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Finally - The truth about Minorities in Pakistan surfaces

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You are acting like I said Pakistan was secular! When did I ever say that? You keep rambling on about pork.

I was saying about how India isn't secular. Don't brink Pak into this.

buddy u forget u r talking with indians.... Cheesy

This is the creature who are born to hate everyone, Their govt feeds them from their childhood tht their national duty is they have to spread hatrate other wise hindu terrorists will be upto them.....

the only thing make indians united is their hatrate against Pakistan...

soo please dont waste ur time with these poors frustrated souls, they dont have food, they dont have any shame & whtever u say this shame less indians will come up with new threads & try their best to spread hatrate & lies.

lol @ secularism in india:D we should put it in jokes thread:D
today if Indian consulate in pakistan says, india is open for any pakistanis to migrate 80% of pakistanis will apply to migrate. probabaly half of the forum members will also migrate.
today if Indian consulate in pakistan says, india is open for any pakistanis to migrate 80% of pakistanis will apply to migrate. probabaly half of the forum members will also migrate.
Day dreaming
And Christian people in Pakistan have never been used to pork.
this is the first time I am comming accros such a statement, Just do not contridict facts just to satisfy your ideology.
If a muslim does not eat pork, then as a country when you can make sure that the other religion have to follow your rule, why not INDIA.
India is secular, because we are a tolerant people be it Hindu, Muslim or Christian. If one says its not ok, the rest say ok lets not slaughter cows in open rather we will have it in our back yard. Eating beef is not a problem or an offence, but slaughtering cows in open is the problem and hence the ban.
buddy u forget u r talking with indians.... Cheesy

This is the creature who are born to hate everyone, Their govt feeds them from their childhood tht their national duty is they have to spread hatrate other wise hindu terrorists will be upto them.....

the only thing make indians united is their hatrate against Pakistan...

soo please dont waste ur time with these poors frustrated souls, they dont have food, they dont have any shame & whtever u say this shame less indians will come up with new threads & try their best to spread hatrate & lies.

lol @ secularism in india:D we should put it in jokes thread:D
sorry brother, we do not propagate pamplets against INDIA in our day to day life as your JuD does in your country.
And Hindu terrorism is the foolish phrase I have ever heared. The RSS and other organizations such as the Ramakrishna Mutt, etc are founded to make sure that Hinduism survives the ordeal of Abrahamic religion. Please correct your facts.
Its not INDIA that gets stronger by propagating hatred because we know this unity via Hatred for others will not even survive a century. On the other hand its PAKISTANs non governmental organizations such as the JuD that is doing this stuff and the Government of Pakistan is turing a blind eye to it.
And Hindu terrorism is the foolish phrase I have ever heared. The RSS and other organizations such as the Ramakrishna Mutt, etc are founded to make sure that Hinduism survives the ordeal of Abrahamic religion. Please correct your facts.

So, to ensure the "survival" of Hinduism, you have to commit genocide of Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, as India's past track-record shows?
Blog on express tribune.

Posted by Kapil Dev whose posting topics are 'Minorities,Constitution,Hindu,Hindus,Abduction'.

Pakistani minorities are not treated well in parts of Pakistan, especially rural Punjab and Sindh.
Otherwise, there are religious visits to Pakistan from other countries, especially by Sikhs.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
So, to ensure the "survival" of Hinduism, you have to commit genocide of Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, as India's past track-record shows?
Kindly show me one reference where in a genocide was commited by the RSS.
Please China is supporting SL in the resolution that is being brought up against them in Geneva for the War Crimes that it commited. You are not in a good position to talk about INDIA's history.

Let me explain you.

1982 - Sikh killing by Congress which is the most minority favouring party in INDIA does not work with RSS or Sang Parivar, etc.
Bari Mosque - BJP and RSS broguht down a mosque which was erected by Babar after destroing a RAM temple that was already there.
Gujarat Riot - Muslims killed 57 kar savaks in a train by buring them alive and sparking the riots. WHAT do you want the Hindus do? go and present flowers to the people who were responsible for the 57 lives burnt alive.
We strike back when we can no longer tolerate the killing of our men and women and children. Gujarat was a leason to both the Hindus and Muslims not to do such stupidity for future and 10 years have passed with out a riot in INDIA.
is this dialogue something they make you memorize in primary school (primary madrasa??) ? its your response to any argument or debate :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

needed to bro.. that was the only way ud understand my point.. and now that u understand, u conveniently leave..

anyway.. thanks for highlighting how minorities are really viewed in pak. Thanks for giving us a sneak inside peek! :D

Eh, u sure u Singaporean or not? Before u start making all of us lose face in this forum?? If u're one of those jokers who comes in here, 'makan' free PR and basket jump off to the US or any other 3rd country, stop putting up my country flag here can? knnbccb :sniper:

U wanna highlight **** issues on minorities..dude, go check up on Kashmir, Tamil Nadu.

Kashmir - You walked in there simply cos the maharaja signed over the region to your govt. Very good...is a normal thing that happens anyway. By right Kashmir is yours by that one simple act...except you are supposedly the largest democracy in the world. Which means, u r obliged from the very onset to conduct a referendum as soon as you could have done amongst the local populace to determine the fate of Kashmiris - which u conveniently did not do Rather u choose to point out similar problems in Pakistan's Balochistan and China's Xinjiang with the claim 'Hey!! they are no better, they are doing the same'. Difference is this - you claim to be a democracy, they didnt claim likewise, they operate by different rules. If u wanna claim to be a democracy, act like one.

But I see Indians throwing up this democracy claim as and when its convenient - Yeah China..of course they will have HSR fast, they will have rapidly expanding cities and infrastructure...we cant do the same cos we are a democracy. China can spend 60b on Olympics and we can only manage a measly 1.5b cos we are a democracy. Yet when it comes to Kashmir .........im still waiting for that bloody referendum.

Tamil Nadu - Don't even need to discuss this. When Kargil was going on, and the entire India was reporting this as the main issue, Tamil Nadu TV chose to focus on local state politics, giving Kargil less importance. Goes to show how much social cohesion u guys have achieved.

PS - I put the Indian flag up there because I'm proud of my culture, heritage and religion, none of which I'm dissing. And I hope India does well. But it certainly won't, as long as its plagued with people like u who are infected with false pride and false ego.
lmfaooooo @ the title and the article posted by indian of course
The truth is minorities be it ethnic or religious are not safe in Pakistan. Religious minorities have it worse especially Ahmadis. That being said South Asia as a whole is not safe for minorities.
My mother's side of the family is Christian and they have not faced any form of discrimination but it seems the rural areas of Pakistan are not safe for minorities. No self respecting Pakistani should ever forget Gojra and the Anti Ahmadi Riots.
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