will come to the fore

It will be as big as the JNU fight ; Questions in the parliament ; TV debates ; articles in the press

The whole Nine yards

IAF will only benefit from it as we can announce a BIGGER Rafale purchase
This is a Line from your own post

In terms of reflexes and reaction times, men significantly outperform women.

Source: First Batch Of Women Fighter Pilots To Be Inducted In June | Page 5

Now we know how demanding MiG 21 is

So it is all the more important to see their real abilities
If these female cadets make it into SQN service they have met all criteria laid out before them- the exact same criteria as the men, and thus there is no sense in bringing in some arbitrary policy of making them fly on the MiG-21 just because they are females. This is NOT what will happen and there is simply no justification for doing so.

To have got to this point, the cadets have already passed the same selection and medical tests as their male counterparts and thus have adequate reaction times as demanded by the IAF, if you are saying these are sub-par then you should be questioning the entire IAF selection process and not directing your ire at the women who have passed all tests set before them.

I reiterate, remove gender from the equation entirely, if these cadets make it through the training and join operational SQNs then they are FIGHTER PILOTS- nothing less, nothing more. They won't be treated any differently I can assure you of that.

To fly a plane with FBW is not a big a deal
You said it yourself, and this is the future of all aviation, the MiG-21s are relics and hardly representative of where the IAF will be in in 10 years.

Secondly and more importantly I wrote what I did because I know
How much NOISE will happen in the media when The girls are assigned to
a Mig 21 squadron

You dont know these presstitutes ; we do ; we live in India

And if there is a crash ; ALL the HYPOCRISY will come to the fore

It will be as big as the JNU fight ; Questions in the parliament ; TV debates ; articles in the press

The whole Nine yards

Oh I don't doubt the presstitutes will make a mountain out of a molehill but since when is that a reason to do something- because otherwise the presstitutes will throw a fit? Who cares what a bunch of ill-informed TRP-hungry fools say/write?
Oh I don't doubt the presstitutes will make a mountain out of a molehill but since when is that a reason to do something- because otherwise the presstitutes will throw a fit? Who cares what a bunch of ill-informed TRP-hungry fools say/write?

You have NO IDEA about how badly this debate about Women as fighter pilots
has been politicised ; it has become all about politics and media driven theatricals

The first arguement of IAF chiefs was about female pilots falling into enemy hands
That was ridiculed by the feminists saying that there is enough violence in India

OK then The IAF said that if female pilots go for long leaves
we would loose the money spent on training

Again there was a lot of Hoo Haa

And PAF was cited a shining example of women's empowerment
while IAF was ridiculed

SO IAF said : enough is enough ; you asked for it ; now prove yourself

So now I am only STRETCHING the arguement

Once you are in the force ; you must take in all that it has to offer

I am sure some body in the IAF must be having similar thoughts :chilli:

ie Let the Girls Start with the Mig 21
You have NO IDEA about how badly this debate about Women as fighter pilots
has been politicised ; it has become all about politics and media driven theatricals

The first arguement of IAF chiefs was about female pilots falling into enemy hands
That was ridiculed by the feminists saying that there is enough violence in India

OK then The IAF said that if female pilots go for long leaves
we would loose the money spent on training

Again there was a lot of Hoo Haa

And PAF was cited a shining example of women's empowerment
while IAF was ridiculed

SO IAF said : enough is enough ; you asked for it ; now prove yourself

So now I am only STRETCHING the arguement

Once you are in the force ; you must take in all that it has to offer

I am sure some body in the IAF must be having similar thoughts :chilli:

ie Let the Girls Start with the Mig 21
No pilot in IAF should be put at risk flying mig 21/27 these need to be replaced with newer machine asap.
Exactly, and remember the kind of outrage that has sparked? Imagine that multiplied many times if this was to happen to a female combatant at the hands of the enemy.
I think by now i have heard many arguments from the other side
1) Females are physically weak.
2) During an interrogation women give in easily.
3) The controversy surrounding POW.

Now my points are

1) I want to reverse the logic and ask what if inclusion of women in combat roles helps improve the security procedures? and improve the quality of jets flown?
2) The chances of a woman getting caught and becoming a POW are low.

Neither am I talking about rights and equality, nor do i want the selection procedures to be downgraded to include women. All I'm saying is, if a girl has the physical and mental strength to face a war then she should be allowed.
There was a time when Afro-Americans were not alllowed in combat roles (believe it or not!). But later Americans were surprised at the positive results of inclusion of Afro-Americans.
It is likely that with passage of time and continuous social advances, many of your concerns will be mitigated. I strongly believe that none of the concerns expressed by men here are so complex that can prevent women from being excluded from combat roles in the near future.

Mr. Flintstone
Oh-ho-ho,so now you are trying to be funny here!!Too bad,that it needs some serious wit and inteligence to do so and being a dimwitted moron as you are,you lack in both!!That Flinstone adjective doesn't apply to me since I didn't form my opinion based upon some age old masochistic bullcrapp but pure bio-physical limitations of the bodyframes of the female population!!Obviously,for a dull,feeble minded,idiotic,doltish,thick headed,numb skull,dim-witted nincompoop like yourself,it's way to hard to comprehend and my sympathies are with ya for that.Poor boy,must have been hard on your parents!! :(

- why is it so tough for you to understand that if a said women qualifies the physical test and fulfil all the mental and physical criteria we expect from their male counterparts in terms of stamina and strength - who are we to deny them their rights?
Cliche.We have heard this shiit a gazzilionth of time,this crap has been muttered so many times over and over and over by dolts like you,that it doesn't even sound funny or even annoying now!!It just bores the hell out me these days.
So let's break down your logic (or mislogic.............it does appear to be a mislogic) for simplifying it.Let's say,in an exam,the minimum cut off marks is set at 40 by the authorities and who ever can make it past that mark,he/she would qualify.Suppose,A and B both took the exam where A scored 45 and B scored a solid 80.According to your logic here,both of them are at same level since they both manage to make the cut,right??Now see the hollowness in your arguement??
And even if a few insignificant number of female recruits make the cut,it still won't make any practical sense because just because a few dozen of them,the army has to go through all the hassles of setting up separate living quarters,latrines,bathroom facilities and what not.................just to cater for a few dozens mind you!!And then,knowing our systems and our females and being as whiney as many of the females are,who is to say they wouldn't demand and then commit hunger strikes for easing of the qualitative requirements,female instructors and what not??What if some one of them just accuses one or more of her male comrades of rape or sexual violation and sorts (and they will) and imagine how bad that would be for moral.
Besides,do you really think that a female can pull out a 24 km forced march over trecherous terrain with a hopping 40 kg combat load ladden all over her body??Have you ever given it a thought..............I bet you didn't,cause for that you would need some abilities for critical thinking and analyzing and for performing those actions,one would need a properly functioning brain,which is again lacking in you,judging by the rubbish you been posting.
Then while we are at it,lets not forget about the experiences of the ISDF and US armed forces during war time when their female soldiers were found to be woefully ineffective and unfit for frontline combat,the female 'fighters' would deliberately get pregnent to get meternity leaves or report injuries to save their arses,which in turn,would create severe moral issues in their male counterparts,affecting the overall fighting potential of an unit.In fact,their 'performance' were so bad and disappointing,both of those armies restricted the female 'warriors' to perimeter patrols and supply and administrative units!!They learned the lesson the hard way and I don't see the need for us to burn our hands as well just to make a point!!
But of course,I'm a dinosaur,what do I know??Feminazis like you are in the fashion these days.

You can't make the comparison between average male and female. Armed forces are not free for all. There is a process of selection.
IS THIS SHIITSUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE OF SOME KIND??!!Please tell me that you are not serious.@Abingdonboy ,brother,is this guy for real??!!
Dude!!Who else do you think make up the rank and files of the army,you think it consists of ten feet tall and 250 kilos hulks or something??N,it ain't!!It's the average evberyday folks who appears in the recruitment rallies!!It's the ordinary people like us who joins the army and then are trained and moulded into fighting men!!What do you think training does,what do you think it's for??To prepare the trainees for the rigours of combat both physically and mentally and to beat some tactical awarness into them,there by making an average guy to appear smarter!!

How old are you man??And how did you manage to convince a woman to waste her entire life with a guy you??How did you do that pal??!!Although,I guess I shouldn't be much surprised since I see so many of these gals with such low standards,really man,it's falling by every passing moment.
The worst part is,now you have got your shot at contaminating the genepool with your incompetence and stupidity passed down to your offspring.

PS - To you and all the other feminazis alike present here,here is something that might be of interest to you folks.Lets hear it straight from the horse's mouth now,shall we??So without any further adieu,here goes nothing :

Double PS - before anyone of you points it out and make a big fuss about it,yeah,it's from the infamous FOX Nes and not withstanding their rather conservative and often outright fucked up stances on the various social and political issues,the Marine is not an employee of the said organisation,henceforth,the points raised by her are still valid.
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So they finish their basic training then depending upon merit selected to fly from Mig-21 to Su-30? I hope they don't push female pilots just for sake of it. MERIT is the key.
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