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First Batch Of Women Fighter Pilots To Be Inducted In June

This is an emotional national issue
This is a personal choice.

and yes in ideal situation for women's equality it should be done.
Sorry. I did not demand for equality. The women should be selected on the basis of merit.
If she qualifies, she should be given a chance. By not permitting women in combat role you are preventing them from taking up roles because of some preconceived notions.

I am sure soon there will be many to point at the maternity leave issues. Spare me!
There are many committed women out there who are ready to give their 100%. Give them a chance thats all i want to say.
This is a personal choice.

Sorry. I did not demand for equality. The women should be selected on the basis of merit.
If she qualifies, she should be given a chance. By not permitting women in combat role you are preventing them from taking up roles because of some preburinged notions.

I am sure soon there will be many to point at the maternity leave issues. Spare me!
There are many committed women out there who are ready to give their 100%. Give them a chance thats all i want to say.

This => The issue of " women in active frontline combat units ".

Equality => I mean the better half as all should be given a chance. Not to simply add them by something like reservation.

And " preconceived notions " are actually reality.
I will not want my government or my army to pull back from a decision because a issue like women's dignity is sprouted. And our gullible idiot citizens ( you see if we vote for caste despite being educated, so we are gullible idiot citizens ) will likely add more pressure on our establishment for a compromise with our enemy just to secure the dignity of our nation.

About maternity leaves... well that issue is a non issue.
I will not want my government or my army to pull back from a decision because a issue like women's dignity is sprouted.
Did the American govt pull back after their woman pilot was taken POW in Iraq?
so why do you assume our govt would do so? I am sure those in the govt/MoD are not sissies.
Not to simply add them by something like reservation.
Nobody is asking for a quota here.
There should be no compromise on the training and selection part.
If the woman qualifies then she deserves a place in the combat unit.
Did the American govt pull back after their woman pilot was taken POW in Iraq?
so why do you assume our govt would do so? I am sure those in the govt/MoD are not sissies.

And the American government and our government are not same by any measure except being called democratically elected.

And the case for US and Iraq is not so valid.
After all we don't wage war for petrodollar.They couldn't have had quited even if GB was held captive.
And the American government and our government are not same by any measure except being called democratically elected.

And the case for US and Iraq is not so valid.
After all we don't wage war for petrodollar.They couldn't have had quited even if GB was held captive.
You're obfuscating.
No war has ever come to a halt because a woman was taken prisoner of war.
Most welcome news. Women should stand as equals whenever and wherever they have the means and will to do so.

I ll wait for the day when women are inducted as regulars in combat roles in Kashmir and other areas where we face insurgencies.

Off Topic but we have a curious case of gender subversion at our home itself these days with me being the stay at home dad and Mrs working. Though to be fair she has the worst of it as she has to re-do all the chores I have done on account me being so incompetent :p:.
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You're obfuscating.
No war has ever cothag a halt because a woman was taken prisoner of war.

Think about the effect of useless left liberals we have on our society now. And think about that situation, and what role our idiot citizens can play upon the decisevness of our establishment.

Don't compare US or Russia or China with India.

They have governments and society with little place and effect of left appeasing liberals.
They have governments and society with little place and effect of left appeasing liberals.
Merely because the govt can not control a few obnoxious mouths it should keep women out of combat roles?
Give me a better excuse.
Not because of them shouting. But because of them making a effect in governments working.
oh! So according to you if tomorrow likes of Kanhaiya organise "Indian army ko nikalo" movement, then the govt will 've to give in to their demands because it effects our government's functioning?
Ankit...you've lost the plot.
I'll give you a last chance to explain one GOOD reason why a woman should not be allowed in combat role.
Or lets just end the debate here.
@Levina @Ankit Kumar I agree with both of you. There is nothing holding back females from entering into the fighter stream, they will serve their country just as well as anyone else.

However, let's not ignore historical precedent. I'm sure we can all remember what was the fate of Captain Saurabh Kalia, some of the accounts of what happened to him are stomach churning. Fighting against an enemy who is willing to do that to a man, I don't want to think what would happen to a female in that position.

To wonder further down this sinister path, I would also say one could look at what happened to Private Jessica Lynch who was captured in the second Gulf war. The US military had intially tried to cover up what happened to her but it has now come out, in part, and it is truly horrifying.

I understand the women will say they are aware of the risks but the question is is our society (in terms of the global community) ready to accept such horrors? I'm not so sure.
oh! So according to you if tomorrow likes of Kanhaiya organise "Indian army ko nikalo" movement, then the govt will 've to give in to their demands because it effects our government's functioning?
Ankit...you've lost the plot.
I'll give you a last chance to explain one GOOD reason why a woman should not be allowed in combat role.
Or lets just end the debate here.

Well that's a pretty wrong assumption when one says effects of left liberals. Once we dig into matters which do not find a way into media , one realises how big the concern is.

Let me put up a small example from my city nd its vicinity. My state had everything to be Japan of India , but for Naxals.

BJP which promised to get hard on them has compromised on its statement. They are now appeasing the reds .

Do not think those reds of any kind of innocent.
My father is a teacher and he often gets election and other duties in interior areas of Jharkhand. And the people live there with nothing to say. Nothing means nothing but voter id. And each tribal out there who voted for BJP , did not voted for electricity or food or clothing, but only because BJP said it will get the naxals out.

But now in power, it is bending under pressure from almost a non existent left. Can you imagine the plight of people?

My poor state civilians mine coal so that people in Mumbai and Delhi get electricity, but here?
The total demand of electricity in my state is 1/10th of Delhi, we have 33%of coal mined in India and 45% by reserves, some big hydro power projects , India's largest Iron , Bauxite , Silver and rare earth metals deposits, not to forget Uranium.

But the BJP which is bending under " Liberal lefts " is making all that waste. Total waste.

On the second part, my only concern is the POW situation. And that our adversaries are some who believe that they are peaceful with big hearts but will do a Saurav Kalia on you if you dare do anything.
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