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Finally, Musharraf had resigned



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Jan 20, 2008
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Sajjad Ahmad
18 Aug. 2008, Rawalpindi

Today, history of Pakistan had recorded another milestone into its books. Former Chief of Army Staff and The President of Pakistan General Pervaiz Musharraf (R) had announced his resignation during his speech to the nation.

9 years before, a democratically elected Prime Minister sacked General Pervaiz Musharraf (R) when he was in the air and did not allowed his aeroplane to land on Pakistani soil. But something else had already been decided between the top brass of military leadership. Like General Jahangir Karamat had been forced to resign in a disgusting way, the military commanders were not in the mood to allow another blunder of Nawaz Sharif. So military came into swing and cleared the runway for landing and takeover the country.

The first question, which rises in our minds, is that what were the reasons of blood less military coup in 1999? I personally believe that atleast this time, it was a democratically elected Prime Minister, by himself, who forced the military to sack him and take control of the country. All of us had seen Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf on TV saying that he will complete his tenure as Army Chief, while he was rounding the military positions in Siachen, couple of weeks before takeover. Now, the question is why the Army Chief had to say this? Because, he had already been informed that the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is going to do the same with him, what he had done with many others including the previous Army Chief. So, in my point of view, it had been collectively decided that the military will not allow another blunder of Nawaz Sharif and thus will not remain silent. The way, the military had sacked the government and takeover the country, it was clearly indicating that, at that time, the entire military leadership was with Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf and he was enjoying full support of military commanders for his decision to takeover the country.

Whatever the situation was on 12th of October 1999. He had seen tough time on one hand and on the other hand he gave tough time to the nation too. Tense situation on borders with India, 9/11 and then earthquake in Kashmir and NWFP province were few of the major challenges faced by him. None of these incidents had dealt with according to the will of the people of Pakistan. The lion of Kargal took defensive position in confrontation with India and since then Mr. Pervaiz Musharraf had entertained India more than it deserve, withdrawal of Pakistani support to Kashmiri freedom struggle, giving India more economic relaxations than Pakistan was enjoying as most favourite nation, providing India access in local market and access to Afghanistan through Wahgah border, instead of binding all its trade through Gwadar. He did not stopped here. He popped up with numerous un-popular options to resolve the dispute of Kashmir and even then he had managed to gain nothing from the Indians.

After 9/11, Pakistan had been forced to engage in so called war on terror. Which destabilised the country and for the first time in the history of the country. Pakistan had to deploy the forces in Northern areas. Mr. Pervaiz Musharraf always insisted that this war on terror is in the best interest of the country. But we, as common citizens, are totally unable to understand his point of view. For us, it was never a war on terror but an American war against Islam and Musalman countries and we are not killing the terrorists but our own brothers and sisters.

This story does not end here. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, Pakistan’s per capita fell below than India’s. It is for the first time that the buying capacity of Pakistani nation was lesser than the Indians. Poverty ratio went up like a bullet and it has become routine news in the Pakistani society that someone had committed suicide because of financial crises. Such kinds of things were always alien to Pakistani society. Property, petrol, household products, food and other necessities become too expensive for the people and they had to cut their food expenses to manage the funds available to them.

As now, he had resigned and most of the government officials are claiming that it is a victory of the nation. I believe that the nation deserve to celebrate this victory with their own way.

We should all aspect that the government will be bringing the prices down on earth, taking corrective measures to re-shape our Kashmir policy according to the will of the people of Pakistan and Jammu & Kashmir, limiting the access given to liberal forces, stopping the war against the ideology of Pakistan, bringing looted money back to Pakistan, setting up more Hydro power projects and will also order to stop military action in NWFP and Balochistan. So the people of Islamic Republic of Pakistan could enjoy a real victory.
One should take the resignation as positive way at least he resigned gracefully and it is the reality.

Success of present set up is in interest of Pakistan and its progress.


1) No other option at present, Military rule is ruled out for now. It is quite expensive to have another elections.
2) This leaders got elected under Musharraf, give these leaders a chance they also inherited lots of problems.

Firstly I have to be clear, I am French:smitten:, and as foreigner I do not want to be misunderstood, I have no lesson to give on how :pakistan:Pakistani People must do with their internal political affairs. Nor I want to judge any political on the way he came to power - After all politics is a dirty game, and consequently all politicians may have been involved in dirty trick to get the power. Even the cleanest one need to play dirty in order to do what he feels the best for his country.
What I find here, is that almost everybody outside Pakistan seems to be in favor of ousting Musharraf, but looking into motivation of these suporters, I grow doubts on their sincerity, and their will to help Pakistan.
For exemple, USA:usflag: wants him out, because he does entirely support anti-Al-Quaeda US policies, and US hope his subsitute would be more pro-USA in this area of the game. On other hand Al-Quaeda:guns: want him ou because they find him to close to USA...
But what...!!!
Are we naive enough to believe USA is really going to help Pakistan..?? USA are fighting a war in this area of the world to defends their own energy interests and requirements. Nothing else..
If President Musharraf is ousted by his own people, this is perfect, this is internal affair of a sovereign country - and no other one has to get involved.
On the contrary, if he ousted by political pressures, secret external intervention, he must receive the complete support of his nation to stand against it.
Please do not let anyone do to Pakistan what has been done to Iraq, in the name of freedom and democracy..

Kind regards
One should take the resignation as positive way at least he resigned gracefully and it is the reality.

Success of present set up is in interest of Pakistan and its progress.


1) No other option at present, Military rule is ruled out for now. It is quite expensive to have another elections.
2) This leaders got elected under Musharraf, give these leaders a chance they also inherited lots of problems.

Yes, it should be taken as positive change in politics. Must be considered as good example as someone left without creating political unstability.

The rest of them should act in the best interest of the country.

The first problem they will see is restoration of judiciary. I do not think that Zardari will comfortable with Iftikhar Ch. Hopefully, the rest of the Judiciary will be restored. But this Judicial crisis will cause breakup of ruling coalition. JUI will stay with Zardari and ANP might prefer to go with Nawaz.

So? Should we get ready for another political unrest? Aitazaz is well known secularist. And all other systems other than Islam will never like to see stability in Pakistan. As stability will be the death warrant to them. I am sure that Aitazaz, himself, would not willing to end this unrest.

Even Musharraf resigend, I am looking another general elections in short time. May be in a year or two maximum. What you say?

Firstly I have to be clear, I am French

Welcome to France. We know french contributions in our defence and we will never forget those french workers, who gave their lives in Karachi, couple of years ago.

After all politics is a dirty game

That is absolutely correct.

For exemple, USA wants him out, because he does entirely support anti-Al-Quaeda US policies, and US hope his subsitute would be more pro-USA in this area of the game. On other hand Al-Quaeda want him ou because they find him to close to USA...
But what...!!!
Are we naive enough to believe USA is really going to help Pakistan..?? USA are fighting a war in this area of the world to defends their own energy interests and requirements. Nothing else..
If President Musharraf is ousted by his own people, this is perfect, this is internal affair of a sovereign country - and no other one has to get involved.
On the contrary, if he ousted by political pressures, secret external intervention, he must receive the complete support of his nation to stand against it.
Please do not let anyone do to Pakistan what has been done to Iraq, in the name of freedom and democracy..

Kind regards

Very well said. Well it looks more than internal game than external prssure. I meant that, though, USA may be interested in more pro-USA person. But the fact is that he had got many political enemies inside Pakistan. And they way he behaved in his recent visits to Sindh and Balochistan sparked anger to government. But, still, you can not ignore foriegn involvment.

The important point is that if you do not have a dress for yourself. Everybody will try to their own dresses to you. Nobody will ask you tell us about your own dress and we will make one for you.
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